
Prime Vampire

Check out my new novel Players Era: The system! ±±± In a world created by seven gods named Ethernasia, a mortal named Kyle and a goddess fell in love with each other. They lived happily until one day Kyle was assassinated due to the plot of two Gods jealous of him. Saddened by her lover's death the Goddess performed a forbidden spell on him, bringing his lover back from the deaths. However, Kyle who was brought back had changed, he was not human anymore, he became something entirely different from any existing races. He was the first of his race, a vampire. The Prime Vampire, sadly his lover became his first victim. Two thousand years later he was now coming back to Ethernasia (the world created by the seven Gods). The world that he once knew changed completely, people changed as well, still, Kyle's goal has not changed, his goal to live peacefully and leisurely with his loved ones had not changed even in this New World. Can Kyle easily achieve his goal? Read to know. This is Kyle's Life story, the story of his women and his fights until he achieved his goals. =============================================== Hello. I'm a new author, this is my first Original book. I hope you will be interested and read it. Also, English is not my first language, sorry in advance for any misspelled words or bad grammar, don't worry the story is interesting and I promise I will quickly improve. So, give this book a chance. Chapters Words are between 700~3000 words. The picture on the cover is not mine, it looks like one of my characters. Kyle the MC. I can take it down if it bothers. To know what happened before the MC came, you need to read Prime Vampire Avant, it's below. Check my second book: Death Guns in Another world as well.

Nickaido · Fantasy
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130 Chs

Chapter 112: An Angry Snow

Hearing Angel's words I smiled, I don't have time for her now but I will make sure to talk with the girl later, the look in her eyes told me a lot. The girl has fallen for me. I'm lucky to have all these girls falling for me. I must make sure to cherish all of them, not neglecting none of them. I'll make sure to love all of them in my own way.

Time to talk about serious things. Locking eyes with Angel I said ''As a family head I ought to tell you what you have become. You're not human anymore, to be more accurate you're a vampire.''

When I spoke until there I stopped and observed Angel's reaction, no their reactions but firstly let talk about Angel, I was surprised that she didn't react as I was expecting her to. Hell, I thought she would have shown at least some kind of reaction besides being a little surprised, some kind of disgust because the way the other races relate us, you can't help and see us as some kind of abomination.

Well, I was surprised by her reaction that all. Whether she cried of disgust or refuse to accept this outcome doesn't matter because what is done can't be undone. Smiling I said,

''You are taking this too simply aren't you?"

Shrugging her shoulders Angel answered,

''Well, I was surprised by the news. I don't care about what I've become if it means that I'll be with you. If I'm a vampire this would mean you're not human to begin. You're some kind of high ranking vampire for you to be able not to fear the sun. A pretty high ranked Vampire if my guess isn't wrong.''

Eh! This girl is sure something. Well, the first time we talked I knew she was lonely, she wants something to lean on, in that damned place she felt unwanted. Finally, she saw a place where she felt she belongs.

''Pretty much but not entirely true. Let's not dwell on this matter for now. How do you feel?" I asked her, she was not wrong I'm indeed a higher rank vampire, the first Vampire, I'm their God, their creator so to speak. I'm not going to tell her that, though.

Glancing at Snow, she just smiled. From her Ice blue eyes, I could see that she already had an idea of what my race was. Thinking about it now there was that time I bite her when we were making love. At the same moment when I was thinking that Snow caressed her white neck as if remembering something.

Shaking my head I focused my attention on Angel.

''Well, now that you asked I feel powerful. My senses became sharper. Even being bathed in the sunlight like this, it feels a little ticklish that's all. I'm perfectly fine, I don't feel thirsty. Does that mean I'm a high-rank vampire?'' Angel explained before raising a question at the end.

''I see that good. As for your question, let's say it's pretty much that. You can be considered a high-rank vampire. Let's move to the current pressing issues. Because your race's change your previous golden eyes are replaced by a set of red eyes. See for yourself.''

I showed her the color of her current eyes.

''Waouh! These red eyes match yours. It's cool, I want to keep it forever. Show everyone my beautiful eyes.'' Angel says with an enamored expression.

This girl, I shook my head while Snow rolled her eyes. Rubbing my forehead I asked ''That won't do. We will change it back. How are you going to explain to others your change?''

As if cold water has been poured over her head, Angel smiling face vanished and was replaced by a pouting face as she says acting like a spoiled child.

''I don't care and don't want to change it. I want to keep my eyes even it means people will start questioning me on why my golden eyes became red eyes. Let them talk all they want, it is not like I care about what people's saying anyway.''

I knew she would say something like this however I can relent here, it would be a little troublesome if people start questioning her, her father would like to know what happened to his daughter, they may come to learn about what she has become.

It not like I fear what troubles it would bring but I came back only to live leisurely as possible, so I don't want to deal with too many troublesome things that can disrupt my life. If I want I could become this World God after showing my strength but everything comes with a price, if I were to do that, people who worship you will start demanding miracles and I bet it will become troublesome. Hell, I don't want that, I just want to live happily with my girls not going around showing how powerful am I, I'm not an attention seeker. What I sought is a happy and peaceful life far away from troublesome things.

While I was lost in thoughts, Snow's complexion changed when she heard Angel's words.

''Listen little girl. Sometimes one must take into accounts the situation around you, all the parties involved before acting selfishly. Did you take into account what troubles it would bring if people start questioning you? What your father will say? What troubles would befall Kyle if people know what you have become?"

Angel put on a dumbfounded expression, she couldn't retort at all.

As for me, I didn't say anything nor I tried to stop Snow who was fuming inside. Better let her vent a little bit of her frustration. Others may have not noticed it but I'm different, I know her character a little bit, I came to learn how to read her emotions even with that expressionless face she wore. She was pissed when Angel jumped at me after waking up. In doing so, Angel had put an end to Snow's quality time with me, it was normal that she would be angry. Now that Angel was acting like a spoiled child who wouldn't listen to anything, Snow became furious, so she decided not to be gentle with the spoiled girl.

Angel couldn't stare at Snow in the eyes, therefore she seeks me out, however, I shrugged my shoulders, indicating that I would not interfere. Angel look pitifully at me, even so, I didn't say anything.

Clearly, angry Snow continued unbothered by the fact that Angel had not answered her questions, instead she sought my attention.

''Don't be selfish here because in doing so you'll be putting Kyle in danger and if Kyle is in danger us his women will also be in danger. Therefore you ought to carefully think before acting like a spoiled child. Nobody is going to spoil you if it means putting our man and us in danger. Obediently listen to what he has to say and follow his instructions or else next time we won't be having a peaceful talk as we do now, I'll be beating you instead. I'll knock some sense in you. Am I clear?"

Snow asked eyes narrowed dangerously, she releases a bit of her power thus intimidating Angel who knew it was better to listen than acting spoiled here decided to listen to Snow. She was not her match even with her newly gained strength.

''Don't worry Big sister Snow. I understand, I'll obediently listen to Kyle. I will not try to act selfishly anymore. Sorry, for the trouble. Sorry, Kyle, please forgive me. I'm waiting for your explanation on how we should proceed to conceal my current eyes.'' Angel answered weakly, she didn't dare to look at Snow in the eyes when she talked.

''It's good that you understand. Be more prudent from now on.'' Snow's tone softened as she said.

I smiled looking at the two, Snow's anger seems to have calmed down after she admonished Angel.

''Okay, girls let sit and talk no need to continue standing,'' I said.


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