
Prime Vampire

Check out my new novel Players Era: The system! ±±± In a world created by seven gods named Ethernasia, a mortal named Kyle and a goddess fell in love with each other. They lived happily until one day Kyle was assassinated due to the plot of two Gods jealous of him. Saddened by her lover's death the Goddess performed a forbidden spell on him, bringing his lover back from the deaths. However, Kyle who was brought back had changed, he was not human anymore, he became something entirely different from any existing races. He was the first of his race, a vampire. The Prime Vampire, sadly his lover became his first victim. Two thousand years later he was now coming back to Ethernasia (the world created by the seven Gods). The world that he once knew changed completely, people changed as well, still, Kyle's goal has not changed, his goal to live peacefully and leisurely with his loved ones had not changed even in this New World. Can Kyle easily achieve his goal? Read to know. This is Kyle's Life story, the story of his women and his fights until he achieved his goals. =============================================== Hello. I'm a new author, this is my first Original book. I hope you will be interested and read it. Also, English is not my first language, sorry in advance for any misspelled words or bad grammar, don't worry the story is interesting and I promise I will quickly improve. So, give this book a chance. Chapters Words are between 700~3000 words. The picture on the cover is not mine, it looks like one of my characters. Kyle the MC. I can take it down if it bothers. To know what happened before the MC came, you need to read Prime Vampire Avant, it's below. Check my second book: Death Guns in Another world as well.

Nickaido · Fantasy
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130 Chs

Chapter 111: Angel P. Nexus Last Part

Nickaido's here for some clarifications. A reader pointed out that the MC act like scum, he fuck women he just met and didn't ask about them anymore. Well, there is no Romance it's to say. All girls fall for him for no reason and Bam! sex. I thank him for the opinion, I appreciate it.

Sorry if I did not explain more about the relationships. First of all: Emea (Emia) were previously lovers so there is no need to explain about them further, at least not here. How they know each other will be explained in the Prequel book: Prime Vampire Ex, already out, I'm working on it.

Nui is Emea's best friend, she had a crush on Kyle since the first time she saw him in the past (When he comes into their real after Emea's death, even before that when she observed her best friend love life.) Finally, after informing the girl they gave their authorization because they were aware of her feelings.

Crown Princess Kaguya Mio Sakura became interested in Kyle after seeing him for the first time. Kyle had something special about him and being a strong woman who knows what she wants Kaguya didn't hesitate to start a relationship with him because she knew he was the one she was waiting for.

Snow: She is a mutated beast who has attained God Tier Cultivation (Level 0) thus gained human appearance. Even with this she still thinks like a mutated beast. When a mutated beast chooses a mate it's for life, to produce offspring. The mutated beast does not need love, they only need their mate to be stronger than them. After Kyle bested her, Snow immediately chooses him as her mate. Later after making love, Kyle explained to her that he will make her fall for him, at the same time she will do the same thing. Kyle did not want a loveless relationship. Snow accepted.

Nemesis Morningstar: She knew Kyle in the past when he saved her and her father, she falls for him there. She even openly showed it, yet Kyle refused her advances because he was waiting for Emea. Finally, he accepted her after coming back and talked with Emea.

Luna Morningstars: In her case, it was love at first sight. Let's say she was in a dark tunnel waiting for a light, the light that could save her, and when she saw Kyle he was like that light.

Xiao Qingye: Xiao Qing'er twin's sister is like Kaguya but not totally. She shows that she is interested in Kyle but wants him to make the first move. She isn't against the idea of sharing him with the other girls.

Angel Nexus: She is a pitiful girl who didn't like being born as royalty. She has nobody, she was in the research of someone to lean on. When Kyle flirted with her and promised to take her it warmed her heart. From that day on, she started falling for him.

Jasmine Rhea Yydrassil: The headmistress of the Heaven Manor Academy. In her case, it was curiosity that got the better of her. She fell into Kyle's trap. Finally, she accepted her fate as his woman after some circumstances.

Sorry, if the relationship seemed a bit rushed, my bad, I'm a novice. I'm trying to improve. Romance may not be great now, I'll try to make it more natural. All the girls while have their time. If you have read this volume title you should know that it was a question of Kaguya (My preferred FL).

There will be no more added (new girl) for while.

Let's make something clear, some say why every girl seems to fall for the MC for no reason, that not true. They fall for his charm, for his beauty. Let's not forget that the man in question is a Vampire, we both know that vampires are like women's magnets. It seems that they are especially created to attract women to them with their charm and Kyle is the first Vampire, it is to say a Vampire God, naturally, women will easily fall for him.

Also, not all women are interested in becoming his woman. Eleonora, the Wind Elf Princess, for example, Delia, Nui's friend, the Dark Elf is another example, Andrea is also the same.

All the girls while have their time with the MC. Sorry for the long text I hope it clear some of your questions. This novel is not perfect I know that myself, it's my first book, I'm novice be a little lenient with me. I'll improve to provide a better story.

As for the lack of information on the world, settings don't worry with Prime Vampire Ex out, everything will fall in place.

Like French's people love to say. 'Je Vous laisse'



~Angel POV

Few days after the second year started, a rumor began to circulate. It was said that there was an extremely handsome boy who got transferred into the second year S class. This young man could be considered the most handsome youth of the entire academy.

I was interested in seeing this young man, unfortunately, I went on a mission outside of the academy and when I came I learned that the handsome young man had bested my Big brother Leon and Luxor, the Crown prince of the Luxon. I was really surprised learning this news, this young man must be really powerful if he managed to beat these two geniuses. Some even called him the Crimson King because of his unusual eyes.

I became more interested in the man. I was eagerly anticipating our encounter but I would have never thought we will encounter each other like that. The shameless bastard even stole my first kiss on that day, still, he had that charm that drew you to him, it was natural. Without knowing why I started telling my story. I was even surprised by my behavior, still, I didn't regret it one bit because I was interested in the man.

Unaware at that time, I had slowly starting to fall for him. I was always thinking of him, thinking about his lips against mine, the feeling of his chest against mine.

Finally, I became aware of my feelings, I want him to be mine. Only mine, there was a rumor saying he came especially at the academy for the twin Emea and Emia Luxon, the most beautiful girls of the academy, even Kaguya and Nemesis, the girl who came after him were in love with him. I didn't believe it even when I saw his fiancée, the White-haired girl. No, I didn't want to believe it.

However, sometimes reality is cruel, on our new mission I came to learn the truth, Kyle already had several women, at least seven girls were going out with him, all of them had already lost their virginity to him. When I saw how the girls were gossiping about him, his prowess on the bed, it was like my world crumbled. It hurts so much that I almost ran from there, yet I couldn't bring myself to leave, if I were to leave, It would have meant that I admit defeat, something I didn't want.

Later I was paired with Snow, the said fiancée, she was not the talkative type, we chatted along the way. I even lied telling her a story about a certain girl I had read in a book. I asked her opinion, she gave it, telling me if it was her she will accept going out with the man who had several women already.

It didn't ring well with me, for me, the one I love must only have me, no other woman was allowed to share him with me. I even thought I should make Kyle leave his other women after making fall completely for me. I knew it was selfish for me to think like that but I must think about my happiness disregarding other people's feelings.

As if reading through me, Snow said if I was thinking like that it meant I was naïve, naïve because if the man left his other women for you be sure he will do the same thing with you when another woman more interesting than you would show up.

I felt ashamed of myself, I quickly discarded this thought. After chatting a while with Big sister Snow, yes I came to respect the stoic White-haired girl, she left because she had something to take care of.

Once alone I started thinking about my next course of action. I was still unsure if I could agree with the idea of sharing Kyle. I'm an extremely jealous type of woman, hence it will be difficult.

'What should I do? I want to see you, Kyle.' I thought, missing him more and more.

Suddenly, I heard a rustling sound followed by the voices of two males, males voices I recognized.

''Fuck, that bastard I'm sure he was behind our men disappearances. Bastard, since he showed nothing seems to work.'' My Big brother Leon said.

''Calm down Leon. We must think carefully or else we will make another mistake. We must carefully deal with this unknown variable known as Kyle.'' Luxor advised.

''Shut up Luxor, I want the twins no matter what. That bastard Kyle must be kill-"

I didn't let him finish as I shouted ''Stop calling bastard, you're the one. You are an assassin.''

I don't know what got into me but I could not stay still when hearing the man I love being insulted. I bet everyone will react exactly as I do if there was in my place.

''Who is there?" Luxor asked before he and Leon gazes zeroed right on me.

Grinning evilly my Big brother Leon said, ''Oh? Isn't it my cowardly little sister? Since when you dare to talk back to me like that?''

''Don't talk about Kyle like that. He's not a bastard like you. He's worthy of the girls than a cheap mommy's boy like you.'' I replied while looking directly into his eyes.

Luxor's eyes became wide open, he was surprised by my words while Leon's face morphed into something extremely sinister hearing my words.

There was a dangerous glint that appeared inside his golden eyes, it sent a chill running down my spine, I froze in place.

With a voice that sounds that it was coming straight from hell, Leon said ''It is that so? Die then.''

''Wait Leon don't b-"

Not letting Luxor finish his words Leon attacked me with his strongest attack.

Too scared to move, no I couldn't move even if I wanted to, his white lightning pierced my heart. My world darkened, I knew I was going to die, I didn't hear anything, everything was darkness.

'Ah! I guess I die then. Too bad I couldn't see you again to convey my feelings. I'm fine with sharing you with the other girls even if it still a little uncomfortable, I'll do my best. I love you, Kyle.' That was my last thought before darkness shrouded me completely.

After what seemed like an eternity I heard something calling me, it was crimson, seeing this crimson light I felt a serene and blissful feeling, basking in this crimson light I knew I was saved. Somehow this crimson light remains me of Kyle's beautiful crimson eyes, basking in the crimson light I left myself go and slept peacefully.

When I opened my eyes again I saw Kyle sitting while Snow was sitting on his lap, for a moment I felt jealous therefore I jumped and took Snow's place.

Kyle caressed my head before asking me to tell him what happened, so I told him what happened after Big sister Snow left.

For a moment there was a murderous glint in his eyes yet it quickly disappeared, looking at me he announced,

''As you may have noticed you've still alive but you different from the previous you. As part of me, I'll add another name to your already existing one. From now on you're Angel Prime Nexus, Welcome in the Prime's family.''

With a warm smile, Kyle finished his words.

Ba-Dump Ba-Dump !!

My heart started beating furiously like he said I noticed that I have changed, I was not a human anymore, I became strong, my senses became sharper, if I were to face Leon again I can say with conviction that I'll beat him in his strongest state in barely fifty moves.

I don't care about what I've become if it means I'll be with the one I love, called blindness if you want, my answer would be: Love is blind, to begin with. I'm not a love guru but I can say that it doesn't take much for someone to fall in love, for me Love is like gunpowder, you just need a spark to ignite it and Kyle had succeeded in igniting my love for him.

With a beautiful smile in turn I said ''Take care of me from now on, Family's head.''


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Don't forget to check my second original book: Death Guns in Another World.

Nickaido's here with my longest chapter since prologue 1. Well, 700 words are about me rambling. Still, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Let's me know if you did by voting massively.

See you in the next chapter who was already on the way.

Nickaidocreators' thoughts