
Chapter 2. -Of the Mystic Arts-

(Aiden' POV)

I've always entertained the notion of magic being real, but now, faced with this phantasmagorical situation, I'm filled with doubt more than ever. Sure, Zatara is a sorcerer, and a skilled one at that. And yes, I'm witnessing the Justice League battling against Wotan, a dark force threatening the world.

But what about me?

Why do I have this nagging sensation that I possess mystical abilities?

No, it's not just a sensation; it's a certainty. Aside from feeling the mystical energy coursing through my body, I have these vivid memories of skillfully using these very abilities.

It's as if... I've done this before?

But have I?

Have I ever conjured a shield to deflect a barrage of falling rocks? Or manipulated constructs to divert danger away from me?

I don't recall ever doing so.

So, how do I possess this knowledge?

But there's an even bigger question looming over me. What am I doing wearing a Sling Ring on my middle finger? How did it come to be there?

And the Cloak? The uniform? The relic hanging from my chest???

"Should I trust it?" I mull over to myself. "Should I believe that I wield the powers of the Master of the Mystic Arts?"

"What if I'm mistaken?" I contemplated. "Doctor Strange doesn't exist in DC. Neither do his Cloak, Eye of Agamotto, or what I presumed to be his Sling Ring."

It's one enigma after another. First, the realization dawns upon me that I've somehow crossed over into the DC universe. And now, I'm grappling with the startling revelation that I may possess the abilities of a Sorcerer Supreme dubbed the Master of the Mystic Arts.

But amidst the confusion and uncertainty, one thing remains clear - none of it is fake. 

I had seen and talked to the Flash himself. That's not something to get over with quickly. But I didn't know how long this would last.

"I would rather make the most out of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity than waste it pondering over its authenticity," I resolved within myself.

High above the desolate cityscape, the Justice League clashed with Wotan, a formidable foe deeply entrenched in the dark arts and ancient mysticism.

Amidst the chaotic battleground, Wotan's physical form was barely discernible - a silhouette adorned with black hair, light blue skin, and a menacing ensemble of red attire obscured by a billowing black cloak. Though his features remained obscured, the intensity of his red eyes hinted at the malevolence that fueled his power in my mind.

And then, a realization dawned upon me - an explanation for my inexplicable presence in this world. Perhaps it was the handiwork of high and powerful beings in the Crossover.

In moments of dire need, they may have bestowed upon me these powers and knowledge, entrusting me with the task of aiding the Justice League in their battle against Wotan. (This totally happened and you can't deny it because it's a behind-the-scenes anyway. lol).

It was a crazy idea, sure. But in a world where superheroes and supervillains duke it out on the regular, anything's possible, right?

"I guess I should join in and knock some sense into Wotan," I muttered to myself, pushing aside the whirlwind of emotions swirling within me - excitement, anxiety, and that persistent question of "Why me?" Maybe I hadn't asked for this, but I sure as heck wasn't going to stand idly by and watch the bad guy have his way.

It felt almost blasphemous, you know? Here I was, barely seconds into a battle of epic proportions between good and evil, and suddenly my whole philosophy on the subject seemed to be crumbling before my eyes. 

But when it came down to it, I realized the choice was simple — either stay open-minded and risk getting crushed by Wotan, or recognize him for the evil threat he was and take action to stop him before he did any more damage.

With the Cloak of Levitation draped around my shoulders, I anticipated my first obvious move in joining the battle - flight. With a subtle leap into the air, I attempted to command the Cloak to levitate, bending one leg in preparation.

"Mh? Strange," I muttered to myself as I found myself unexpectedly falling back to the ground. "I have vivid memories of conjuring Eldritch constructs with a golden-yellow hue, but it seems I don't know how to fly. So does the Cloak?"

Frustratingly, it appeared that the gravity in this unfamiliar DC realm was not cooperating with the Cloak's levitation abilities either.

Refusing to dwell on my initial failure, I turned to my next option — portals.

"I suppose it's more dramatic if I suddenly appear out of nowhere and blow his brains out with a Power Fist," I mused, conjuring an image of surprise and confusion on his face as I launched my attack.

Drawing upon the power of the Sling Ring, I focused on forming an Eldritch circle before me, the air crackling with energy as the portal began to take shape. The prospect of consciously manifesting something out of thin air filled me with a sense of exhilaration, my imagination fixated on the sky above where Wotan awaited.

As the circle neared completion, I anticipated seeing the portal open before me, ready to transport me to my desired location. But instead, my vision was met with the sight of the same fallen rocks that had been there all along - the very ones that had nearly crushed me.

With a sense of disappointment, I dismissed the incomplete portal and tried again, only to encounter the same result.

"It seems I'm not creating portals, but rather circular constructs," I observed with a sigh of frustration, doubting whether I really possessed the powers of Doctor Strange. "Some Master of the Mystic Arts I am."

However, I chose not to dwell on this disappointment either.

"If constructs are what I've got, then constructs are what I'll use," I muttered determinedly, my brow furrowed in concentration as I scanned the cityscape from my vantage point below, searching for a way to insert myself into the heart of the battle.

With a clear image forming in my mind, I focused my thoughts on visualizing the path I would take to get to the building top they were now fighting on. 

"A makeshift staircase with several steps that will launch me to a construct hook there..." I muttered to myself, envisioning the steps propelling me upward with enough force to reach a higher vantage point.

But then I hesitated, uncertainty creeping in as I considered the next step in my plan. "Then a mmmhh... I bet I could swing and land close to that rooftop, then force myself to the top?" I speculated, the uncertainty evident in my voice as I weighed the risks and potential pitfalls of my intended course of action.

Realistically, it was a risky maneuver, one that required precise timing and coordination to execute successfully. There were countless variables to consider — wind speed, the stability of my constructs, the distance to the rooftop, and my own physical capabilities.

But there was no time for hesitation or doubt. With a deep breath to steady my nerves, I made a split-second decision to trust in my abilities and take the leap of faith.

As a way to distract myself from my madness, I started to formulate a concrete attack plan. With Wotan's formidable experience and power, I couldn't afford to rely solely on the brute force of weapon constructs such as daggers and swords. I needed to outsmart him, to use my imagination and creativity to gain the upper hand, or overpower him with my prowess.

My heart palpitated as I deftly manipulated constructs, swiftly maneuvering my way to the tops of the city buildings. A wave of excitement washed over me as I discovered my uncanny physical abilities.

"I don't remember being this strong," I observed, reaching the top while observing Wotan clashing with a Green Lantern.

My mind wandered to a scene, making me wonder if my Eldritch constructs could match the level of Green Lantern constructs. Shields were obviously okay, but unless I used a spell, they were not as strong as the barriers Green Lanterns erected.

Green Lanterns could establish complex creations like jets, imbuing them with functionality. However, a sense of doubt gnawed at me as I contemplated replicating such feats. "I may possess the powers, but they feel limited," I muttered, extending my hand to channel my magic. "Yet, for this moment, it should suffice to suppress Wotan."

Harnessing Eldritch energy through the Sling Ring, I envisioned a makeshift catapult materializing beneath my feet, drawing inspiration from the slingshots in a popular mobile game.

With a sharp inhalation, I propelled myself into the fray, hurtling toward the heart of the battle like a projectile. The rush of wind accompanied my flight, intensifying as I closed the distance to confront Wotan. Yet, before I could engage him, he unleashed a swift attack, targeting the entire Justice League members all at once and reactivating the Amulet of Wotan.

To my surprise and delight, the Cloak of Levitation acted autonomously, subtly diverting me from Wotan's assault — showing it was functional.

With calculated timing, I released the construct securing me and allowed the remaining momentum to guide my trajectory. As I prepared to retaliate, formulating a plan to bind and weaken Wotan, a surge of darkness emanated from the Amulet, signaling his ascent to a new level of power.


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