
Prime: Mystic Arts in DC

"Step aside and witness the true meaning of Young Justice," Aiden Cross. --- In a world where the boundary between good and evil blurs, sixteen-year-old Aiden finds himself thrust into the heart of it all. Rescued from impending danger by the sorcerer Giovanni Zatara, Aiden's ordinary existence takes a dramatic turn as he uncovers latent powers within himself. "Master of the Mystic Arts?" Aiden ponders, feeling the knowledge, wisdom, and experience stir within him. He recognizes the Cloak, the Eye, and the Sling Ring, contemplating whether to join the ongoing conflict between the Justice League and Wotan. However, his journey is far from smooth, and his transformation is one of Cosmic evolution as he teaches DC what it truly means to be a Sorcerer Supreme and the Undisputed Master of the Mystic Arts. ~Prime

SorcererPrime · Movies
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14 Chs

Chapter 1. Dawn of the Master-

(Aiden's POV)

In the grand scheme of things, the whole "good versus evil," "black versus white" debate has always felt a bit oversimplified to me. Like, it's never that cut and dry, you know? It's more like... a matter of perspective, I guess.

Growing up, I was surrounded by stories where the hero always triumphed over the villain, where everything was neatly categorized into right and wrong. But the older I got, the more I realized that life isn't like that. It's messy, complicated, full of gray areas.

Take heroes, for example. Sure, they do great things, but they're not perfect. They make mistakes, they have their own flaws and doubts. And villains? Well, they're not all bad either. Behind their actions, there's often a story of pain or desperation. It makes you wonder, are they really evil, or just victims of circumstance?

I'm 16 years old now and--...I'm sixtee..I'm..si-x-..

What's going on with me?

I'm feeling strange.

Am I going in circles?

Why is my body so warm and energetic?

I had just turned in to sleep a few hours ago, but my philosophical thinking wouldn't let me go to sleep. But despite all the strange things I have thought about in all these years, I have never felt this way...

Feeling like I'm hanging on to the Bullet Train (Shinkansen) going with speeds close to 200 miles per hour.

And what's that light I see?

Last time I checked, my room is always dark when I tuck in for a desperately needed good night sleep. So, where is the light coming from?

I had started to drift into slumber. I don't want to open my eyes. It will take me another several hours before I can even begin to doze off again. But I have to check.

Something strange is happening to me.

I don't feel the comfort of my bed anymore. It's like, someone or something moved me.

"Look out!"

Was that someone shouting at me?

Startled by the warning, my eyes snapped open to a startling sight.

What's that dark energy hurtling toward me?!

As panic surged through me, I felt a strong grip seize my arm and pull me away from the impending danger. I caught a glimpse of his distinct top hat as he swiftly maneuvered, positioning himself between me and the oncoming threat. It felt like he was protecting me on instinct.

But then, something unexpected happened. Instead of being blasted away, he seemed to somehow repel the attack, almost effortlessly. It was like watching something out of a movie.

"Young man," he said, his voice cutting through the chaos. His hands formed a sort of shield in front of him, shielding us from harm. His accent had a hint of Italian charm to it, adding to the surrealness of the moment.

"Nice costume, but I don't think this is a fight you can handle," he remarked, his gaze steady despite the chaos around us.

Costume? I was taken aback. What did he mean by that?

"Get somewhere safe," he urged. His hand gestured and I suddenly found myself levitating and then swiftly propelled away to a safer distance.

Before I could fully comprehend what was happening, his voice echoed in the tumult, a call for assistance that hinted at a world far beyond my understanding. "Zatara to Justice League. The sorcerer Wo-..." His words faded into the mayhem as the construct he'd used to propel me dissolved, leaving me to plummet back to reality with a painful thud.

The impact jolted me, wrenching me back to the harsh truth of the situation. This was no dream. This was real. And somehow, I had found myself thrust into the midst of it all, right here in DC.

My eyes darted toward my savior, confirming what I could scarcely believe. There he stood, unmistakable in his presence - Giovanni Zatara from DC — evading attacks from a figure hovering menacingly in the sky, preparing to engage in a battle that would require the entire Justice League.

Stunned as I watched the scene unfold before me, my mind raced to make sense of it all. Thoughts of good and evil, once so abstract, now collided with the stark reality unfolding above.

"Is that-?!" I barely managed to choke out the words, my voice a mix of disbelief and horror. "Wotan?!"

"Holly shmuck! Why am I in the middle of this madness?" As I muttered to myself those words, a deafening crash echoed through the air as Zatara's mystic shield shattered under the force of Wotan's Eldritch Blast.

Zatara let out a pained groan as the blast struck him, sending him hurtling into a nearby stone building, mere feet from where I sat on the ground.

Before I could complete processing everything that was going on, I heard the ominous sound of crumbling stone above me. With a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, I looked up just in time to see a cascade of broken rocks hurtling towards me. Panic seized me, my limbs frozen in fear as I realized there was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.

Time didn't do me the favour of slowing down as the fragments descended upon me with terrifying speed. Each shard seamed to be directed by gravity to where I had landed, a deadly rain threatening to engulf me entirely.

In that moment, all I could do was squeeze my eyes shut and raise my hands to my head as I awaited the inevitable impact.


(General POV)

The impact from Wotan's Eldritch blast had sent Zatara crashing into a pile of rubble, a precarious situation that would have spelled doom if not for his quick reflexes and adept use of magic barriers. Having faced off against mystical threats akin to Wotan for over a decade, Zatara had honed his skills enough to navigate through high-profile battles like this one with a semblance of survival.

Yet, despite his experience, the immortal Wotan remained a formidable adversary, and Zatara could feel the weight of his might bearing down on him. Thankfully, he had called in the Justice League for backup.

"I still need to buy time and prevent him from accessing the Amulet of Aten," Zatara muttered to himself, recalling Wotan's nefarious mission to plunge the world into darkness by blotting out the sun.

Gathering his resolve, Zatara stood up and made his way to the edge of the building, ready to engage in the fray once more. His expression was etched with concern as he glanced down at the spot where a hail of crumbled rocks had fallen, burying the young man he had recently rescued.

A pang of sadness washed over him as he contemplated the fate of the young bystander. Unless the young man possessed superhuman abilities, surviving such an onslaught seemed unlikely. Moreover, despite the heroic attire the young man wore, his bewildered expression hinted at his civilian origins.

"Perhaps he was just a regular civilian dressed up as Superman," Zatara thought to himself, the sorrow weighing heavy on his heart. "But then again, Superman is adored by most."

However, Zatara's spirits lifted as he witnessed a miraculous sight. The broken rocks began to levitate, surrounded by a golden-yellow aura, before heavily falling aside as the young man looked up, a mixture of astonishment and relief crossing his features.

"Huh, I guess he wasn't wearing that costume for nothing," Zatara chuckled to himself, acknowledging the unexpected heroism of the utterly bewildered young man below.

But suddenly, a strange sensation gripped him, drawing his attention to something on the young man's right hand—the origin of the golden-yellow glow.

"Magic?" Zatara mused, his eyebrows furrowing in intrigue. "Incredibly potent magic, at that."

However, he didn't have the luxury of dwelling on it further, for Wotan was already well underway with his nefarious plan.

The first to arrive at the scene was the Flash (Barry), streaking through the streats with a blur of red and gold. With a cocky grin and wink, he skidded to stop close to the bewildered young man on the ground.

"Got any snacks on you? Nice colours by the way." He asked and complemented him and looked up to where Zatara was losing to Wotan. The young man shocked beyond comprehension shook his head as reality continued to sink in. Not only was this a world of superheroes and supervillains! (...and sidekicks? + underlings, lol), but he had awakened some mysterious abilities within.

"You don't look so well, but I gotta supply my lightning-fast fists." Flash said and used his speed to move along the building. "I'll be back in a flash to check on you."

Next came the beacon of hope (Man of Steel) who cautiously engaged Wotan, only applying his long-range attacks.

Following closely behind was the Batwing (racing against Supes). Inside were the Dark Knight (pilot), with the Green Arrow and you-know-who (Black Canary). Aquaman, Red Tornado, and, the Martian Manhunter were inside too. 

The Green Lantern duo were not ones to fall behind, and the powerhouse, Captain Marvel (Shazam), was right beside them while measuring the divine speed of Mercury.

Hawkman and Hawkgirl swooped down from the skies, their wings slicing through the air as they brought their ancient weapons to bear against the enemy, and The Amulet of Aten.

Wonder Woman, the embodiment of Amazonian strength and grace, emerged from the shadows, her lasso of truth prepared to face Wotan head-on.

Last to debut was Captain Atom (the End of the World), adding another layer of strength to the League's ranks. With the full might of the Justice League assembled, Wotan stood no chance.

And with a sense of overwhelming awe, the young man gazed up from his vantage point below, his eyes wide with amazement as he witnessed the unfolding spectacle above. 

In that moment, a surge of excitement coursed through his veins, igniting a fervent desire within him to leap into action and join the fray alongside the legendary heroes. 

Despite his lack of experience with the mystic powers he unexpectedly possessed, the thrill of the moment eclipsed any doubts or hesitation. His heart pounded like the rhythmic beats of West African drums, each thud filling him with anticipation. 

With a clenched fist and a surge of desire coursing through him, the Sling Ring on his right hand emitted an ethereal, golden-yellow glow, signaling the Dawn of...


Have I done this before? I don't think so. Hey, everyone, your favorite author here. I've just returned from a much-needed break during which I focused on honing my writing skills to perfection, striving to become the best there is. Now, I'm thrilled to introduce this story, which happens to be my personal favorite and one that I'm incredibly excited to delve into. Set in the DC universe with the mystic powers of Doctor Strange, it follows the journey of becoming the Undisputed Master of the Mystic Arts. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do (just posted chapter 10 on Patreon).

And hey, don't forget to send some power stones and share your thoughts. Wasn't the start seamless?
