
Pride of Academia

In another universe, perhaps Izuku did not come to the tree, or the tree did not even exist. Possibly he went to training and improved himself a little bit better. In another universe, he probably did not get All Might's attention and became a policeman and married a decent woman. But in this universe. An Axe has emerged Its owner's essence still intact even for thousands of years, and it answered one of the child’s questions. A single moment can alter many things in life.

THYRLOS · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Yaoyozoru Momo (+18)

A/N: Tomorrow will be an explanation on how the heck it went there. Thanks for reading.

EN: This is not the original title since the author decided to sleep after giving me this chapter without giving the title chapter. Blame him. I might change it later.


Izuku woke up and he felt happy as he still can remember the events with Ochaco yet he felt guilty and does not know why.

He called Momo and met with her. He has a feeling that he should tell this and be honest about it. As of now, he was shaking out of nervousness.

They arranged to meet on the beach where he had seen Sunshine. He got ready and everything to go there. He knows that this is not the time to do this but to train yet he has to. This may prove to be a huge distraction when it comes to his training and he felt that he needed to make things clear.

He was on the beach first and stayed in a hut. It was cozy and had a simplistic design; also it does shade one well from the sun.

He saw Momo coming to him. She was wearing a red dress that compliments her look and her curves genuinely stand out.

"Izuku, I am sorry for being late." Momo seemed like she was in a rush as she heaves up and down to take a breath.

"I just came too." Izuku said to her. It will be bad if she felt guilty after all. He was the one asking for a meet up too.

"Sit, Momo. Here is a sandwich that I made." Izuku offered a lunch box that was full of sandwiches.

He does not know how to break it down to Momo as he is also having a hard time of what to do.

The silence was deafening. It was apparent that Momo was waiting for him to speak. After eating, he offered a drink to her as if on cue and when they were done Izuku told her what he felt.

"Momo, I do not even know why I called you here." Izuku said to Momo who got confused.

"What do you mean?" She asked and held his hand gently.

"You see, I went with Ochaco yesterday." He took a pause and his hand gripped Momo tightly.

"It was not only that but we kissed too." He looked at Momo and she has a gentle smile on her. He felt relieved yet does not know how to react.

"I wanted you to know. I do not know how I feel right now. It is all confusing as my feelings are everywhere." He gripped her hand hard and her other hand also covered his hand so softly.

"Momo, I do not know how to progress from here." He was pleading to her.

"Izuku, I knew what happened yesterday." When she said that Izuku was visibly shaken.

"I was the one who set up the date to Ochaco after all." Izuku looked at her confused and everything.

"Izuku! Listen to me first." She looked at him and he was hurting. It makes sense as he was feeling guilty and she was the one who set things up.

"I planned it as you can see. You are not an ordinary man." She was taking her time as if she is being careful with her words.

"Many people love you to the point I had to accept it." She was shaking.

"You may not see it yet Izuku so please trust me. I will show you one day that there are a lot." Izuku tilted his head and Momo tried explaining once again.

"I can be loyal, Momo." Izuku said to her. Momo looked at him and smiled.

"I know but the people around you can be dangerous if not contained. You are totally defenseless, Izuku." She put her head on his shoulder.

"I accept everything around you. Somehow you became loyal to one person; I know it will hurt you. You are too honest and instead of pursuing someone, you might go to a path that you will be alone so that others will not get hurt." She holds him dearly.

"Knowing you, you will sacrifice yourself first before anyone gets harmed. We saw it at the U.A. incident." She went closer and closer.

"I like that part about you. Your honesty, your naivety, your heroism and ideals. It was all the part of you that I truly like. I might be attracted because you look good but as time goes by that attraction goes away too." Her face was getting close.

"I love you."

When those words are mentioned.

The lips have connected.

They moaned and said each other's names.

Izuku wanted her and she wanted him. He got closer and closer. He kissed her neck and started touching her chest.

His instincts were in complete control and so is him. He wanted this feeling. He wants Momo.

One of his hands was going inside her dress and she tried to stop it but helpless to do so. It is not that she does not want it but she feels embarrassed.

"Izuku…" The moan from her gasps almost made Izuku blanked out.

He was about to touch Momo's legs.

When Izuku saw some people that we're walking into the beach he stopped.

Momo was puzzled but Izuku pointed to those people.

She understood it seems she was dissatisfied and satisfied at the same time.

"I love you too."

He grabbed her hand and walked together on the beach.

They talked about many things. The past, the class, the teachers and their hobbies.

It was fun for the both of them and as they walked into the other side of the beach it was already at dusk and everyone was leaving.

"Izuku, let us talk first." Momo sat on the stone that was on the beach and Izuku followed her.

"My plan was to make a harem for you." She said it as she puts her whole being towards him. It felt some burden was finally taking off from her shoulders.

"One day, you will realize how attractive you are to women. You do not go to assumptions and while that is an excellent trait it can also be a demerit when it is too much." She explained.

"I wanted you to be mine only but as time goes by my love for you overcame my selfishness." She was holding his hand and was afraid to let go.

"If I continue towards it. I will lose friendships and I will lose you. You do not want me to get hurt after all." When everything was over she looked at him.

"I will give this some thoughts." Izuku looked at her thoughtfully.

"When I give my answer that answer will be my final one. It is hard to wrap my head around this." He stated while scratching his head.

"Other people might see it weird and other people might give up on you but I know some people who are willing to share you." Momo spoke as if a devil were tempting a person.

"But when we are alone. Think of me and me alone. I want you to worry more about me and love me the most." She said sweetly.

Momo went on top of Izuku and kissed him intensely. It was a kiss of love and there was a tint of lust.

As time goes by, the lust grew stronger and Izuku was reacting to it.

He bit her neck gently and grabbed her chest firmly.

Izuku touched Momo's legs and his hands were going from there to between her legs.

She was shivering and when he touched it, it was so wet.

He let his instinct take over and rubbed the one that strongly reacts to his touch. It produced a lot of liquid coming from her.

She stopped his hand.

"My turn now." She said as she opens up his zipper.

His member was all in the open and she kissed at first.

Izuku can see her eyes having a heart shape on them.

She stroke it with her white hands and took it to her mouth.

Up and down her head was moving. Izuku felt so comfortable with it to the point he held her head and pushed it.

His animalistic cravings are showing. Momo was allowing it.

It is as if Momo was surrendering her body to him and it turned him on more.

"I..zu…" She cannot speak as her mouth was full of his member.

She was enjoying it as much. Izuku can tell from how enthusiastic she is.

He does not know this side of Momo and it seems she was waiting for this for a very long time.

He can feel it was ending.

"Momo, I am cumming." His essence was everywhere but Momo took it all in and swallowed it all.

"This will be the proof. You are my man." She looked at him seductively.

"I am yours, Izuku." Afterward, she plopped to his legs. It looked like a puppet that lost a string. She was exhausted.

Izuku put her head on his legs. Let her rest and pet on her head.

"You are mine." He said to the sleeping Momo.

1554 words. What do you think about the first lemon? Give the author some honest and brutal critique.

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