
Pride of Academia

In another universe, perhaps Izuku did not come to the tree, or the tree did not even exist. Possibly he went to training and improved himself a little bit better. In another universe, he probably did not get All Might's attention and became a policeman and married a decent woman. But in this universe. An Axe has emerged Its owner's essence still intact even for thousands of years, and it answered one of the child’s questions. A single moment can alter many things in life.

THYRLOS · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

The Harem Planner/Manager?

A/N: It's really hard to find a balance on the "pride". So I'm gonna use it while it is vague.


Looking back to a couple of hours before the session with Momo.

-Momo's Point of View-

His date with Ochaco is done. I am jealous, I am not going to lie but Izuku is not a man that can go with one woman. He will hurt himself before he hurt those important to him.

'Before I am a hero, I am a man.'

I am pretty sure of it with that statement alone says a lot. It is his will to be exact. He will pay the price for others to be happy even at sacrificing his own happiness even the small parts he does it.

Kendo-san liked the All Might pen that Izuku gave to her but I know how much of a fanboy Izuku is. Kendo-san is a fan of All Might but she will not touch Izuku's level. It was so outrageous that one time he answered everything about All Might's interest. It is okay if it was about food or something about entertainment and his days of school, the accomplishments and even the villains. Everything he knew. He studied All Might restlessly and it will not surprise me if somehow Izuku has a way to confine All Might with that mind of his yet he gave it.

He gave the pen that he treasures the most.

It was a limited collection and even Izuku searched for it yet he gave it.

That was not heroic; instead it was the core of such Izuku Midoriya.

Selfless, self-sacrificing and most of all, kindness.

He has the mentality of a top hero already and just needs to hone his quirk.

That is why I am sure if push comes to shove and if he needs to choose a woman, he will not choose anyone and retain their friendship as it is.

He is oblivious that can be compared to a black hole; even though we offered kisses, he merely thinks of it as affection for a friend.

He may have the pride of a hero but he is absolutely clueless as a guy in a romantic sense.

After the date with Ochaco, she messaged me and she was willing to agree to my plan.

'I love him. I thought I was going to lose him during the U.A. incident when Nomu knocked him out. My heart was in tatters and I cannot move; somehow I forgot to breathe. I am sure it goes for Ochaco and Tsu too. Tsu is perceptive to the point it was scary. She froze up and while it does not show she did agonize when he saw Izuku's status at that point.'

I am going to have him. No matter what it takes.

I see women throwing themselves to him and I do not want to do that. He must choose it first and I will do what I can.

Izuku messaged me and I met him on the beach where I saw him.

He said his feelings. He was confused and when I told him that I planned it all. It was already heartbreaking to see him like that as if he was looking at a person playing with his emotion. Yet, he never blamed it on me on those eyes.

I lay everything on the table about my plan and everything.

He did not accept and reject the harem plan. He will think it through.

In my opinion, if somehow Izuku has a harem people will just go, "Ah, he does?" it felt so natural if it was him.

No wonder cause of his face and aura. The aura alone from him is getting stronger and I can feel it.

He kissed me and it seems he wanted me badly. When we separated the kiss a silver lining can be shown as to how hard we kissed. He feels me up and it was getting me hot in every part of my body.

It was amazing. It was addicting.

After touching my private part after the first day, I was constantly doing it from time to time. Thinking about it again and again.

We stopped because of the people around us and we went to the darkest part of the beach.

Nothing to be afraid of since I was with a guy that can punch someone with a sun.

Besides, when we learned his condition about using his quirk that saps his life force, he was getting inches to death every time he uses it.

He will use it when push comes to shove. Izuku might experience a short life by doing this so he said to do our best to stop him when he is using his quirk. It was the best solution.

A stopgap for him.

A single woman might not do it so a harem can also be an answer to that. It can also deter the other women who are gunning for Izuku yet do not love him truly.

Izuku might be attractive but there is a limit to it and if somehow, emotion does not grow from it and just lust. It is better to stop it and a collective of women can do it with ease unlike a single one.

With Izuku's heart I know he can balance things out.

His instincts are always on point when it comes to treating a woman.

Back to the beach, we were touching each other and somehow, my emotion poured into him.

The way I remembered it was Izuku was playing with my special place and the next thing I knew I was doing some erotic things to him.

It was bliss.

He might have his ferocious nature but it was tender.

After doing it to him, he cared for me so gently.

Actions I did not see how it all started. I was about to feel guilty when I did that to him but he reassured me.

"Momo, it felt great." His face thanking me was something else.

"It is fine, Izuku. As I said before, it was proof that I am yours." This is to bind Izuku to us and I know it is dirty.

This will be the last time I will be doing this and I will apologize when the time comes.

Some girls might not like it and it is okay. I want Izuku to be surrounded by what he should be surrounded with.

While he is still alive.

I am pretty sure whenever he uses his quirk the price for it is steep. It was way too powerful.

I am being selfish here. I might not grant him the path he should have when it comes to romance but I promise I will do my best to make him happy.

Now that I think about it, Izuku became so much in my life that I did not notice.

How can I not?

He will practically die for us.

Instead of helping our other classmates during the U.A. he went to us specifically and it does not adhere to his rule of being a hero.

He chose to be a man instead of a hero.

That weight of that might not be noticed by someone but I did.

I knew how much being a hero.

It means to an Izuku Midoriya.

When I texted Izuku: Have a good night and sweet dreams, Izuku.

I need to plan.

Izuku becomes more charming as time goes by.

It can be said his quirk is integrating with him and with the U.A. festival coming in. It will be a riot for him.


This plan of Momo will be a massive benefit to Izuku in the future.

That is another story, for another time.

1299 words.. Busy again see you tomorrow!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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