
President Han’s Aloof Wife Comes Back for her son

Six years ago the night of her graduation Lu Beicheng was drugged by her best friend and boyfriend and was arranged to sleep with an old man. But she did not walk into the room as planned instead she walked into another room only to find an equally drugged man. The next day when she woke she found herself in an unknown environment the bed sheets stained red. Memories of last night began to flood into her head, she had no memory of who the man was she only remembered her boyfriend leading her into a room. Lu Beicheng heart turned cold both her best friend and boyfriend had betrayed her but that was not all three months later she found out she was pregnant. Filed with guilt and shame she goes to France under the guise of studying to raise her child alone. However two years after her son’s birth he suddenly disappears, Lu Beicheng had searched desperately for son,slowly getting herself involved with the mafia and business hoping she would have enough resources to find her son. Three years later Lu Beicheng rushes to China save her father, she also had the hopes that she would that she would find her son here. After successfully removing her father from prison she is bamboozled by another problem their company’s stocks were falling,their customers were leaving,the company was on the verge of falling. Left with no choice Lu Beicheng seeks help from her third uncle and he told her”..Marry Han Zhanbei..” Excerpt “Daddy..where’s my mother..you promise me you’ll find my mummy..where is she, aren’t you powerful why can’t you find my mummy..” “Nian’er can you give daddy a little time, I will definitely find your mummy...” “Okay I’ll give you some time but you have to find my mummy as soon as possible I don’t want another mummy..” Lu Beicheng’s coming had alerted her enemies,will she be able to leave a peaceful life with her husband and son or end in terrible fate especially when she has a crazy psychopath breathing down her neck!!

Little_North_Star · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 3

Lu Guangqing chuckled as his fox like eyes stared at his younger niece, what a smart and young lady.

"Uncle you should know why I'm here..I want my father out of prison.."

Lu Guangqing expression turned grave he didn't know the kind of enemy his brother had managed to attract, his younger brother being arrested was a blow to their parents. He was the apple of their eyes.

"How do you suppose we do that unless we provide evidence that Ansheng isn't guilt of those crimes we wouldn't be able to release him.."

Lu Beicheng paused her lips pressed to a thin line as her sharp phoenix like eyes stared at her uncle in silence.

Lu Beicheng had matured during her stay overseas she wasn't that little girl that left six years ago. She had learned many skills include how to use a gun which her uncle could tell by the callouses in her hands.

"What if I can provide you the evidence.."

If she could provide the evidence then it wasn't a problem getting his brother out of prison it wouldn't even take less than a minute to get him out.

"Beicheng you just came back to China even if you have resources overseas it would still take time to bring them all back. But right now you have no support here except for the Lu family.."

Lu Beicheng eyes turned cold as she stared at her uncle an incredulous smile appeared on her face as she clamped her hands together. She had no intention of telling her uncle about her dealings in overseas or here either since she said she would handle it then she would definitely get the evidence.

"Uncle don't worry about my business, I'll get you the evidence you need latest tomorrow.."

Lu Guangqing stared at Lu Beicheng for a while before nodding since she was so confident he would trust her abilities.

"Now let's eat this tantalizing dishes on the table.."

Lu Beicheng nodded agreeing with her uncle words and grabbed her chopsticks to begin eating.

Lu Beicheng really missed the food here even though they were chinese restaurant in France it didn't feel quite as nice as the ones she was eating now.

After eating Lu Beicheng drove back to Lu mansion, she hadn't gotten a good sleep since she got out of plane and was feeling a bit tired.

"Old fang can you get a list of possible suspects that framed my father and also find who exactly has the ability to frame my father as well some dirty deeds they might have done and I want them before tomorrow after.."

Lu Beicheng spoke to her subordinate as she laid flat on the bed, taking off her heels.

Butler Zhou had order the maids to clean Lu Beicheng room so when she came back there wasn't a peck of dust.

Sighing Lu Beicheng got up from the bed and slid down to her feet, she couldn't sleep yet she still needed to arrange her things.

Lu Beicheng appreciated orderliness and thus she made sure her things were arranged.

She placed her clothes into the closet bit by bit till her suitcase was empty just when she was about to zip it up a letter fell from it.

A letter? How the heck had it entered her suitcase as far as she remembered no one had entered her room the night before she left.

Lu Beicheng eyes narrowed as she placed the suitcase on the ground and picked up the letter.

Opening it up she read the words:"Beibei you can't escape from me no matter where you are China or France I'll always come after you. You make me crazy everyday, your body, heart and soul must be mine I still remember the way your lips taste it was like heaven and I can't wait to get more than just your a kiss from you love JN.."

Lu Beicheng resisted the nausea she felt after reading the letter, she never knew Ji Nian was such a disgusting creature.

Looking at the letter she tore it to pieces, she didn't put it inside the trash but rather she carried it to the toilet and flushed it.

If such a letter was found it would be incriminating for her. Her eyes grew colder Ji Nian she had to take care him soon.

Lu Beicheng took a quick shower and laid down on the bed to rest, she hadn't closed her eyes for a minute when she receive a call.

"Beibei did you receive my letter.."

"What do you want.."

Ji Nian chuckled a playful smile appearing on his lips, he looked at his swollen member and thought of her body. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I want your body! I want to f**k you so hard.."

Lu Beicheng gagged how did you get in contact with just a disgusting and horny creature.

"Listen Ji Nian even if you were the last man on the planet I'd never sleep with you, seeing you already disgust not to mention let you touch me.."

Ji Nian eyes darkened did she just say she found him disgusting, which part of him was disgusting he had everything any woman would want.

"Lu Beicheng you better watch your back because I'll be coming for you.."

After Ji Nian ended the call, seeing the screen go black Lu Beicheng immediately blocked him and threw her sim away. She had already bought a new one and had transferred all her contacts into it.

She knew Ji Nian would still get it if he wanted but till then she would have some peace and quiet.

Lu Beicheng laid on the bed and yawned as she closed her head to sleep.

Meanwhile Ji Nian angrily punched the wall he gripped his smollen member and went to the bathroom to relief himself. When he was done he told his assistant to book him a flight to China.

He'd never let her off!

Five hours later!

Lu Beihan dropped his keys with butler Zhou and asked about Lu Beicheng.

"Is my sister at home.."

Butler Zhou nodded and told Lu Beihan that Lu Beicheng went to her room the moment she got to the house.

Lu Beihan nodded he knew she must be tired out so he didn't go to see her and went to check on their mother.

Gu Qingyang wasn't crying anymore since Lu Beicheng said she would get Lu Ansheng out of prison and clear his name she wasn't worried anymore.

"Mom why aren't you asleep yet.."

Lu Beihan asked as he sat next to Gu Qingyang, he gave her kiss on her cheeks and a reassuring smile.

"I'm so happy to have you and Beibei in my life, my two babies are all grown up.."

Gu Qingyang smiled she left like it was only yesterday she had given birth and her kids were still running around her feet.

"Grown up or not we'll always be by your side.."

Gu Qingyang smiled and hugged Lu Beihan, even her little Beihan has grown up he was a lot mature now.

"It's getting late you should go to bed.."

Lu Beihan bid his mother goodnight and went to his room.

His room was a mixture of black and brown it gave a woody feel and always smelt of sandalwood. Lu Beihan taste was very high and all his clothes were from notable brands.

Lu Beihan happened to walk past a portrait and smiled, this was the picture he had take with Beicheng when he was four eyes old. She carried him in her arms and hugged him with his teddy bear it was such a happy and cute portrait.

Lu Beihan smiled it was nice to have a elder sister, he would always have someone to love and dote on him. And him in return he would always protect her from harm.