
President Han’s Aloof Wife Comes Back for her son

Six years ago the night of her graduation Lu Beicheng was drugged by her best friend and boyfriend and was arranged to sleep with an old man. But she did not walk into the room as planned instead she walked into another room only to find an equally drugged man. The next day when she woke she found herself in an unknown environment the bed sheets stained red. Memories of last night began to flood into her head, she had no memory of who the man was she only remembered her boyfriend leading her into a room. Lu Beicheng heart turned cold both her best friend and boyfriend had betrayed her but that was not all three months later she found out she was pregnant. Filed with guilt and shame she goes to France under the guise of studying to raise her child alone. However two years after her son’s birth he suddenly disappears, Lu Beicheng had searched desperately for son,slowly getting herself involved with the mafia and business hoping she would have enough resources to find her son. Three years later Lu Beicheng rushes to China save her father, she also had the hopes that she would that she would find her son here. After successfully removing her father from prison she is bamboozled by another problem their company’s stocks were falling,their customers were leaving,the company was on the verge of falling. Left with no choice Lu Beicheng seeks help from her third uncle and he told her”..Marry Han Zhanbei..” Excerpt “Daddy..where’s my mother..you promise me you’ll find my mummy..where is she, aren’t you powerful why can’t you find my mummy..” “Nian’er can you give daddy a little time, I will definitely find your mummy...” “Okay I’ll give you some time but you have to find my mummy as soon as possible I don’t want another mummy..” Lu Beicheng’s coming had alerted her enemies,will she be able to leave a peaceful life with her husband and son or end in terrible fate especially when she has a crazy psychopath breathing down her neck!!

Little_North_Star · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 2

Lu Beicheng didn't look at him anymore and walked into the room, Gu Qingyang looked at the familiar figure that entered the room and jumped up from the bed.

"Beibei you're finally back!.."

Gu Qingyang smiled as tears flowed from her eyes for six whole years she had not seen her daughter.

"Don't cry anymore now that I'm back father will get released soon and whosoever framed him will pay the price.."

Gu Qingyang nodded and pulled Lu Beicheng into her embrace, how she had missed hugging her daughter now she was finally here in her arms.

Inside her mother's embrace Lu Beicheng felt the warmth she had been longing for, for years.

"Beibei please don't go back again, your family is here and we all miss you especially Beihan.."

Beihan? Lu Beicheng doubted that but she still nodded and said: "Okay I won't go back.."

Lu Beicheng wasn't planning of staying overseas her whole life, she just wasn't planning on coming back so soon.

She was planning on moving her business here first before coming but the plans had changed.

"Mother you just rest, I have some matters to attend to.."

Lu Beicheng left the room and saw Lu Beihan leaning on the doorstop, Lu Beicheng pursed her lips and stopping walking.

"Sister Beibei I apologize for my behavior earlier, I have already ruined my first impression hehe.."

Lu Beihan chuckled scratching the back of his head, he didn't know why he was tongue tied and stood there like a statue, his sister even open her arms for a hug and he missed it uwu! He sobbed in his heart.

"If you talk about first impressions then it was already ruined long ago, when you throw up on me as a baby..."

Lu Beicheng chuckled he was a very cheeky and naughty kid growing up.

"I have some matters to attended, you stay here and watch over our mother.."

Lu Beihan nodded before saying:"My cars are at the garage you can pick the one you like uncle Zhou will give you the key."

Lu Beicheng nodded and walked to the garage to see Lu Beihan collection, she had to say her brother had impeccable taste and his taste matched with hers.

His cars were all expensive but low key, he had only two sport cars.

She picked it Aston Martin and asked butler Zhou for the keys.

She had a car but it was still in France, when she had settled down she would buy a new one.

France! where she had lived for six years and the birth place of Beinian collections, Lu Beicheng brand.

Driving out of the house Lu Beicheng placed a call to her uncle, they needed to get down to business as soon as possible.

Lu Guangqing answered the called calmly he already knew why his niece was calling.

"Beicheng im at Nancheng restaurant tell the waitress to take you to room number 14.."

After that Lu Guangqing ended the call, Lu Beicheng looked at the phone he didn't even give her the chance to speak.

The problem now was that she didn't remember where Nancheng restaurant was anymore, she racked her brain but she couldn't remember a clue.

Shrugging she calmly searched for the location of Nancheng restaurant on her phone map,luckily for her there was only one Nancheng restaurant in Capital.

It took her twenty minutes to get there minus the few minor stops to ask for directions and to confirm if she was going on the correct path.

"Good day! Miss how can I help you.."

The waitress smiled as she couldn't help but gasp when she saw Lu Beicheng, what a beautiful sister and she was richly dressed too.

"Hello, I'm looking for Lu Guangqing he told me to meet him in room number 14.."

The waitress smile faltered a little bit, oh so she was one of those ladies.The waitress shook her head as she no longer smiled at Lu Beicheng.

"What are you going to do there?.."

Lu Beicheng frowned as pursed her lips unhappily where all the girls in Asia muddled headed or was it just her? Yup it was definitely just her.

"That's my business who are you to ask about my business.."

Lu Beicheng voice was icy she didn't need to be polite to this waitress as she did not deserve it.

"Mr Lu is such a respectable man I'm trying to save his reputation from getting tanished by sluts like you.."

The waitress had successfully captured everyone's attention as the entire room became noisy. The waitress looked smug as she crossed her arms and sat down, to her she had already won the battle.

Lu Beicheng wanted to call her uncle when someone in the room voiced out.

"How can someone be so mudddled headed, do you know who she is! She's Lu Beicheng the missy of the Lu family why would she need to seduce her own uncle..."

The waitress froze as her eyes slowly met Lu Beicheng's.


The waitress screamed in her head as she immediately stood up, her palms became sweaty as she began to apologize.

"Miss Lu I'm terribly sorry it was my fault as I did not know who you were. There are a lot of women who have come impersonating other rich missy or acting like one when they are not. I was only trying to look out for Mr Lu.."

The waitress bowed as she apologized to Lu Beicheng, her head kept banging the desk so much it had started to bleed.

Lu Beicheng could no longer watch and finally spoke up.


The waitress froze her face was now covered in blood as she looked at Lu Beicheng. Others would be terrrifef at the sight but Lu Beicheng remained unfazed, she was used to sights like this overseas.

"Someone take her to the hospital, I'll settle her medical bills.."

As soon as she said this a waiter came out and helped the waitress out to the restaurant.

"Someone direct me to room 14.."

Another waitress quickly came out and directed Lu Beicheng to room number 14, after she had left the room became noisy again.

"That Lu Beicheng is too ruthless! She actually let the waitress kowtow till her head bleed.."

The rich lady gasped they couldn't help but feel a chill, in their hearts Lu Beicheng was not a good person.

Meanwhile a figure in black three piece suit raised his brows with interesting,the young lady was quite eccentric.

The next waitress was quite smart she quickly brought Lu Beicheng to room 14 and left she didn't even give her chance to tell her thank you.


Lu Beicheng sighed once again and went into the private room, she was her uncle sitting by the window calmly sipping his tea. She had not seen him for quite some time now, he had aged.


Lu Guangqing turned to at Lu Beicheng and smiled, his niece had grown a lot.

"Beicheng you've grown up.."

Lu Guangqing said with a smile he still remembered when she was five years old, chubby and only knew how to stuff her face with food. She was quite the foodie

"Uncle you have also aged.."

Lu Beicheng said with a smile and sat down, she remembered before she left her uncle was in his late thirties now he should he in his mid forties.