
President Han’s Aloof Wife Comes Back for her son

Six years ago the night of her graduation Lu Beicheng was drugged by her best friend and boyfriend and was arranged to sleep with an old man. But she did not walk into the room as planned instead she walked into another room only to find an equally drugged man. The next day when she woke she found herself in an unknown environment the bed sheets stained red. Memories of last night began to flood into her head, she had no memory of who the man was she only remembered her boyfriend leading her into a room. Lu Beicheng heart turned cold both her best friend and boyfriend had betrayed her but that was not all three months later she found out she was pregnant. Filed with guilt and shame she goes to France under the guise of studying to raise her child alone. However two years after her son’s birth he suddenly disappears, Lu Beicheng had searched desperately for son,slowly getting herself involved with the mafia and business hoping she would have enough resources to find her son. Three years later Lu Beicheng rushes to China save her father, she also had the hopes that she would that she would find her son here. After successfully removing her father from prison she is bamboozled by another problem their company’s stocks were falling,their customers were leaving,the company was on the verge of falling. Left with no choice Lu Beicheng seeks help from her third uncle and he told her”..Marry Han Zhanbei..” Excerpt “Daddy..where’s my mother..you promise me you’ll find my mummy..where is she, aren’t you powerful why can’t you find my mummy..” “Nian’er can you give daddy a little time, I will definitely find your mummy...” “Okay I’ll give you some time but you have to find my mummy as soon as possible I don’t want another mummy..” Lu Beicheng’s coming had alerted her enemies,will she be able to leave a peaceful life with her husband and son or end in terrible fate especially when she has a crazy psychopath breathing down her neck!!

Little_North_Star · Urban
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Chapter 4

Lu Beicheng woke up in the middle of the night, she received a call from old Fang saying that he had gotten the evidence she needed.

"Alright send them to me through mail.."

Five minutes later Lu Beicheng received a text from old Fang saying he had sent the evidence to her mail.

Lu Beicheng opened her laptop and looked at what old Fang has sent her.

Her eyes turned cold when she found out who the culprit was, it turns out it he was right under their noses.

It was her second uncle Lu Zhu, seems like her second uncle just didn't know when to stop. Murder, rape, extramarital affair, bribery, arm dealing and what not her second uncle has commuted so many crimes that he should be killed on the spot.

After reading everything she sent a copy to her third uncle who was also Lu Guangqing.

He couldn't believe his eyes he couldn't believe his second brother had committed so many heinous crime and yet he had the guts to frame their younger brother.

"I want my brother out of prison before noon, I'll come in the morning with the evidence.."

Present time

Lu Beicheng left the station after seeing her father shortly she left her third uncle there to help him out with the procedures.

Right now all she wanted to do was to get even with that bastard Lu Zhu, with the help of her third uncle they had successfully stopped Lu Zhu from leaving the country.

She has sent some of her men and her third uncles to capture him and bring him back to an underground base.

She was personally going to deal with him before she sent him to jail.

Walking inside the room she grabbed a pair of clean gloves and wore them, she wasn't going to give the forensic team a chance to find out it was her who had given him those ghastly injuries.

In a dim lited room a middle aged man was tied to a chair, his eyes covered and his breathing erratic yet he was still calm he didn't shout or scream like other instead he had a slight smile on his face.

"Beicheng how you've grown, you're even more ruthless than your mother.."

Lu Beicheng frowned but didn't say anything and strode towards with her stool, she would make sure today was the day he would never forget in his life.

Lu Beicheng studied chinese medicine from her grandfather before heading to France to broaden her knowledge on western medicine, she also spent her time to dabble into one or two skills, the six years she spent overseas definitely didn't go to waste.

She looked at her uncle and sneered how could such a nasty man marry such a kind and beautiful woman and even bear beautiful children.

After knowing her uncle was the culprit, she checked her second aunt and her cousins they were innocent and hadn't committed a single crime.

She couldn't bare to see her aunt and cousins cry so she changed her method of approach.

She would make him a retard who could only sit at home and do nothing at least her aunt would still be together with her husband. This was the best thing she could do for their family.

But that didn't mean she would let him off easy, she was going to beat him till he was half dead and then make him retarded.

"Second uncle you're such a nasty creature why did second aunt ended up with you.."

Lu Zhu chuckled but didn't say anything he was also guilt that he couldn't meet his wife expectations.

"Second aunt is very beautiful and she has a nice body, although she's slightly older now her charm is still there. Yet you ingrate you actually raped those innocent ladies and killed them, Lu Zhu you don't deserve to live.."

Lu Zhu licked his lips, such beautiful girl why couldn't he have them.

"Such beautiful girls why can't I f**k them.."

Lu Beicheng suppressed the wave of nausea that hit her, her second uncle even more disgusting than Ji Nian at lest the women's came to meet him on their own free will.

Lu Beicheng clenched her fits and give her a punch in the face breaking a few of his teeths.

Lu Zhu spat at blood but he kept smiling, she couldn't be bothered with that and continued beating him to her heart's content. When she was done she called her men to beat him up as well they were even more ruthless than Lu Beicheng.

Seeing her uncle with a swollen face and bloody nose she felt that the dead ladies he ruined had been appeased.


The men immediately stopped and stood on the side, Lu Zhu was already middle aged if they continued they might beat him to death.

"Fourth niece on the account that I'm your second uncle please let me off.."

Lu Zhu pleaded he couldn't take anymore beating, his entire body was feeling pain he looked at Lu Beicheng the fear in his eyes were visible.

"Oh and why should I do that."

Lu Zhu saw that he had been given a path to escape and happily took it he cleared his throat and spoke:"Do you think it's easy fourth niece, your father was so loved by our parents that there wasn't enough love for the rest of us it was always about him, they give him their time, attention, and resources, when we are sick they would leave us to the maids but when Ansheng was sick your grandmother would bawled her eyes out and take care of him, she cried like he was her only son when she had three more before him, even our fourth sister who was the only girl did not receive such love. You can ask your third uncle they left us on our own, we had to take care of ourselves. Ansheng was very naughty and troublesome he always got into trouble and whenever he was injured your grandfather would beat us all and when Ansheng tried to plead for us he made them dislike us more. So tell me why shouldn't we hate him but yet blood is thicker than water we couldn't bear to see him sad so we let him have his way and took his beating, took the blame for him, ask your fourth aunt how she got the scar on her left arm that day Ansheng only scratched his knee her your grandfather gave her such a heavy beating us brothers had to intervene and take the beating for her, he ruined our childhood for us, our childhood was filled with sadness I have nothing to tell my kids when they ask me about my childhood. They few happy moment we had was either when Ansheng was at home or we had gone to school. Let me tell you something your third uncle liked your mother first but who married your father today..."

Lu Zhu eyes were red seems like he had finally spilled out the grievances he held for so long.

Lu Beicheng pursed her lips she knew her second uncle wasn't lying her first, third and fourth aunt had also told her some of these things.

"I was blinded I stopped caring about anything, I stopped caring about my wife's feelings making her cry everyday. Beicheng do you know what hurts the most when you've worked so hard for something only to be let down by someone. We always worked hard to get good grades, ask your third uncle we should burned the midnight candle and study very hard, we all had A's but when Ansheng got A's they would buy him new clothes and shoes and take him out to get sweets."

Lu Zhu gathered his strength and kowtow to Lu Beicheng, now he just wanted to hug his wife and children.

"Beicheng please let him off just this once, I'll travel overseas and never return to China.."

Lu Beicheng was also soft hearted after knowing all the suffering her uncles and aunt had gone through, she couldn't do what she had planned for her uncle anymore.

"Second uncle dont kowtow anymore, manage your strength I'll treat your wounds now.."

Lu Zhu smiled and finally fell unconscious, Lu Beicheng ordered her men to bring him upstairs so she could take care of him properly.

He had two broken ribs, his right arm was dislocated, his left leg was broken, and he had lost three teeths. Lu Beicheng sighed her father seemed to have taken all his siblings luck when he was born.

Two hours later.

Lu Beicheng cleaned the sweat on her forehead, after rubbing the ointment on his face the swelling had lessen and his complexion was less pale.

"This would probably take 2-3 months to heal.."

Lu Beicheng looked at her uncle she couldn't let her second aunt see her uncle in this state, so she would treat him for a week before sending him back to them.

"Watch him if he wakes up tell me.."

After that Lu Beicheng left the underground base and went back home, she had received the text that her father was released and he was back home.