
Chapter 37

"so what brings you by?

"I want to know what you told my brother, what did you tell my brother.

Sorry I didn't ask the right question. What is wrong with my brother?

Joseph thought of lieing to him, telling the truth was almost impossible as that might destroy him and his career for good and the person he is hoping to get by doing the right thing was not calling or taking his call because since they got back from the green house he had been calling het but got no response.

"That is personal, I can only disclose his health condition to you only if he allows or permits me to.

"Doctor Joseph please don't try me, I don't want to have to do it the hard way, I don't want to take you up. Tell me what I need to know else, I will arrest you and accuse you of things you have not even thought of"

Joseph was not shaken bybhis threat at all, he had heard of the youngest Anderson, the youngest son of the Anderson family was pampered by his parents, was always the one granting interviews here and there to the press whenever they wanted to find a new story to write. Most times he would take pictures at occasions with different women in order to confuse the press and also give them something to write on but yet Miles was not known to have any serious date.

If Peter the second son of the Anderson was the one threatening him now he would have succumb because no body has anythygood to say about Peter. He was fierce and mean just like his wife Petranilla.

"I am sorry Mr Miles Anderson, but I cannot tell you about your brother, it is against everything we doctors believe in"

Miles walked away angrily from the office and the moment he got out he saw the head nurse waving at him, then an idea struck him, he may not need to bother much, he may just get everything he wants to get from this head nurse. He gestured to her to come and she quickly rushed towards him.

"You called me sir" she said as her proximity was almost shocking him, he inhaled her perfume and hated her immediately, it smelt so cheap that he could not breath. He could not tell if it was rat poison or insect killer but her perfume sure spoke alot about her.

Telling Andrew to tell him about his health issue would not work because since he had kept it a secret all these while, telling him now would not be easy. Miles was sure of one person that knows about it. Anna his most favorite sister in-law was in on it and he would still ask her if the head nurse plan did not work.

"What is your name?

"My name is Stella" She answered without thinking about it.

"Well I don't know if you have some time to spare because I want to take thisy niece out for lunch and I don't know if you would like to join us"

Stella was so happy, she could not believe her luck, she quickly rushed back to her counter and packed her bag still on her nurse outfit she came back and tried to get Angel from Miles but he refused. The way he carried her made even people who came in to see a patient at the hospital admire him the more.

He opened the door for Stella to enter the car. He  still carried Angel on his lap even as he started driving. He drove to the nearest fast food that he could find.

Stella could not contend her joy, she quickly took her seat even before Miles felt comfortable with Angel. Before he started talking his phone rang and seeing that it was Anna he knew they were through and were now looking for their daughter.

"Angel is with me Anna, I took her to get some Ice cream we will be back soon"

Stella just sat smiling non stop at Miles who didn't seem to be interested at all.

As they served their order, Stella also started eating immediately, she didn't even wait. Miles wasn't feeling so hungry so he didn't make any oder he just went straight to the point, while Angel was busy with her bowl of ice cream.

"So I heard my brother have been frequenting your hospital these days?

" Doctor Joseph is his personal doctor, so he visits him to know more about his status"

She replied as she continued to munch on her food, she grabbed the chicken with her hands and started to eat it. Miles didn't wantbto act like he didn't know about it so he asked.

"How bad is his condition now?

"Well you know we just recently found out that he has the deadly disease HIV and we are working on seeing how we can help him because I know the knowledge alone is driving Mrs Anna crazy because she too have been visiting often.

Miles could not believe his ears, they have just started hearing of this disease HIV and the general believe is that it could be transmitted through sex and blood transfusion, how the hell did his brother contract such a disease? He didn't want to act all surprised so he tried to calm his rising nerve before asking again.

" So does he have hope of getting better any time soon?

" Well as you must know sir, the disease does not have a cure for now but we hope soon enough there will be cure for it.

She finished her food and licked her lips, she looked like she wanted more. Miles dropped a handful of notes on the table for her to pay the bills he grabbed his keys and drove off.

Stella just stood there looking at him as he left, she counted the cash on the table and it was more than enough to buy her lunch for one month, she paid for what they had and took a cab back to the hospital, her day was fufilled but she was angry that he didn't collect her number.

"I am sure he will be back"

She said to herself.