
Chapter 36

Miles took his little niece with him as he already could hear that his brother and his sister in-law were busy.

Seeing Joseph was very essential as he needed to know what status his brother was talking about.

Miles got to the hospital but could not find Joseph, he didn't have his number because he wasn't close to him and he wasn't his doctor he was Andrew's personal doctor since he refused to go along with the family Doctor.

As he got into the hospital the nurses whispered to each other as they recognized him immediately.

"That is the youngest Anderson, he is so fine"

One of them said and winked at him when he looked her way.

He hated getting this sort of attention, he wanted so much to leave the hospital but he was looking for someone and he needed to wait to ask questions.

"Hello Mr Anderson, can we help you with something?

He sized the young nurse that was trying to get his attention, she wasn't bad looking at all but she was too short for his liking.

"Yes you can help me.

He said as he pulled her by the hand to a corner that made others looking at him to get really angry. One of them ran after them.

"Well I am the head nurse here and you can ask me any questions you have"

The middle aged nurse that have ran after them looked mean and she was not happy that someone else was getting the attention she was supposed to be getting.

"Alright head nurse,  I want to see doctor Joseph is he around?

" No sir, he isn't around, he left a while ago but he will soon be back, you can wait for him in my office"

She said as the young nurse eyed her but couldn't say anything because she was her Superior and she wouldn't want to get into any trouble.

"Please can I have his phone number so that he can know that I am waiting for him in your office?


She said as she fumbled with side pocket till she finally realized that her phone was not with her, she rushed to her desk and back within minutes she then smiled at Miles and gave him the phone number. Miles acted like he did not see her, he collected the number and dialed it infront of her.

Joseph was in his house feeling so uncomfortable, he was worried that his plan was about to backfire big time on him. But he was not so bothered, he was worried for Anna, he had never felt that was before, not with his ex girlfriend. He should be satisfied and done with the Anderson but it seems as though he just began, he was taken by Anna, he was falling for her but what he could not understand was why he started to fall for her after he made love to her out of revenge or had he always been inlove with her?

He needed to fight this growing feeling, but he couldn't shake it, he kept looking at his phone, he needed to call her, he cursed himself. What he was trying to do was get even with Andrew but now he was stucked.

He should have listened to the voice, that gentle voice that kept telling him not to hold on to past sins, he should have forgiven him and moved on with his life but now he couldn't move let alone run away, he was stuck, he was a prisoner of his own very self, he looked at his phone once again and it was another Anderson.

He wondered why Miles was calling him, he never calls him, he never mingles with him, he was always on his own and keeps to himself alot. Then it struck him. The truth must have been revealed, maybe they now know about the lie he told, he became worried, he was going to have to keep lieing to them but he knew he needed to stop, he was inlove with Anna that was the only thing he should be working on. But what if he looses his licence for lieing to his patient?

He could even go to prison, he became really worried.

Again he became scared, he was going to be broken, but he was already made and his only interest was how to tell Anna his feelings for him.

He allowed his phone to ring till it stopped ringing, he was so scared. Was it possible that Andrew had told his family about the lie?

He had to take the call. He summoned all the courage he could gather and when the phone rang again for the forth time he picked the call and acted like he didn't know who was talking.

"Sorry who am I on to?

"It's me Miles Anderson am at your hospital, I heard you just left, I will appreciate it if you can come back I promise to pay for your time.

His statement annoyed Joseph, he wondered why all the members of the Anderson would always think that money could buy what ever, they even think that money answers all things.

"I will be there as soon as possible"

He said and ended the call, he could sense that something was wrong but he couldn't continue running, he needed to face his problem, this was something he started, he needed to face it and work on it, he needed to make sure he ended it.

He got into his car and drove straight to the hospital, he drove really fast as if they had called him for a matter of life and death. The moment he got to the hospital, he saw Miles with the nurses that are supposed to be attending to patients, laughing and joking about, he frowned at him but the moment they sighted him they all rushed back to their duty post bowing their heads to him.

"Welcome doctor Joseph"

Miles greeted  but Joseph did not respond, he just walked into his office and sat down as Miles filled behind waving at the nurses that wouldn't take their eyes off him.