
Chapter 129

Mrs Anderson opened her dress and lay very close to her husband, laying naked near her husband, she started feeling shy.

"you are beautiful" he said as he kissed her buxom.

you are still the most beautiful creature, you have not even changed one bit, how do you manage to keep yourself so beautiful?

"well, I guess your money is working, I cannot be one of the richest woman in the federation and not look good"

she felt relaxed that her husband still fansies her, she kissed his lips and he closed his eyes, he traced his hands down to her vagina and she winced in pleasure, his hands moved swiftly and he inserted his mother finger inside of her, she moaned and cried at the same time, she held him close, he was being very gentle with her, not like he used to be when they were younger, he lay on her and started kissing her neck, she held on to his large body, his stomach hadn't grown too big for her, she touched his nipples and that was like turn on for him, his Manhood could be felt touching her laps, they were moving freely on their own and she could feel the need, they were in great need of each other, he used his hands to trace where her needy hole is, and touching her she was still as dry as if she didn't want him, though her eyes and expressions said otherwise, they were the real need, he looked around to see if he could get any lubricant, but there was none in his study, he got the water he was drinking and tried to use it on her, but she was still dry,  he then spat on it and started using it to get her in the mood, she soon gradually started getting wet naturally, she moaned out loud as his hands went up and down on her clitoris, like he was playing a guitar, she was screaming out now, she then spread her legs as he used his hands to search for the hole again, he inserted his Manhood inside her and  started  going up and down on her, she held on to his back, she scratched his back and their mouth lock in a wonderful kiss. 

They kissed passionately, their heads kept turning side ways, expressing their need for each other.

"I love you so much" he said when they finally released each other, though the movement was still on.

Mr Anderson didn't know he could even last that long, his slow movement were gradually becoming fast, he was going too fast on her and he could hear her call his name.

"don't stop, please don't stop"

he was really happy he could make his wife feel so much love, he had been thinking that because of their age they could not enjoy each other, but his wife had made him understand that they could still enjoy sex even at old age, he moved really fast and then he held her tight, his bad were inside of her skin, he knew he was hurting her already, she winced in pain and pleasure, he came out fully inside of her, he fell on her and after few seconds of panting, he started snoring.

she gently pushed him aside, dressed herself up and walked out from the study.

At the garden close to the study, she found Anna, she almost descended on her, she was not sure if she would be able to keep to this agreement with her husband, she looked into her eyes and faked a smile.

she noticed the difference in attitude immediately and she walked up to her.

"mother is everything okay?

she asked, looking at her and the brown envelope in hand.

Mrs Anderson quickly hid the envelope behind her back and walked away.

"hmmm, that's strange,  is mother okay?

Anna watched her and noticed her unzipped skirt, then she looked at the study and after a while her father in-law, came out without a shirt.

He had woken up suddenly from his slumber a d seeing that his wife was not in sight, he had been worried,  but as he came out, the first person he saw was Anna, he feared if she heard any of the things said.

"oh Anna dear, I thought you were at the hospital? He said pretending to be alright seeing her.

"I was, but I had to come back almost immediately.

"How is he today?

"better, I guess he wants to see you and mother, but mother looked angrily at me when I saw her.

"oh dear, don't mind her looks at all, don't take it to heart, it's nothing, she was probably shy" he said trying to give her a different impression of why his wife must have behaved the way she did.

"you know we just did the husband and wife duty since after so many years, she must be feeling weird, she even left me to doze off on the floor without any clothes on, can you imagine that?

hearing him say something like that, Anna became really ashamed, she closed her eyes not wanting to see him anymore.

He laughed at her and walked away.

he stopped laughing the moment he was out if sight, even though he had just had a blast with his wife making his day a wonderful day, it was also one of the worse days of his life, learning about his favorite daughter in law illicit behaviour with his son's friend, who was supposed to be her GYNECOLOGIST'.

Anna watched her father in-law with so much love and admiration, they were perfect family for her, they have treated her well, she was supposed to pay them back with love, not wickedness.

if the secret of that night ever gets out, then she would be doomed forever, they would hate her for ever and it won't be their fault, she herself brought it upon herself. she was a useless wife and was not worthy to be called an Anderson.

she lacked nothing, but by the time her secret would be out, she would lack everything, because even her daughter would be taken away from her.

what a shameful headline it would be that she got pregnant for her gynecologist!