

"hello" his voice opened his eyes, he looked around him and couldn't recognize the place, all he could remember was that he blacked out after he ate his dinner at the station.

"What am I doing here? He said in a panic.

His memory was already impaired, he tried to force himself to remember, but he couldn't and concentration became a problem for him because he kept looking towards where he had heard the voice but saw no one.

He was indeed confused, maybe this confusion was all because of a really bad dream, he was having, he tried to pinch himself to see if he would wake up, but his hands were tied.

Joseph felt the harsh pain by his side, he couldn't move his legs now his hands, his environment was not familiar at all, then he heard the voice again.

"Why are you struggling?                                      He looked up at who the voice belongs to and wasn't surprised at all. He was even shocked that it took him so long to retaliate. Denial, perhaps that the kidnapping has happened and all the people had abandoned him and hyper-vigilance and hyper-arousal which is a state of feeling over stimulated, though it was useless for him to. Be at alert.

He looked down and saw that even his legs had been tied. Was there really any need for this? He asked rhetorically in his mind, he couldn't escape, not when his abductor was Mr Anderson himself.

Joseph's shock was that he had woke up in a real sweat, initially, he thought it was a dream, but seeing him now, he knew he was in a real big soup.

He tried to remember how it happened, but couldn't place his fingers on it, he had been very okay and strong, he had just finished eating what Walter brought him and after their discussion.. He tried to think about it, but couldn't, the memories from before was blurred now, how did it happen that he didn't remember seeing Me Anderson walk in.

"Sir, please, let's talk about this, there is really no point in killing me" Joseph cried, he had been so ready to die, but now that he was almost faced with it, he couldn't help, but feel scared, he didn't want to die any more.

"You are crazy, to think that you want to negotiate with me, I will kill you, and throw your body to the dogs" Mr Anderson roard.

Joseph had initially thought of crying and wailing to get attention to himself, but hearing him roar, he knew there were far from the hearing ability of people. No one could hear not see them here.

"Look here, he has been very useful, even without his knowledge" Mr Anderson said bringing Doctor Walter out, who was also bandaged. He had been beaten up mercilessly.

"You see, no one, and I mean, no one messes with an Anderson and goes away freely.           What were you thinking? You lied to my son and FU*ked his wife.                                             You are very one annoying bastard Joseph, you know that, you even planted your seed inside her.

Joseph opened his eyes in disbelief, he couldn't believe what he just heard, Anna was pregnant, she was carrying his baby, he looked up at him, and even though he may not live to see his child, he was worried as to what Anna must be going through, since her father in-law was already aware, that she was pregnant with his child.

"Sir, please spare my life" he cries again, but he only laughed. Now you want to beg, you really think, I would let you go free, so you can destroy me, my reputation? I will kill you and your plans first, then I will know what to do.

"Please let my friend go, he has a family, please spare his life"

"Oh I will, I will spare his life, but he needs to concentrate more on his job, because if he tries to be smart, I will show him the color of a dragon Lord.                                                        But you my friend, are going to die, you are going to die a shameful death, and afterwards Anna would die, because someone like that, shouldn't be called my daughter in-law. She cannot be seen as an Anderson.

Joseph felt his heart Pierce into many pieces, even if he was going to die, Anna should not be made to suffer for his sins. Walter was right, he wronged Anna, in his quest for revenge, he wrong Anna instead, he knew she was not the type that would drink, but he had made her drink even more than he would have taken, he was the sinner, he was the one that needed the punishment.

He calmly said.

"It's not her fault, she is not to be blamed"

" Oh now you want to fight for your lover, how wonderful, I love this.

"I drugged her, I wanted to get even with Andrew for sleeping with my girlfriend years ago so I planned to get even with him using his wife, I lied to them, about his health status so that he would be separated from his wife intimately, I also told him not to tell Anna about his health status which he agreed to, then finally, I became the only person Anna was coming to, she needed answers from me, she wanted to know why her husband was acting up, so I told her that Andrew had cheated, she was so angry, she left the house that night with her daughter.

I was also there, I took her to my green house, with the guise that I was helping her, she even said she was going to start to work, then I got her drunk with a drug inside and raped her.

It was all me, please spare her, I regret all now, I know now that taking revenge is a bad thing.

"You make a good story writer you know"

"I am not telling lies, neither am I making this up, this was exactly what happened"

Walter was also shocked, he couldn't believe his ears, Joseph hadn't told him he drugged her, he told me he made her drunk " argued with himself.

He raised an eyebrow to read his expression, but they were devoid of any, he couldn't be serious, how low could he sunk.

Even Mr Anderson had thought so too, he hadn't tried to put himself in Anna's shoes, he hadn't even heard the story like this. Though while he and his son travelled, Andrew had told him, about her one night disappearance, he had been angry that she didn't come to them, but then again, Andrew didn't want his family to know he was dying.

He believed Joseph was telling the truth, but he was not going to let him feel he had believed him, just like that.

"Well, do you have any last wishes? because, I am going to make your death look so naturally, that no one will ever suspect me, your punishment cannot end at what the medical board would give you, now that you have saved Anna by telling me this tale, I will use my discretion to know how best to punish her, but as for you, today is your end"

He closed his eyes thinking he was going to die by the gun, but remebering what he had said, that he would die naturally, he looked at Walter and he looked away.

"You are very smart you know, I thought you would never know, no wonder you were able to play my son, you played an Anderson, to be able to do that, you needed to be smart.     Yes, he is going to make your death look so natural. Now go let's get this over with" he said and pushed him forward. Walter staggered forward and couldn't look his friend in the eye, he brought the syringe and injected him.

Joseph didn't shake at the beginning, but the moment he was done filling him up with it, he started to shake like one with a seizure.

But this was no seizure. Because seizure is a sudden, uncontrolled, electrical disturbances in the brain, which can cause changes in the behavior, movement or feelings and in levels of consciousness.

He shook for a really long time and gradually started to loose his consciousness, he looked at the danger eye of his friend, the only person he had confided in, he had questions for him, how could he agree to killing him by injection when he was so religious, maybe he didn't have a choice, maybe his family was threatened?                     He gradually travelled to the world of the unknown, he closed his eyes because he couldn't keep them open, even with his closed eye his tears still flowed, he was sad he wouldn't be able to see his child, that would be the only family he would have.

He slowly fell off the chair, with the seat hitting him because he was still tied to it.         The evening breeze was promising, it promises to take him to a better place, a place where he wouldn't have to see any evil, where he wouldn't have to feel anything, he was sad once again, he had never known any day of peace, he forced himself and opened his eyes, but that was the last energy he was able to exact.                                                          He opened his mouth, but he was too weak to say a word, it was as though his intestines were destroyed, he wondered what Walter injected him with, but there was no time to think about it. He slumped and gave up.

"Check his pulse! Mr Anderson commanded another doctor who was there with them to confirm his death, he checked him and even pressed him down to see if he would react, but there was none.

"He is gone My Lord" he said and Me Anderson laughed, take him back to his cage in the prison, you ( he said pointing at a police officer with them) be the first to announce his death in the morning.

You have all done well, mind you, you have sworn an oath, if I as much as suspect that you told anyone about this, that would be the end if you and your family members, I don't threaten people,  I promise them and I make sure I keep to my promises.

The men in the hall were all quiet, once again they all left the same way they came.

Walter drove home to find his daughter back at home, he had to do what he did, he couldn't loose his child, he didn't have a wife, but he couldn't loose his  family.

Mr Anderson had kidnapped her a d had called him telling him what to do, he had no choice, but to do it.

"I am sorry Joseph, but you brought this on yourself, you really went out if the line, you put us all in this mess"

The night was the longest for him, he couldn't sleep, as he lay on his bed, he looked at the ceilings and could only remember the questioning look of Joseph, he had questions, but his system was already destroyed,  he couldn't even as much as open his mouth to say just a word, the tears that had flowed were real, they were that of pain, his hear was hurt, if he were to come back to this world again, he would be a better person and would remember that there was no gain in revenge.

"Are you okay? He heard his daughter's voice as she opened the door to his room.

"I am fine, I thought you were already fast asleep?

"I couldn't sleep daddy" she was the last child borne to him before his wife died, she was only fourteen years old, she couldn't sleep because she just couldn't, not after all she went through, she was even too strong for him if she hadn't broken down already.

"Come here little one" he said and gathered her in his embrace. It has been one crazy night, let us sleep, tomorrow when you open  your eyes it would turn out to be only a nightmare that we would never experience again.

Soon enough, they were captured by the spirit of sleep and they surrendered.