
Chapter 128

Mr Anderson and his wife stayed longer in the study, holding each other, they hadn't been that way in a really long time, Mrs Anderson felt there was need for her to get intimate with her husband, there was no saying that old people couldn't have sex, she was angry and didn't want to leave the study the way she came, she hadn't planned it, but she just started having the feeling.

She looked up at her husband and kiss his lips.

"Mama, you haven't done that since like forever" he exclaimed and she smiled.

"You are always too busy, and now that we are both on the floor, in the study, I think we could just be ourselves, or what do you think?

"Hmmm, interesting, will I still know how it feels like?

"What do you mean by that?

Are we already too old to enjoy each other's company?

She asked looking all sad 

How does the aging process affect a couple's libido and love life?

Unless you want to tell me now that you are already having an affair with these small girls I see around you, maybe I should start watching my back" she said and her husband laughed hysterically.                                        why are you laughing, is it be ause we have passed the age of retirement, or is it because of health issues, that you fear may have negative implications for our relationship in the bedroom.

Is sexual fulfillment something that decreases as we get older?

"Stop it with all the questions already, am I the doctor, that says we should be relaxing more, that we work too much.

So that is your reason, don't you know the benefits of sex, or have you forgotten that sex helps the muscles relax pretty well.

"Many people seem to believe that libido inevitably fades with age, and that elderly folk who are still interested in sex are abnormal, are you one of them, my lovely Mr Anderson?

He chukkled at how sexy his wife was becoming, as she spoke, she moved towards the door of the study and locked it from inside, I don't need any one coming in to disturb me, I want to show you the strength a woman can have in the bedroom.

Because, this idea that people get to live with, is largely mythical. In actuality, sexual desire depends more on a state of mind and emotional attitudes than on one’s chronological age.

Generally speaking, it’s normal to have an ongoing interest in sex throughout one’s adult life.

Like the young, older people experience the full range of human feelings and emotions. They, too, need love and affection – sometimes in large amounts.

"Hmmm  Mrs Anderson, you seem to have done your research in bedroom matters a lot, please, come close and lecture me more.

As he spoke, he unbottoned his trouser and sat down with his hands behind, she came up to him and sat back on the floor,

" Researchers have shown that normal interest in and capacity for sex continues into the eighties.

And you my dear are  not even in your late 60s yet, where it may just may  in some cases decrease in intensity because of specific problems with self-image, such as a feeling that one is no longer attractive, but this is not always true, because you are still the most handsome man to me.

"And you are still very beautiful" he replied and watch her take off her scarf that reveals her black long hair.

"I will satisfy you today, so that you will know that you need not worry about anything"

She started to unbotton his shirt and he said, " you can tell me more, while you do that"

She suddenly became shy and when she looked up at him he said.

"It can also be affected, of course, by illness, aches and pains, complications of surgical procedures or certain other physical problems that accompany the aging process.

But, you should bear in mind that sexual intimacy in marriage is a lifelong process.  We are in this for a life time, you cannot change because of age, you used to be the hottest man and all the girls used to want you back then, but you wanted just me and I feel like the luckiest woman in the world.

We can try out different forms of expression which may be appropriate at different phases in the development of the relationship – in youth and old age, in times of stress and times of joy, during pregnancy, childbirth and child-rearing, during and after menopause – the list could go on and on.

Where pain or physical incapacity has limited certain types of sexual activity, it’s worth remembering that sexual intercourse per se is not necessarily the only option for physical intimacy.

Touch, physical closeness, skin-to-skin contact, even intimate conversation can be extremely satisfying in the absence of other forms of sexual pleasure.

At every stage of life, healthy attitudes toward marital sex should be characterized by candor, prayerfulness, vulnerability, flexibility, and willingness to communicate.

The longevity of sexual interest can sometimes mean that older unmarried or widowed persons may find themselves facing a severe struggle to control their desires. This can be a very difficult situation, and we do not claim to have any easy solutions for those who are grappling with it. We do know that God’s personal care for us extends even into this area of our experience, and that He can help us to live satisfying lives in spite of unfulfilled desires – as many single adults, both young and old, can testify.

Now that you are talking about His, are you trying to spoil my mood or something?

She didn't want him to feel she was about to preach to him, but she was not going to allow him soil his hands with Joseph's blood.

"No not at all, I am just telling you about what I read online, we can enjoy each other as much as we want"

"Very well then, show me what you've got.