
Chapter 101

Prisca could no longer hold herself, she cried bitterly, she became sick all of a sudden, with the surging feeling of nausea.

Her nose was running that she couldn't control it, she kept sniffing in and out.

Her crybwas becoming so much that soon Joy and Walter were only able to stare at her.

"I feel really bad for what I have done in the past;.  She said, I don't know why this sort of message have come to me today?

She said, and sniffed her nose some more, doctor Walter moved close to her and handed her a handkerchief, where blew her nose in, she felt a bit relieved, then with one look at her, doctor Walter said.

"When you share your problem, or confess your sin, it is made light, what is it that you want to confess?

This was doctor Walter's way of wining a soul, being a doctor was just one way for doctor Walter to preach the gospel to people.

If he gets the chance he always makes use if it by reaching out to people and helping people not only preaching to them.

"I have done something evil in the past, no body knows about it, and I never shared it with any one until now.

"Now is the right time, share it now and forgive yourself for good, because I am sure you have not felt safe since you committed the sin"

Nurse Joy became really curious as she watched her colleague intensely, she concluded that, whatever it was that she wanted to confess, was something that was going to make her feel better than she had been feeling for months or years.

Prisca breathed in and out and started.

It was years ago, while in school, I had met a man, his name was Philip, I loved him so much and I thought he loved me too.

I was busy doing everything for him, he was the only friend I have and love, I almost felt it was a lie that someone as cute as he was , saw me and found me attractive.

The only issue was that he didn't have enough resources to take care of himself, so I would always steal from my uncle for him, I would always lie to my parents for extra money so that I can give them to him.

Later on I started to notice that he was always distance and was acting up, he no longer had time for me, he was always busy with other things, he would prefer to be with other people than be with me then, then anytime he needs my help he comes to me, I started to feel used.

I became so worried that I went close to my very bestfriend and confided in her, I told her my fears and worries, she was also worried for me, she promised to talk to him for me, she assured me that Philip loved and cherished me and would not cheat not leave me, I believed her and after I gave her the go to talk to Philip on my behalf, he only became worse.