
Chapter 100.

What Does the Bible Say about Revenge?

God clearly tells the Israelites to not seek out revenge on others. God commands the Israelites in Leviticus 19:18, “Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.”

As Christians, we are not to hold grudges nor seek revenge on others. God tells us in Leviticus 19:18 that rather than seeking revenge or holding a grudge, we should love the person as we love ourselves.

This is in agreement with Jesus’ commands reinforced in the New Testament (Mark 12:31). When you feel you are seeking out revenge on another person, you need to pause and pray. Pray for the person who has wronged you or hurt you.

By praying for them, it can help remove any bitterness, hatred, or resentment you have against them. In time, you may be surprised as the person may apologize or try to fix what they did wrong. Whether they ask for forgiveness or not, you should still forgive them.

Ephesians 4:32 tells us to forgive as the Lord forgave us. This also stretches into the sense that we should not seek our revenge on others. Seeking out revenge, holding grudges, or hating others will only hurt you and impair your relationship with God and with others.

Within the Bible, there is only one time when God allows a person to carry out vengeance on his behalf. This example is the exception--not the norm. In the Old Testament, God commands Moses to lead the Israelites out in battle to avenge His Name among the Midianites (Numbers 31:1-2).

Moses did not seek out revenge on his own will, doing, or decision. Moses only sought out revenge because God directly told him to seek out vengeance on the Midianites.

Should I Seek Out Revenge?

Absolutely not. Seeking out revenge on others is not part of God’s will for your life. The only result of seeking out revenge is hurt, pain, and broken relationships. When you feel the temptation to seek out revenge, turn to God. He can help you overcome this temptation.

Another thing you can do is to pray for the individual who has wronged you. By praying for them, it helps redirect your focus on helping the individual rather than seeking revenge on the individual.

When you focus on helping the other person by praying for them, it helps you to grow in your Christian maturity. Emotionally healthy Christians do not entertain thoughts of revenge nor do they carry out revenge on others.

Emotionally healthy Christians have grown in their walk with Christ and do not fumigate on thoughts of revenge. Rather than seeking out revenge, mature Christians forgive the other person, pray for them, and trust that God will carry out righteous vengeance.

Revenge only belongs to the Lord because He is holy, righteous, and perfect (Matthew 5:48). Since God is perfect, He is the only One who can carry out true and righteous vengeance on others. Mankind is not perfect, which means our vengeance is not rooted in holy righteousness.