
Preeminent Genes

New author here... Am not really giving a synopsis for the novel. I feel it lessens suspense for the novel. Nevertheless, hope you guys support me as we grow and improve the novel. Updates daily!

Justmhe · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

The awkward conversation

Silver went home in a happy mood, and just in time, as his mother was setting up dinner.

He went to his room to freshen up, and decided to go check on Hannah, and have a quality time with her before dinner.

He knocked on her door and heard a soft and sweet voice giving permission to come in. He looked round her room, like it changed a bit, and sat on her bed.

" Bro Silver! " Hannah grinned and hugged him tightly. This warm gesture made Silver rethink his reason for coming to see her.

" How are you little Ann? " He asked poking her cute nose. Hannah made a cute frown an protested.

" I'm not little! "

" Fine fine... How was school today? "

" It was okay. I think we would be going to the city's museum sooner than I expected. " She happily said, looking at her brother.

" Wow... that's good. "

" Bro Silver? Why are you sad? Do you want to tell me something? " Hannah asked looking directly into her brother's eyes.

" What? How do you kno... oh well, don't worry little Ann, dad would break the news after dinner. " Silver had totally forgot about his sister's gift. She could tell someone's emotions by just being close to them and observing their heartbeats. Her parents believed that she would successfully awaken the white magic, when the time comes.

Just then, they both heard a call for dinner, and they both went to the dinning room and sat on the dinning chair, while waiting for their father. Soonest, he came and sat on his usual seat, being the head.

The room was usually silent, until Mr Fernando broke the silence, just like this time.

" Silver will be going to grandfather Alejandro home by sunrise. "

" What? Why? I seriously don't trust that man! " Mrs Fernando gasped, and whispered the last part, so only her husband could hear.

" He's my father. Don't worry, he won't hurt him. I just want to help him fulfil his dream of becoming a mage. "

Silver felt a surge of emotions round his chest. He could admit that his father was beginning to really surprise him.

" Sigh... I hope so. " Mrs Fernando said lowly. She felt sad that her son would going far away from home, with no clue when he would be returning back home.

" Who's grandfather Alejandro? Why is he taking Bro Silver away?" A soft voice broke the silence once again.

" Sigh... honey, he's your grandfather. He just want to help your brother to be a good magician in future. You know everything that has happened with him. " Mrs Fernando said, her voice still breaking.

" Why? can't he be a good magician if he stays with his family? " Curious Hannah asked pouting.

" You will understand as you grow honey. Grandfather Alejandro has a lot of heirloom which would help your brother with his magic. We don't have such, and would have to buy them, and most of them are either very expensive, or unavailable. " Mr Fernando explained softly.

There was silence in the atmosphere for about a minute. Then, a voice broke it, this time there was surprise lingering the room.

" I will go with Bro Silver! " Hannah said firmly. Everyone could understand her feeling. She was really close to Silver and almost fell sick when he ran away from home.

" Don't worry little Ann... I'll come to visit you always, and call you on your cellphone. You won't have the chance to even miss me. " Silver spoke assuringly.

After dinner, each one went to their room, but Silver decided to stay with his mother in her room.

" Silver dear, I want you to be the best for us okay? Always stay out of trouble and be the good boy you have always been. Your grandfather can be really brutal and harsh at times, but please bear with it. You can easily tell it's his nature as a General. " His mom sighed.

" Don't worry mom, I'll do my best. I'll also come visiting when I have the chance. " Silver said softly.

After the conversation between the mother and son, Silver went to bed, anticipating for the next day. When Silver least expected it, he heard a beep.

" Dark magic perceived! User should be at alert! Dark magic perceived! "

Silver got up worriedly and switched on his light. Why would the system perceive dark magic all of a sudden?

" Dark magic out of reach. User can go back to sleep. " The system alerted almost immediately, which made Silver even more worried. Was the system malfunctioning? Why would anyone with dark magic come after him?

Silver finally calmed down and went back to sleep, still a little worried.

The next morning, Silver had already packed his things, and was waiting for his grandfather. Around 7:30 am, there was a car horn at the gate, and Silver took his bag, hugged his family goodbye, with Hannah crying. He felt really sad, but he had to go to fulfil his dreams.

He went into the car and couldn't find his grandfather. Only a driver was seen, and he felt really awkward.

" New quest: Start up a conversation with the driver.

Reward: +0.5 social Quotient Level, +20 ESP. "

' What? why does this system always give me a quest at the very wrong situation?! ' Silver felt like crying, but finally decided to check out the driver's face and finally cried inwardly.

This was supposed to be a military bouncer, not a driver. His face alone can make a timid person pee on his pants.

Silver looked at the reward and finally decided to give it a try.

" Good day s-sir. I hope y-your day has b-been good. " Silver finally put the words together without looking at his face. He waited for a minute, and no reply. This made him feel so awkward.

The driver on the other hand wondered why a weak, timid boy like him would be trying to start up a pointless conversation.

" Sir I-I really admire your driving skills. " Silver said, this time, with a hind of boldness. And as almost expected, no reply.

He almost gave up and sighed. This goddamn system! Just when he closed his eyes tiredly, he heard a voice.

" Do you know how to drive? " The driver asked, and Silver could swear that he felt a rush from his Manley gift.

" Oh! No sir! I'm w-working towards learning it sir. " Silver replied immediately, and as totally expected, no reply. Just then, what he had been waiting for finally happened, a beep!

" Congratulations! quest completed. Rewards granted.

Want to see your stats and quotients?

Yes | No. "

Silver quickly clicked no, and closed his eyes, waiting for nature to take over.