
powers for sale

so its some kind of powers/quirks/devil fruits ideas of mine, it will be original some might already exist. also feel free to use them and change them to your liking, I would love to read stories that have them too so if you do tell me (:

Charreos · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

power evolution

the ability to give anything evolution.

the ability to give the user the ability to evolve techniques of their choosing.

after something is evolved it can no longer be evolved again so it is recommended to reach mastery over that thing or reach the limit for example:

[fire bending] --> [pyrokinesis] (control over fire and heat)

[mastered fire bending] --> [pyro mastery] (complete control of fire)

[regeneration] --> [advenced regeneration] (the ability to regen even limbs at a fast rate)

[mastered regeneration] --> [infinite vitality] (the ability to not die no matter what unless the head is cut off or getting cursed)

or even

[fire style: great fireball jutsu] --> [fire style: great fire annihilation jutsu] (an already existing advancer Jutsu)

[fire style: great fire annihilation] --> [fire style: dragon breath] (the jutsu works by condensing the flames you can make the fire stronger and deadlier, an advancer Jutsu)

mastered [fire style: great fire annihilation] --> [fire style: great dragon breath] (the flames that are used are much more condensed without losing the attack range)

in conclusion, [power evolution] will work better with a system but can work without, it works on powers and techniques alike, and is preferably used only on already mastered techniques


tell me what you think, did you like it? was it hard to understand?

welp I'll see ya later

C ya