
Power of Destruction

Naruto Bael was born a Low-Class Devil before the Great Devil War. Realizing how the devil-class system subjugated devils of lower class, Naruto will represent his origins as he rises and expose the corrupted system that he lives in, and he'll do it without the High-Class Devils even realizing it. Power of Destruction Naruto! Mass character crossover. Pickles are life.

Suzy0700 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Power of Destruction. Chapter 7

He jumped up and punched the approaching tree, which couldn't handle the pressure as it was utterly destroyed and turned into splinters. Breaking through the tree was a success, but on the other side of the broken tree was Koneko with a park bench.



Koneko destroyed the park bench as she hammered Lee back into the ground.

'That HAD to have done something to him' she thought as she was taking deep breaths and had her hands on her knees. This was the hardest fight she's ever fought, and it was against an immortal gym-freak.

"Ugh… that hurt." said Lee. Koneko couldn't hid her shock or close her mouth as she watched Lee get back up from the attack. This boy just wouldn't sit down!

"When will you give up?" she said.

"When I run out of energy, or course!" he said like it was the simplest thing in the world. "While I do count you as an honorable enemy, it isn't honorable to use outside weapon in a fight. "

"You are too much for me to handle by myself. I need to use my surroundings to my advantage." Koneko said quietly.

"Hmm… Understandable. But I feel this battle coming to a close. I've been here for too long. I need to finish this up."

The two charged at each other again, putting all of their strength into their next hit. Lee smiled as his martial arts brain analyzed the situation.

'She's shorter than me, under five feet I believe; and with that, her arms are very short. She'll have to get closer if she wants to land a direct hit to any meaningful part of my body. All I need to do is increase my speed at the last second and I'll get my hit off before she can even blink!'

Mentally nodding to his plan, he clinched his fist as he proceeded. Time seemed to slow down as the two were in face-to-face. Koneko was stretching out her arm, ready to send Lee flying.

Lee inwardly smirked as he saw that Koneko's feet weren't on the ground. She jumped in order to put more force into her punch, but that was the mistake he would exploit.

Slamming his feet into the ground, Lee pushed his body forward with extra velocity; extra velocity Koneko wasn't expected. A glob of blood forced itself out of Koneko's mouth as she was sent flying through multiple trees. Lee regained his foot as he saw Kenoko's body crash into the ground. She wasn't moving after that.

"Finally." Lee muttered to himself as he took a short breath of air. That little girl really tested his limits of stamina, but he was the one to come out on top.

"That's the power of my YOUTH!" he yelled as he threw his hands up to the sky.

"You're open."

A sword protruded from Lee's stomach and he could only look at it in shock. He slowly turned his head to see Kiba behind him holding the sword. Rias was slowly approaching the duo.

"You're still able to move?" Lee said in disbelief.

"The love I have for my family and future family members kept me going. You're finished." Kiba said as he retracted the sword. Lee slowly fell to the ground, utterly defeated.

"Good job, Kiba." said Rias as she approached the duo. Kiba was taking deep breaths as he tried to remaining standing.

"Thanks, Buchou." said Kiba. The pair looked down upon the gasping Lee as he held his hands over his injury.

"You are a strong opponent. I will always remember this battle, Lee." said Rias.

"Thank..you for that." Lee said with a smile. "But, I was too weak. I could have finished at least both of you off."


"Leaf Whirlwind!"

Lee suddenly had the energy to do a multi-spin kick with his foot scrapping the ground. The wind from the move lifted Kiba and Rias off of their feet.

'He knows wind magic!" thought Rias in surprise.

Lee appeared over the falling Kiba and used his elbow to plow into Kiba's stomach. A crater formed from the strength of the move as Kiba took the full force of the blow.

Rias hit the ground and quickly conjured up her remaining magic. Lee walked over to Rias to take her out, but he was met with an outstretched hand.


Lee couldn't defend the destructive orb that hit his midsection. The orb pushed Lee into the air with it, until finally exploding in the air.

Rias sighed as she watched Lee's body land somewhere nearby her. She heard the 'thud' that his body made when it hit the ground, but she was too tired to check where he landed.

"He has to be down now." She muttered as she slowly got up from the ground. She walked over to Kiba's personal hole in the ground to see him knocked out. She wasn't disappointed, however. Knights weren't known for their defense, but he lasted until the end. She was very proud of her Knight.

She looked to her right when she heard leaves crunching. Koneko was walking out of the forest and back onto the park pathway with a limp in her step. Her shirt was destroyed and she was using her arm to cover her chest.

"Oh, Koneko." Rias said as she hugged her [Rook]. She took it upon herself to face Lee all by herself and gave her and Kiba a break. She really did have strong, loyal family members.

"Did you kill him? Please tell me that you killed him." Koneko muttered into Rias' chest.

"I honestly don't know. Let's check." She said as the two walked over to the boy.

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