
Power of Destruction

Naruto Bael was born a Low-Class Devil before the Great Devil War. Realizing how the devil-class system subjugated devils of lower class, Naruto will represent his origins as he rises and expose the corrupted system that he lives in, and he'll do it without the High-Class Devils even realizing it. Power of Destruction Naruto! Mass character crossover. Pickles are life.

Suzy0700 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Power of Destruction. Chapter 8

Lee was in his on Rias-made crater knocked out. His skin seemed burnt and his mouth was wide open. His eyes were open but the two couldn't see his pupils.

"He's still breathing." Koneko said as she sent the body a glare.

"Yes, but were not going to kill him. He said the only reason why he was here was to recruit Issei. We faced him and we won. He shouldn't be bothering us anytime soon."

The two went back to Kiba and slowly picked him up. Kiba moaned in pain as he woke up from his Lee-induced sleep.

"Uhhh… Did we win?" Kiba whispered.

"Yup! Your youth is amazing!"

The three couldn't hold back there yells in freight as they turned around to see a smiling Lee who was missing a front tooth.

"You're still mobile?!" Rias shouted in freight/amazement. Could anything put this behemoth down?!

"Yea! You three really put a number on my body! I feel like if I throw another punch I'm gonna faint!" said Lee with a laugh as he scratched the back of his head.

"Why can't you just faint now." said a dead serious Koneko.

Lee noticed the lack of clothing that Koneko had and tore the top half of his jumpsuit and handed it to her. "Here. I lady shouldn't be exposed like that." He said with a small smile.

Koneko looked at the offer for a while before taking it, saying a quiet 'thank you' before putting it on.

"Well, will you be bothering us anymore?" asked Rias with a slight glare.

"Bothering you about what?"

"About recruiting Issei."

"Oh that!" said Lee. "I couldn't have done that in the first place."

Rias, Koneko, Kiba's face fell as they heard what he said.

"What do you mean by that?" asked an irritated Kiba.

"Well, when I came here, Issei was already dead. I can't recruit a dead body. Dead people don't talk. My master doesn't like reviving people against their will so I wouldn't have brought Issei to him in the first place."

"So why did you fight us?" asked Rias.

"Because it seemed like a fun thing to do, and I wasn't wrong!" said Lee with a cheeky smile.


"Are you sure that we can't kill him?"

"But anyway!" said Lee as he did a few stretches. "You all won this fight. I must show my appreciation for allowing me to test my limits. Even though I haven't been a devil for long, if I continue my training regime like how I am now, I'm sure I can become stronger!"

"This fight has revealed some things about myself as well." said Rias with a light smile. "It seems like I need to get back to training myself so I can become stronger. I've been sitting behind a desk for too long now."

"Well, I'm glad I'm the one who has made you come to that realization." Lee said.

"Will you be back in town?" asked Kiba. "I'd like to train with you someday."

"Oh yes! We can all train together!" exclaimed Lee. "I'll ask my master if I can move over here to living with my new friends!" Lee then picked the group up and gave them a hug. He seemed to ignore their cries of pain from his inhuman strength.

"I'll see you all soon, my new friends." Said Lee as a magical circle appeared below him.

"Wait! Lee!" said Rias, catching his attention. "If you can't tell who your master is, can you at least tell us what clan he is from? Or what he looks like?"

"Oh..." said Lee as he put a hand to his chin, thinking for a while. "To be honest… I don't even know what my master looks like… or his clan."

"WHAT!" even though Rias was tired, she apparently had enough energy to break Kiba and Koneko's ear drums.

"That's the truth. Never saw him a day in my life. I'll be back soon!" said Lee with a few waves and he was consumed by the seal.

The trio stared at the disappearing martial artist before there was a teleportation seal underneath them as well.

"Let's go do what we came here to do." Rias said as she disappeared with her two peerage members.

Location - ?

Lee was sitting in what seemed to be an abandoned dojo and was meditating. All was quiet until he spoke out.

"Master, I am here." He whispered.

Lee opened up his eyes to see a floating, orange ball of aura levitating in front of him. Lee did show any surprise as some of the aura coming from the floating ball rubbed on him and faded, like the cold, visible air from an open freezer.

"You…failed?" said a disoriented voice coming from the orange orb.

"Yes, master. I have failed you. Issei was already dead when I found him. I fought against Rias Gremory along with her [Knight] and [Rook] and was defeated. Please forgive me." said Lee as he bowed to the orb.

The orb didn't say anything for a while before answering, "O….k… No…problem…Hehehehehe….."

"Master, I am asking if I can move to Kuoh for now. I have become friends with the Gremory's peerage and I feel like I can become much stronger with them."

The orb was quiet for a while again before answering, "That's fine…..make sure…you eat…pickles….hehehehehehe…."

"Yes master, I shall eat the pickles. Thank you for this opportunity!" said a happy Lee.

"I…..shall send…another member with you." said the disoriented voice.

"Really?! You mean I actually get to meet another peerage member!?" asked a shocked Lee.

"Yes…bu….but watch…out for….this one…..he's weird..hehehe…"

"What do you mean, master?" asked Lee as he looked up to the glowing, orange orb.

"Watch out…for…..he likes…sna…..snakes….heheheheheh!HAHAHAHA!"

Time skip – Monday Morning

Hyoudou Residence

Issei yawned as he woke up from the best sleep he's had in his whole life. It felt so warm in his bed and he honestly felt as if he couldn't have had a better.

He sneezed a little when something tickled his nose. He fully opened his eyes to see one beautiful, sexy, red-headed, naked Rias Gremory sleeping right beside him…in his bed… IN HIS BED!


Rias' hand clamped over Issei's mouth as he looked down in fear as Rias was awake with anger plastered over her face.

"Shut the hell up and go back to sleep."


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