
Power of Destruction

Naruto Bael was born a Low-Class Devil before the Great Devil War. Realizing how the devil-class system subjugated devils of lower class, Naruto will represent his origins as he rises and expose the corrupted system that he lives in, and he'll do it without the High-Class Devils even realizing it. Power of Destruction Naruto! Mass character crossover. Pickles are life.

Suzy0700 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Power of Destruction. Chapter 6

'This guy is an athletic monster!' thought Kiba as he watched as the beast was holding Koneko and himself off while on one leg.

"Kiba! Koneko!" shouted Rias as she prepared another blast of her PoD. Understanding what she wanted, Koneko let go of the 'beast', causing him to lose balance as he was depending on her pressure to hold him up. Kiba used this opportunity to hit the 'beast' on the side of his head with the butt of his sword, disorienting him. The two jumped away from the 'beast' as he was hit with yet another magical blast from Rias, in which he had to spend more magic to lessen the damage by using a shield.

"Gaah!" he said as he crashed on his back. He was really starting to tire out now that he was running low on magic. 'That's it! No more shields.'

"Good job, you two." said an out of breath Rias. "Hopefully that will hold him down."

"I don't know, Buchou. This guy is tough. He can handle a lot of pressure. I am starting to believe that he is a [Rook]." stated Kiba.

"I also agree." Said Koneko as the group watched the 'beast' walk from the tree line. "Taking hit after hit like this must mean he is a [Rook]."

"You are correct." said the beast while holding his shoulder. "My name is Lee. You all are good enough to know that. You've figured out a lot about me already because of some of my slip ups. I'm still considered a rookie.

"Well then, Lee." said Rias as she crossed her arms underneath her breast, "I have a question. Are you an enemy to us?"

"An enemy?" said a surprised Lee. "No, no, no! I'm not an enemy! I'm simply a recruiter! If we were to meet under different circumstances, I'd probably invite you to the gym for a session of weightlifting and fat-burning!" he exclaimed.

Team Rias had a dumbfound expression on their face as they looked at the thick-eye browed man.

"Oh…how nice." muttered Rias.

"However, I can here to accomplish a job for the man that saved me and I won't disappoint him!" Lee yelled at he got back into his fighting stance, making Team Rias do the same. "This time…I'll show you my youth!"

"Youth?" Koneko wondered what he met by that.

"You first." Lee said to no one in particular as he disappeared from sight. Kiba, Rias, or Koneko didn't even register Lee appearing in front of Koneko and kicking her in her mid-section, blasting her away from the group and somewhere in the forest.

"Koneko!" shouted Rias. "You mon-" Rias was about to send another blast to Lee, but he caught Rias' hands and slowly applied pressure.

"AAAHHH!" she screamed out as she felt her bones creek from Lee's strength.

"Buchou!" yelled Kiba as he summoned dual-swords and slashed at Lee. Lee dodged one of Kiba's swords, caught the other and broke it, and used the broken edge to stab Kiba in his thigh.

"Damn it!" Kiba lost his cool as he jumped away from the two. He landed on his feet but fell to one knee as the pain coursing through his leg was too great for him to handle.

*huff, huff, huff* "You guys are giving me a work out. I shouldn't have done all those exercises before coming here." muttered Lee as he released Rias hands.

"You mean… You came here tired?!" shouted Rias as she tried to ignore the pain in her hands.

"Yeah. But I had to do my daily one hundred thousand pushes ups." stated Lee.

There was some rustling come from the bushes near them and Koneko, with some of her clothes shredded, charged at Lee with anger in her eyes. The two clashed once again as the two [Rooks] moved the fight away from the injured Rias and Kiba.

"Kiba, are you alright?" she asked her loyal knight as she walked over to him.

"No… No I'm not. I won't be able to walk properly for a while. Not until I'm healed first." Kiba as he slowly stood up on both feet, wincing from the pain from the sword edge that was still lodged in his thigh.

"Do you want to take it out now?" she asked. He nodded. He wouldn't be able to fight properly with the broken sword lodged in him. Nodding, she slowly took the sword out of him. She winced when she heard him hiss in pain. She couldn't understand the pain he was going through and was glad she wasn't. But, she was proud that her [Knight] was still standing, showing that he was strong and could handle pain well.

Kiba took off his shirt to use as a bandaged as he wrapped it around his leg. He put his arm around Rias' shoulder as the two slowly walked to where Lee and Koneko were having their battle.

The two [Rooks] were battling it out, but Lee was slowly winning. With a quick jab, Koneko feinted and switched with a kick which caught Lee's chin. Ignoring the pain, he caught Koneko's leg and bent his body all the way back, slamming her into the ground behind him.

Gaining his balance again, he turned to see Koneko already up and in throwing a fist to his face, which hit its target as Lee spit up blood and was rocked back. Koneko took advantage and low-kicked his feet. Catching both, Lee fell on his back in pain.

"Ugh." groaned Lee as he heard some weird sound. He looked up to see a huge tree headed his way. "You've got to be kidding me!"

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