
Power of Destruction

Naruto Bael was born a Low-Class Devil before the Great Devil War. Realizing how the devil-class system subjugated devils of lower class, Naruto will represent his origins as he rises and expose the corrupted system that he lives in, and he'll do it without the High-Class Devils even realizing it. Power of Destruction Naruto! Mass character crossover. Pickles are life.

Suzy0700 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Power of Destruction. Chapter 3

Nearing the fountain, Yuuma ran in front of Issei. The two were now face to face and the blushing Yuuma seemed like she was trying to say something.

"Yuuma? Everything okay?" he asked.

"I really had a good time today, Issei." She said.

"Oh, yeah! Me too." He said with a smile.

The two stared at each other for a while, but Yuuma took the initiative and closed into Issei's lips. It was a quick kiss, but Issei enjoyed it thoroughly. The feeling of his lips tingling from Yuuma's action was something he would never forget.

Yuuma pulled back and tried to hide her blushing face away from Issei (who was also blushing up a storm) by using her hair.

"So…I'll see you sometime this week?" she muttered quietly.

"Uh… yea… we should go out sometime soon." He said.

Yuuma flashed him another one of her smiles that made his heart soar. "I'll see you soon then!" she said with a wave as she ran down the road, headed back home.

"Bye…" he said with a wave as he watched her leave. 'God, she's amazing.' He thought. 'I hope this last for a while… maybe that marriage thing… maybe it might happen one day.'

So imagine his surprise when Issei saw some type of pink spear impale his girlfriend right through the chest, her blood splattering on the pavement.

"Yu..Yuuma!" he shouted as he ran to his girlfriend that slumped on the ground.

He slid on the ground and check to see if she was okay, which; apparently, she wasn't if the blood coming from the giant hole in her body had to say otherwise.

"Sorry kid, but I couldn't have any witnesses." said a voice in the sky.

Issei looked up to see a black haired woman with black wings floating in the air. Only wearing a black strap over her large breast, a thong-like piece held together by her hips with three straps, a shoulder guard with spikes protruding from it, black, thigh high boots, and was holding an imposing pink spear that looked like an exact copy of the one she threw at Yuuma.

And one thing that Issei couldn't miss…. She looked like an older, more mature, version of Yuuma.

"Well what do you know," said the lady with a deep, but melodic, voice, " I guess it is true. Everyone has an exact, look-a-like twin somewhere in the world." She muttered as she looked at the body of Yuuma.

Tears flooded Issei's eyes as he looked up at the women in anger. "Who are you!" he shouted, "And why did you do this?! What has she ever done to you?!"

"Nothing," she said as she checked her nails, not caring that a girl was quickly dying from blood loss, "like I said; I can't have any witnesses. She was just in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"Witnesses for what?!" he yelled again.

"Well," the dark angel laughed, "for when I kill you, of course~"

Issei's heart pumped faster and faster in fear after hearing what she said. She wanted to kill him? What did he do to her? He doesn't even know this lady!

"It's not your fault that you're about to die." she said as she threw her pink spear at Issei, "Blame God for cursing you with a sacred gear."

Pain filled Issei's body as he looked down to see a pink spear in his chest, similarly like there was one in Yuuma's chest.

He fell back, lying right next to Yuuma who was long dead. He cried tears as he slowly felt his life slip away.

"Oh well." said the fallen angel (Raynare). "That was fun for like… five seconds." And with that, she flew away.

Issei stared at the red liquid of life that was spewing from him like a flood. 'Da..damn it…I can't m..move..I'm really.. go-going to die…' he thought in sadness. 'I'm sor-sorry… Yuuma. Sorry… that I couldn't… protect you.'

He could hardly feel the pain anymore as his eyes were slowly closing. His last sight would be the red ground that was painted with his and Yuuma's blood. 'This blood… the color… just like her hair…I wish I could see it… one...last time.'

With those being his final thoughts, Issei Hyoudou was dead.

Suddenly, a Gremory summoning circle appeared near Issei's body. The pamphlet in his pocket was growing in his pocket as if it was reacting to the magic circle. Coming from the summoning circle was the devil that Issei was thinking about, Rias Gremory.

The summoning circle dissipated and Rias' feet landed on the ground. She inspected the crime scene in front of her, but she knew what happened here not too long ago.

"I was expecting one body, but two? This is an old twist of events." Rias muttered to herself. "Nevertheless, I'll get what I came for."

She reached out to Issei, but then she felt a magical presence approaching fast. Using her high intellect, Rias summoned her familiar to go and get her peerage. She felt a fight was going to occur here.

A flying person landed harshly on the ground, cracking the earth under them. "It seems I've arrived a little late." The voice, which sounded like it was male, said to himself.

The unfamiliar boy stood to his full height, revealing himself to Rias. The boy who was the same height as Rias at 5'8, the boy was wearing a full body green jumpsuit with orange leg warmers and blue tennis shoes. He had a bowl-cut hairstyle and the thickest eyebrows that Rias has ever seen in her 18 years of life.

"Who are you?" she asked but sounded like she demanded him to answer.

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