
Power of Destruction

Naruto Bael was born a Low-Class Devil before the Great Devil War. Realizing how the devil-class system subjugated devils of lower class, Naruto will represent his origins as he rises and expose the corrupted system that he lives in, and he'll do it without the High-Class Devils even realizing it. Power of Destruction Naruto! Mass character crossover. Pickles are life.

Suzy0700 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Power of Destruction. Chapter 4

"Just a devil doing a little recruitment work for my master," said the boy as he suddenly started to do jumping jacks, weirding out Rias in the process. "and if I fail, I'll do 5 million jumping jacks in 30 minutes as punishment!"

"Why are you doing jumping jacks now?" she asked with a hand on her hip.

"I'm warming up." the boy said as he moved on to toe touches. "We are about to do battle, right?"

Rias tensed up a little and prepared her magic. "We don't have to do battle. I was here first, so shouldn't I be the one to revive the boy?" she asked with a dangerous tone.

"Be that you were here first, and I would usually allow such a thing, I can't allow that. My master has expressed interest in Issei Hyoudou and has given me orders to recruit him. As long as I have strength, I shall care out my master's needs!"

"A shame." Said Rias as a red aura covered her body. "I don't want to hurt you, but I will if you won't let me receive my prize."

The mysterious green assailant smirked as he stepped into a fighting position.

"You will not defeat me."

Rias Gremory, Pure-blooded Devil, [King]


Name: ?, Race: ?, Rank: ?

"Before we do battle," Rias said, "can I at least know the name of my opponent?"

"Oh, forgive me, but I cannot give out my real name freely," Said the boy in green, "but you can call me the 'Beautiful Green Wild Beast'!" he exclaimed in excitement.

"Oh…" Rias didn't know how to reply to that. 'I hope this ends soon. This might be the weirdest battle I'll ever have.'


Rias Gremory, Pure-blooded Devil, [King]


Nickname: The Beautiful Green Wild Beast, Race: ?, Rank: ?

"Lady's first." the 'Green Beast' said.

Taking the initiate, Rias summoned her PoD and blasted it towards her opponent. The 'Beast' waited for the destructive aura to reach him, and when it did, he simply slapped it away with his hand.

'What!' she shouted in her mind. 'H-he blocked it!'.

"So this is the power of Bael you inherited from your mama." The 'Beast' said. "Well, you made your move. Now it's my turn!"

The 'Beast' disappeared in a burst a speed, a speed that Rias couldn't track at all. A green blur appeared in front of her but she couldn't react in time as she felt a punch to her gut.

"Ahh!" she screamed as her body flew into a well-placed tree. Her body slumped down to the ground and she entered a coughing fit.

"Uh? Weren't you supposed to block that?" the 'Beast' asked curiously. "You are Rias Gremory…right?"

'Damn it… that speed was incredible.' She thought as she slowly stood from the ground while holding her stomach. A small stream of blood leaked from her mouth. 'He hits like he's a [Rook], but he's as fast as Kiba, a [Knight]!'

The green beast tilted his head in curiosity, "Are you sure you want to fight? You don't seem so strong to me."

'Melee isn't my strong suit.' She thought as she looked up to the skies. 'The barrier that keeps humans away that the Fallen Angel set up should still be active.' Rias grew her devil wings from her back and flew into the skies.

Now high in the sky, she noticed that the beast didn't follow her up. Rather, he was looking up to her in curiosity again.

"Do you plan on running away?" he asked.

"Fuck you!" she shouted as she shot out multiple balls of destruction down on the beast.

Acting quickly, the 'beast' dodged left and right, taking the scenery to his advantage and letting some of the trees take the hits for him. After the shots ceased, the beast flew into the air with devil wings along with Rias… only to find out that he was the only one in the sky.

"Wha?" he said to himself.

"Die…" muttered Rias as she shot her Power of Destruction from underneath the 'beast'. She had snuck back down into the tree line and waited for him to expose himself. She had to suppress her magic in order for him not to find out and it seemed like it worked.

The 'beast' heard something from underneath him and was shocked to see a large red blast of destruction right beneath him. Sensing the danger, the beast made a defense shield around him, blocking the strike.

"Damn." muttered Rias, noticing that she was using a lot of profanity. She had to calm down if she wanted to win. This devil was going to be a challenge.

Recall his shield, Rias noticed that the devil seemed to be breathing a little heavier. 'What's going on? All he did was make a shield. Surely, it probably took a lot of magic to hold up from my attack, but to be breathing like that already? Maybe he has low magic reserves?'

A few summoning circles appeared near Issei and Yuuma's body to reveal Akeno along with two other people. Introducing Koneko and Kiba, the last two members to Rias' peerage.

"Rias!" shouted Akeno as she looked for her King and best friend.

"Over here." said the Gremory as she flew down to her peerage. Akeno gasped at the blood that was dripping from Rias' mouth and ran up to her, followed by Koneko and Kiba.

"Rias, what happened?" asked Akeno in worry.

"Somebody is getting in the way of me reviving Issei." said Rias as she pointed up to the boy in the air. " I don't know who his master is, but I know he is a devil because he has devil wings. He calls himself…Beast. Just call him beast." She shorted his unexplainable nickname down to 'Beast' because she would never call him by his nickname. "He has great strength and amazing speed. Do not underestimate him."

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