
Power of Destruction

Naruto Bael was born a Low-Class Devil before the Great Devil War. Realizing how the devil-class system subjugated devils of lower class, Naruto will represent his origins as he rises and expose the corrupted system that he lives in, and he'll do it without the High-Class Devils even realizing it. Power of Destruction Naruto! Mass character crossover. Pickles are life.

Suzy0700 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Power of Destruction. Chapter 2

Time skip – Sunday

Issei was waiting by the fountain patiently for his date to arrive. He had thought long and hard on what he was planning for the date in his head throughout the weekend and was ready to put his plan into action.

'Okay, first shopping, then movies, then going out to eat, and I'll end it with a nice walk through the park.' Issei excitedly thought. 'And if I get lucky, then the night might end with my face in her oppai!'

Issei then felt someone tapping him on his shoulder. He looked to see a woman dressed in what looked like a Halloween costume/ dress that looked like it was in the shape of a bat. She reached out to hand him some type of pamphlet.

"Uh… thanks." He said as he took the pamphlet. She nodded and walked off silently, weirding Issei out.

"Issei, is that you?" said a voice behind him. Issei turned to see Yuuma looking stunning in a revealing clear top and short black skirt.

'Holy- BABE ALERT' "Hey, Yuuma. You look amazing!" said a grinning Issei.

"Thanks." She smiled back at him. "So, do you know what we're doing today?" she said as she latched onto one of his arms, unconsciously pushing it into her breast.

"Oh-yes! I have the whole day planned out!" he exclaimed, trying to keep his cool. "We're going to have a really good time today."

"Well let's get to it!" he said happily and pulled him into the shopping district.

Time skip – that evening

Park Entrance

All according to Issei's plan, the duo were having a nice walk through the park as their last activity for the day.

The date went well for Issei. They went shopping for clothes together (he had to keep from staring at Yuuma to long in the different outfits she tried on), ate at a nice restaurant where they actually had great conversation, enjoyed two movies because they couldn't decide between an action movie or a chick-flick so they decided to see both, and now the two were taking a comfortable stroll through the park.

"So, Issei," said Yuuma, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

"What I want to be?" asked Issei as he scratched his chin. "Never too much thought about that."

"Well, do you have an interest in anything that you'd want to do?" she asked.

"Well… I think I want to do something in a hospital." he answered.

"A hospital? Why's that?" Yuuma curiously ask.

"Uhm… I've never told this to anyone before, so use this as proof that I trust you." He said seriously, which surprised Yuuma. He was smiling all throughout they're date and he never had put such force behind his words.

"My mother and father… they've tried to have children before me… two or three times, I think…well, my mother had miscarriages for each one of them." He said a little hesitantly.

"Oh my gosh." Yuuma covered her mouth in shock. Two or three miscarriages? She couldn't have imagined going through something like that.

"Yeah, when I heard that it made me have a higher respect for life, even though I do a lot of questionable things…" he said as he thought back to all of his perverted tendencies (addiction).

"What type of questionable things are you-

"Anyway!" he exclaimed, trying to turn bring back the topic in hand. "When my mother was pregnant with me, my father went to some shrine and prayed for me to survive, and I did. So they named 'Issei' for honest, which is meant for my father's honest prayers for me to live."

"Wow." Yuuma's respect for Issei parents increased dramatically after hearing that. "Your parents are very brave and noble for having faith that you'll live."

"Yeah. My parents are the best." He said with a smile as he thought about the people who take care of him. "So, anyway, when I learned about that, I thought about how cool it would be to, ya know… deliver kids, or something like that. I don't know. I've always liked those doctor shows and stuff, but I'm not a fan of the blood."

"Yeah!" Yumma said with a giggle. She now saw Issei in a new light. Not only was he cool, but he also had an honorable dream.

"What about you?" asked Issei, catching her attention, "What do you want to be in the future?"

"A businesswomen." She answered quickly. "I don't do a lot of things at school. I basically go to school and go home right after, so I don't have a huge social life. I enjoy being around my parents a lot more than other people and they both work in big time corporations here in Kuoh. While they aren't at the very top, they are high-ranking business people and people have a lot of respect for them where they work.

"Ah. So your parents are a very big influence on you." Issei summed up.

"Yup! They're important business people and I want that type respect one day." She said dreamily as she looked up at the evening sky.

"Ya' know," said Issei, "If we get accomplish our plans and get married, we'll be rich!"

"Ma-ma-married?!" the shocked Yuuma couldn't keep her surprised hidden as she mumbled over her words.

Issei felt like hitting himself over in the head for saying something so stupid. "No! Wait- I didn't.. I didn't mean…"

"No, it's alright." She said while blushing up a storm. "At least your honest…"

The walk to the park fountain was slightly awkward, but the two managed to pick up conversation with a different topic.

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