
Post Apocalypse: Murasaki Camp

They've spent all their lives trapped with the infected, now a new Era is upon them, and they all think it means the end of their suffering, because after all, what could be worse than a generational curse everyone was born into Right? Well, there is much much worse

DaoistrC49e5 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
80 Chs

Chapter 37

All the teens meet in the bunker that is now empty. The helpers that were hired to help move the supplies went back to their own homes for the day.

"I had a really long nightmare last night and I don't know how far into the future I saw, but we are all in danger, but more than anything, you kids are the most in danger." Lily says and takes a deep breath. She leaves the room to wipe her tears away.

Everyone shifts in their seat taking the meeting seriously. They just moved into their new home, Everyone was assuming it's a celebration they are being called for.

"What is the one power you all have in common?" Colin steps in since Lily went out to get some air.

"Time." Chronos answers.

Colin nods, "Exactly, and you all know that powers evolve from generation to generation. Lily saw someone hunting down the most powerful ability combinations. The most powerful ones are time manipulation powers. We've all encountered this hunter one way or another. June and Aira came face to face with the man, but because you don't have time based powers he let you live. He's the one who convinced Leigh to take Avalon, we didn't know about this until Lily's dream. Luna's father left to protect her because he was only tracking him. He's still alive but out of fear he'll lead the hunter to you, he's watching from a close distance. Dodge he killed your parents but we didn't know that since a woman who was a stranger brought you to us, we assumed she was your mother, but your mother used her threads to send you to us through this woman. He's coming back for all of you." Colin says.

Lily enters the room like nothing happened, Boss Babe mode back on, "What we're here to talk about is that I saw this man building an army. Gathering people, spreading lies and rumours to get people on his side. People will grow to hate you, fear you for the potential of what your children's powers will do, we need to prepare for this by spreading the truth, the next generation of power evolution will be the last. After your children powers will decline in power and eventually become a rarity. I've asked Kyle to help because his child is in the most danger. Once the Infected die out he'll come after you." She sits down trying to figure out how to make this threat clear. How they can get the sense of danger in the future.

"How soon will the Infected die out?" Kai asks.

"As soon as they fight amongst themselves. Like I said I have no idea when this will happen. What we can do is tell people that a hunter is coming for their children and grandchildren. It's honestly a lie, because only 2 camps will be targets. This hunter hasn't aged a day in all of the times I've seen him, he's from the future, I don't know why he's after our two camps, but he's serious. Speaking of someone from the future, we have some one else trying to save us, from the future as well. He can give people powers. He's not in the room, it's like he's here but in the time vault always. He secretly left a formula for the vaccine. Gave Dodge her powers and is the one who left black marbles outside of people's camps. He's trying to keep you alive but there are conditions to his protection. Just one, for you guys specifically, no relationships for the next 10 years. Don't even show a single sign to anyone that feelings between you and someone are there. Toya you have to stay away from Luna."

Toya sighs, "I can do that if it means protecting her."

Lily nods, "Be careful. You can only trust each other." She says before leaving with the rest of the adults.

Dodge looks at Sarah with a single thread flying in the air, "Does she keep her memories?"

Sarah gulps.

Mira nods, "Yeah. I need to go enjoy my new bed people, sorry." She walks to her room and sits on the bed closing her eyes.

Everyone else goes their separate ways to their own rooms as well.


Coalman stands at the roof of the building spying on Kyle's mall. They recently removed the shield on the the mansion nextdoor to their mall and it was occupied by a new camp.

"There is less security, and I rarely see Kyle or hear from him." Coalman thinks to himself. He goes back inside and suits up to go outside and see what is going on personally.

That place used to be busy when the Murasaki teens were there, it looks like after they left the place turned into a grave yard. There's no trace of familiar faces and no children at all.

Coalman suspects the Camp Split up. He's been hearing about a camp by the name of New Moon Camp. He's intuition tells him Kyle did the unthinkable and left people behind when he moved to his new camp.

Kazumi passing the suit room walks backwards looking Coalman up and down, "Sir? Are you going outside again? Where are you going? There was a warning that the Infected are back in our area. You can't go out there, you won't come back. It's winter they are hibernating here, and Murasaki says this winter the red liars will help the infected so they don't hibernate at all."

Coalman sighs, "How far are they?"

"Less than an hour away, they are running at an unusual pace for Infected. It's like they are running away from something."

Coalman recalls the time they were running unusually fast when Murasaki was locked in their bunker 3 days and they came out dying.

Until than the idea of killing the infected had never crossed anyone's mind but now people are waging war against the Infected using purifiers with healing essence for those who can make them.

He grits his teeth frustrated as he looks around his camp with so few members they are still on the first crate of goods Murasaki left behind.

Murasaki used to be one of the poorest camps in the area. Just a bunch of survivors who built a home together desperate to stay alive.

With Lily they knew how to stay alive and how to get supplies. Look at them now. It's infuriating.

He takes a deep breath snapping out of it.

"Alright, but has the drone arrived at Stark?" He asks as he takes off the suit. He wants to see what the new Murasaki Camp looks like and show everyone else curious too, what does a camp with zero security look like.

"Yes sir, you won't believe it. We added the image sharer, those with image receivers will see everything. Hurry up and see." The chipper female says running to see it again.

The footage starts from the bridge where 2 shields meet, from the bridge it is the large river starting to freeze because of winter.

There's grass and a tall mountain hiding the view.

As the view goes over the mountain there is an open field of land for a long distance before you see empty farm houses.

Past the farm house you see the power plant with empty average houses.

Where the average houses end there's a water fall and a second hill that blocks the view. Over the mountain you see the water plant surrounded by colourful roads.

There's different houses some with cars parked outside others blue mist coming out of the open windows.

Children running in the street..

The road travels to the Royal city of Stark and the business centre, it is nothing but water for miles and a bridge leading to North Murasaki.

The camera captures Sky scrapers all over the place with small houses in the outskirts where Missy and the others used to live.

Behind the mall area is a Purple city with Kai on the roof watching Akali chase after a butterfly.

Lily is sleeping on the balcony couch with a book on her lap. Looking so peaceful it's almost enviable.


Camp Serbia: That is so beautiful and so safe.

Camp Bridget: Honestly, the safety is incredible.

Camp Lana: The streets are so colourful, how did they do that?

Camp Red: What colours do they have?

Camp Flint: The bands on their hands match with the street colour. Black go back and show everyone. I think it has to do with identifying who lives in which house.


Kazumi takes the controls since Coalman is too stunned to move or breath at the moment. She goes back to the park and there is a group hanging out under a tree.

"Cinna, come on, it's your turn. Stop holding out the game. Where are you looking?" A girl asks.

Cinna smiles and everyone turns around to see Luna and Sarah holding bottles of water after their workout.


Camp Flint: See the bands tell you where everyone lives.

Camp Lana: Who is that black haired girl driving a car, looks too young to me.

Camp Serbia: It's a long distance from North and South Stark. The girl has a purple band. She lives very far.

Camp Victoria: Can you follow the girl and track her speed as well as how long it takes to drive from South to North.


Kazumi follows Luna tracking her speed, she's driving under 40, but after she leaves the town driving past the water plant she accelerates driving at a speed of 100.


Camp Flint: They road signs for the speed limit. It should take 10 minutes.

Camp Lana: How long did it take to get the Infected out of there. It's such a long distance.

Camp Red: Such clean water. How can we get some?

Camp Seven: We used to live there. The water was a black swamp and smelled awful. How did they do that.

Camp Lana: My question exactly.

Camp Royal: Everyone knows the current youth have crazy powers. You remember he told Camp Moon that 13 years is what happened to their camp.


Coalman sits down and his heart stops beating seeing the city.

The roads. The houses with clothes hanging on the washing lines.

Children playing in the park. Fresh water, trees, and mountains.

Chronos exiting the big Castle with Mira laughing together. Real life cars, Luna holding a pup wolf.

Coalman looks around following the water and next to the shield is a second shield and he sees Kyle talking to people dressed in all black.

"Are those the invaders Murasaki was talking about?" Kazumi asks.

Coalman has his doubts until one of them attacks the wall

"That's them. In Black and sometimes red. We don't have a shield like that. What will we do?"

Coalman reassures his new people he is in good relations with Murasaki he will talk to them. He steps away to have the conversation in private.

Coalman grabs his Comms and dials Murasaki.

"Murasaki speaking. what's your emergency?"

Coalman bites his lip, "We need your new nano shields. If those people in red attack our shield like they did New Moon we will be in danger."

"Alright. I will report your problem ASAP."

The Split clone runs to pass on the message to Colin.

Colin busy with the crates and delivering supplies winces, "Can you gather everyone at my house. Make sure Thomas is there too. I'll be there in an instant."

Split nods gathering the leaders and Thomas at Colin's house.


Lily shakes her head, "We cannot give it to them for free. These people need to work for it. We will dig our own graves and traps like this."

Thomas jumps in and shows everyone a round marble sized ball, "Perhaps, payment in these stones? They are not toxic at all, it is what nanites are made off. Could these be used as payment? There's so much the lab can teach about them."

Lily's eyes glow, "Perfect. Love, they should hear it from you." She taps Colin on the chest.

Colin nods and broadcasts an image to everyone, "10 stones for the older generation red shields, and 100 for the impenetrable newer model. They are found everywhere. Those interested should hang a flag on their roof."

Split runs to the building being summoned by Lily who fills him in on the plan.

"Never! Split take my words cautiously never go out there in person. Always send a clone."

Split nods.

Rex updates the Comms to reflect white flags. He points at a location with a flag, "That's Samantha, she probably doesn't know we can still track her."

"Toya, your team will help Thomas with delivering the shield. It doesn't work with out the papers right? That time travel thing?" Colin asks.

"It works, but it will go to a random period in time. It's meant to confuse thieves. I'll send one without the time chip. It's easy to remove it." Thomas says carrying his cooing baby.

"Alright. Be careful. 100 Stones or no trade. It's too vital to just give away at random." Colin says before going back to the job he was doing.