
Post Apocalypse: Murasaki Camp

They've spent all their lives trapped with the infected, now a new Era is upon them, and they all think it means the end of their suffering, because after all, what could be worse than a generational curse everyone was born into Right? Well, there is much much worse

DaoistrC49e5 · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Chapter 36

Thomas smiles and presents the new technology he has invented, "Lily I need your papers. They must be inside the machine so the time machine knows exactly how far in time to go back."

Lily gives Thomas all her papers checking with her power that she didn't forget something, "That's everything, honey, how's the coast?"

Colin checks the Comms phone and there is not a single Infected in the area. All of them are marching towards the next city for water.

Lily smiles at her husband and gives the team a go ahead.

They take down the old shield and replace it with a smaller yet more powerful shield.

It cloaks the entire city of Stark, going even further than everyone imagined.

A sound captures everyone's attention as they were all looking at how far the shield goes. The centre of the wall is making a fan noise and rings a few times before it is quiet.

Lily notices her papers falling out of the machine. 29 pages followed by 29 flashes in the sky.

The bright flashing could be seen from a long distance. Making everyone curious what it is.

At Murasaki the ground shakes and the entire place inside the shield disappears. A whole city.

The people inside watch as the interior shifts. The mall and everything inside go back in time.

Cars from the specific day Lily wrote appear, however the cars are immediately modified to look futuristic and match with the drawing Lily made

Stark used to have a large river, mountain and waterfall. It used to have houses on hills.

A castle where the Royal family used to live, and was the only place where nano technology was in use. There's a big lab with all records of nano technology that fell, or better yet was destroyed to keep the knowledge hidden away.

Lily's eyes widen seeing colour all around her.

Small shops selling hoverboards, and so much more.

After an hour to everyone inside the time vault. It's only been a second to the rest of the world.

Colin calls the children back showing them their new home.

Lily gives Thomas a hug, "You beautiful genius. The kids should see this themselves. Have Luna touch everything and show it to Kyle." She says feeling so much peace inside of her. This is going to be their permanent home no matter what.

Thomas smiles and shows Luna everything happy it only takes him explaining things to her once, for her to get it.

The lesson drags out to two weeks but eventually the kids visit Kyle again and install the new shields, everyone is caught by surprise when the shield changes shape and the blinding light they saw 2 weeks ago they see it again, but this time it's only 12 times, Lily only produced 12 pages, but this place is smaller than their place.

The entire area disappears and Samantha and her new family see it standing on the edge of a mountain, below is a large pit of infected black water, it's thick and smells awful.

Within a split second there is a shield directly in front of Samantha and the group dressed in all black. The black water is now a beautiful, fresh and glistening body of water.

Kyle looks surprised when their small territory is much larger and more beautiful. Their shield connects to the Murasaki shield, because the Murasaki waterfall and lake connect to Kyle's territory.

"That was incredible. Did you feel that immense power?" Chronos says still shaking from the experience.

"This place is incredible. Look, it changed the infrastructure so much. Your house is 10 times bigger." Rex says surprised by how intimidating it looks now

"You have animals? Are those sheep?" Aira says looking from above, "You guys! They are literally right next door to us. Look, come look!" He points at the blur of the Murasaki mountain he can't see the place at all. He just recognises the mall.

Kyle takes deep breaths feeling like he's dreaming. He had to give everything he had away to prepare for the surprise Murasaki had for him. He sent everyone back to mix and mingle with familiar faces.

"This is nothing near how much I gave to you. This is nothing at all." Kyle says looking around.

People's houses are just as bigger, every house here is a huge mansion.

"The wealthiest people in the country lived here. These houses are exactly like the ones we have but you have more because we have the office buildings and stuff." Chronos says taking a step but losing his balance.

"Are you alright?" Mira asks.

"Yes, just got a taste of how hard I should work. This is crazy I would have never thought it possible if I hadn't experienced it myself." He stands up.

Luna joins Aira in the Sky seeing the river pass into Kyle's territory, "Look at the bridge. The shield is only joined at that point but the rest of the way the area is separated. There's only one way for us to visit each other." Luna points at what she noticed.

They give Kyle the wrist bands.

"These make sure no one without it can enter. Not even through a shield. Anyone not from your camp can't open a portal from in here, or to here too. This is how you will choose who enters your camp and who doesn't." Rex gives him the wrist bands different in colour from the one he is wearing. His is purple, Moon's is Green.

Moon gives the first one to Angela and wears his first. She opens a portal and gives everyone permission to cross her mirror portal.

They arrive at the old moon camp and the people are gathered around the people who came back to tell everyone the camp is getting extended today.

"We didn't even see the first camp, so unfair."

Kyle walks out of the house and asks for all the children to be brought forward, "Please gather them all here." He asks Jet and Jake.

"Okay." They reply in sync taking out their phone Comms hunting for the kids.

When all the children are in front of Kyle and not a single one is missing. He asks Split to give them wrist bands.

"Can all the children's parents step forward." Kyle says standing a distance away from the group. He waits until every last parent is in front of him, "Rex can you make clones and handle this group. I will personally handle the elderly and they will go to the new place." Kyle says walking inside the house to give the elderly wrist bands.

Once they all have wrist bands he asks Angela to take them to the old age home across their house.

While she handles that Kyle calls the guards that were originally guards at the new moon camp before it's new transformation.

"The New Moon Camp does not require guarding. For your service and loyalty you will get first pick of the housing and cars." Kyle says bowing his head thanking the men.

He gives them wrist bands to put on themselves.

Kyle than looks at everyone who's left, "I think some of you have something to tell me, so I'll wait for everyone to leave and I will hear you out."

He turns to everyone else and waits for the wrist bands to be put on them before they are sent away. As promised once everyone is gone he stands in front of the group left.

"I choose to stay here." Benjamin announces

Emily seconds his notion.

Emily's friend Tina steps away from her disagreeing.

"Those who wish to stay on one side. Those who wish to leave stay where you are." Kyle says standing up straight.

Majority step out of the way.

Kyle nods his head and doesn't say anything else, he was told that this would happen. That he would lose his frenemies for good and the people that will threaten the peace of the new camp. The best way to expose them was to let time slowly reveal their nature.

Once he has put wrist bands on the last of the group they leave the old moon camp for good.


Kyle stands in front of the multiple gathered in the enormous city hall, "As I promised. The Blue bands, will choose houses first." Kyle projects a video of the housing. From every angle.

The men with Blue bands pick houses in the neighborhood closest to the bridge. They are the largest, but they are also few in number, no other house in the city looks those, however there 30 houses and 30 of them so they choose those houses after counting how many houses are there.

Kyle taps the screen and allocates the houses to the blue bands.

He counts the number of families with children. He has a total of 65 people. 20 families. There's a neighborhood in the center circling a park with 20 houses designed the same way. He gives them the houses in the front row of the neighborhood.

The 8 that joined after the issue about people wanting to stay at the old camp will share an 8 bedroom mansion nextdoor to the elderly's old aged home, "You 8 took care of the elderly I'm asking you to keep doing that." Kyle looks at them waiting for an answer.

They all agree and Kyle nods his head.

"Moon Camp used to have 299 people, but the New Moon Camp now has 216 people. The rest of the territory is not for new members that are coming to join this camp. It is for the future generations, from now on, the rule that bans relationships is being revoked. It is officially the start of winter and the start of a new chapter in all our lives. Your houses have supplies for the month. Everything you need will be refilled by the end of the month. This building right here is where all medical supplies will be. In case of an emergency please rush the child here, or whoever. Place them inside the capsule and the machine will handle the rest. Thank you for your patience with me. We will now go over the cars." Kyle says smiling.

He already chose 3 cars.

"Blue bands will pick 3 cars. Red bands pick 2 cars. The 8 teens pick 1." Kyle starts with the first model of cars. Everyone gets the ordinary 4 seaters.

Next are the sports cars, only blue bands pick one of these.

Last are the family cars, blue bands and red bands pick these.

"That is all. You can all go home. You'll find your cars already waiting for you."

Angela opens portals transporting Everyone to their neighbourhood and they choose who takes which house.

Kyle looks at the farm animals. He'll have to figure out who can actually take care of them, not even he knows where to start.


At Murasaki it's been 2 weeks but no one has moved into a new house.

Missy sits at the table after being called along with 4 other families Murasaki found in this neighborhood.

Lily called everyone to make an announcement about moving. When she appears everyone turns to her anxiously waiting, "Sorry for the delay, but the day is today and we are ready to start moving people in."

She listens to everyone celebrate before she continues, "Alright. The boring stuff first, while I have your attention. Please clean your houses once a week, you do not want to know what happens to those who don't take care of their homes. We picked houses for you, so if your bff gets a bigger house suffer in silence this is a final decision and it took weeks to come to this decision."

She projects family names, "Your band colour will be orange to match with the street name orange. These are the largest family we have. The Willows adopted Nova and Cross. The Eijun family adopted the Scarlet twins and Raven twins. The Wombat family adopted Esther, Bridget and Armani. They will be getting the largest houses in Orange, the first row is house number O1 to O4. You can step out of the group and Jet will take you there, you all received numbers please look at it, that's your house number." Lily says.

"Next up are these families. Mother and father are present with 2 kids, we have 7 families with those number, You are Blue bands in the Blue street houses. B1 to B7 please have your number on you so you walk into the right house." Lily says leading them to Jake to take them to their houses.

"Next group is the single moms. All of you have only one child. A house for 2. You are in Ginger street which is on this side. North Murasaki. We have 7 families. G1 to G7 please follow Dodge." Lily says looking at the groups now. The elderly are all in the hotel. Murasaki originally had 4 now it has 12.

There are now 17 males and 20 females left.

Lily smiles at the people left, "Alright. I was secretly having meetings with you and some of you are fresh couples that will be moving in together. You guys are are yellow bands in yellow street. Y1 to Y6 step forward."

After the group are portaled by Toya, Lily turns to the rest of the people.

"Teens and the remaining members will be in charge of running the hotel. Please take care of the elderly as well. The camps total number of members is 151. That's alot of people from a group with only 17 members and Akali. Thank you for your patience you're dismissed." Lily walks into the mall to signal a lock up. No more guarding anything the leaders are the only ones with access inside with Purple bands.

Luna smiles walking into her room. With a kitchen and a comfortable living room space and balcony door.

There's a knock on her door.

She opens it slowly and smiles already knowing it's Toya, "No I am not cooking for you."

Toya chuckles, "I wanna talk."

"Okay, I'm listening." Luna says refusing to let him in

Toya looks around the hall way, "Right here?"

"Yes." Luna nods.

Toya smiles and cups her cheek leaning in kissing her.

He smirks into the kiss when Luna kisses him back for the first time.

He bites her lip pulling away from the kiss.

Luna smiles closing the door.

Toya smirks walking to his room, he opens his bedroom door and looks at his parents sitting on his bed.

"Toya, we need to talk."