
Post Apocalypse: Murasaki Camp

They've spent all their lives trapped with the infected, now a new Era is upon them, and they all think it means the end of their suffering, because after all, what could be worse than a generational curse everyone was born into Right? Well, there is much much worse

DaoistrC49e5 · Fantasy
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80 Chs

What people think about Murasaki

Other camps discuss Murasaki Camp and the New Stark city over video Comms.

Camp Diamond: Anyone who has bought the 100 stones shield, what is it like?

Camp Lana: It's absolutely incredible, but now there are camps selling blue mist purifiers. We bough these purple ones and they are more powerful than the blue ones for healing. They are only 20 stones at Camp Elaine.

Camp Serbia: I heard about those but I didn't think they were legit, at least Murasaki gives their purifiers for free. I have been buying Technology from Camp Black. It's really incredible. The supplies are worth the price.

Camp Flint: We bought crates of food from Camp Victoria. It's really a lot.

Camp Diamond: Can you imagine how overnight Murasaki changed the way camps interact. I never recognised these stones until now."

Camp Red: So no one is going to talk about what we saw on the Imager?

Camp Lana: I want to know what it's like inside. So safe and snuggly for winter.

Camp Serbia: I heard they weakened their wall on purpose so snow can fall. That's how Black's camera could get in.

Camp Flint: Where's Missy to show us her house?

Camp Lana: I'll call her, she always answers when I call.


Missy who is casually watching the chat chuckles and answers the call.

Everyone can see her son playing with a young boy his own age. Action figures of super heroes everywhere.

Missy smiles sipping her hot cappuccino covered in a blanket.

"Hello everyone. I'm Missy, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Luna opens the door holding a box with Toya next to her, they are completely ignoring each other.

"Hey, thanks for bringing in the supplies. Thomas done at the lab? My son wanted to join him again at the power plant."

Toya shakes his head, "Baby is sick today he went straight home. They can join us as we deliver supplies if they want."

Missy nods, she turns to the two boys playing on the carpet in silence, "Do you boys want to help deliver supplies and do real super hero stuff?"

"No." The boys respond and keep playing with their action figures.

Luna smiles leaving them with ice cream, "Maybe next time I guess." She kisses the top of their heads and leaves.

Toya installs the new baby monitor chip in the home system so it can solve little accidents if the mother isn't looking.

Missy turns to the computer and smiles.


Camp Victoria: How do you have skin like that. It's beautiful.


Missy hides behind her cup and blushes, "We receive toiletries with healing essence in them. Lotions, soup, scrub, oil, perfume, hair products. It's really cool. The lights have healing essence, fire wood for the fire place too. I sleep with a healing candle on as well."


Camp Gemini: What about your son, does he have his own bathroom?


Missy nods, "Yes, but at the moment he still sleeps with me. When he's older he'll move into the big room. I chose a smaller room closer to the bunker. Just being cautious."


Camp Armani: Who cooks for you?


Missy points at herself, "Me, no one else will, I cook and clean my own house. I'm given supplies and food I have to make it last the whole month. If you blow through your supplies before the month is over you have to buy it from the mall. We're given enough to last month's, if anyone blows through those quickly they are wasteful."


Camp Lana: Have the red liars come back to your camp?


Missy shakes her head and finishes her coffee, "No, they are not letting up on New Moon. They attack the wall daily we had to amp up security. They wanted the wall weak enough it will have snow fall in the city, but we won't with them on the offensive."


Camp Diamond: Can we get a tour of the house?


"Maybe once the kids sleep, but you can watch me cook and I'll show you around." She walks to put her mug in the sink and wash the dishes inside.

"Mom! Can I get mince." Her son Hero stands up to get his box and pack his toys, his friend usually goes home now.

"Okay. I'll walk Pete home when you're done packing your toys." She says opening the fridge. She didn't expect him to ask for mince. She's happy he's eating now.

She opens the fridge and the camera behind her shows everyone what she has.


Camp Gemini: What is that?

Camp Armani: That's all food?!!

Camp Elaine: Wow.

Camp Flint: Are we seriously going to watch her male food?

Camp Lana: Honestly.


Missy looks for the mince and realises she didn't get any for the month. She walks to the pantry and walks to the meat aisle and finds them stored here instead.

The boxes are opened and empty. There's only a list left inside. It was new medical supplies for specific Illnesses.

She goes back to start cutting the veges.


"They use the garage space as a store house. It's so cool." A girl says to her mom in their house.

"Alright. We'll work on it tomorrow. Can you stop watching that. What are you seeing?" The woman says counting the stones she received for selling Meat, she hated her power because all she could eat was meat, but other people absolutely love meat.

"Missy, she's going to show us outside." Her daughter says leaving mince on the side.

"We have customers coming here soon. I'm about to open the portal can you stop and get ready to help. We need milk and vegetables and if we don't sell the meat we don't get stones. Camp Mint is trading a crate of meat for two crates of meat. I want to have enough coins to buy new blankets."

The girl turns around, "Stop being annoying mom. I already asked Murasaki for supplies they'll be here in a few minutes. If you want to sell meat, do it, but don't say it's for our survival. It's something you enjoy, good for you." She turns to the screen.


Missy locks the door and closes all the windows. She walks into her garage and opens the car door.

The boys climb inside and the camera follows them inside.

She drives out of the garage and house driving to Pete's house in another colour street. They are alot bigger than they seem. A colour is a 10 minutes drive away from the next.

Missy knocks on the door and Pete's parents have food ready already.

"Bye Pete!" Hero says waving him away.

"Bye Hero." He says already outside.

Missy drives back home so she can cook for her son too.

When they arrive at her house Hero sleeps on the couch he'll wake up once she's done.

Missy chops the veges while the camera tours the house.

From the underground garage. To the elevator that opens the door to the store room with supplies packed like a grocery store. When you exit the room next to the door are the stairs, straight ahead is the kitchen but there are a few doors on the left and right. On the left hand side underneath the stairs is a closet with cleaning supplies.

Mops, brooms, dish washer, washing powder, disinfectants, liquid purifier in 500ML see through tins. Purifier pallets. Drain acid to be used on cleaning day. Boxes of air purifier. Boxes of air fresheners. Gloves. Masks. A fire extinguisher and toilet cleaners. The door opposite to that is a living room with a large wall size cabinet, inside are cups and mugs. Containers of sweeteners. Powder milk and cappuccino sticks. There's hot chocolate and tea bags. There's home made biscuits in large containers. Biscuits and snacks on the side of the corner.

Hero is sleeping on the couch with his name on it. The rest are comfortable low seats at the same height as the coffee table. There's a door that opens and leads to a yard space with a garden.

Missy's favourite thing to do is gardening so she used half the space as a garden. The other space originally had a dog house. Murasaki promised to adopt animals from New Moon so she promised her son for his birthday his gift would be a dog.

The yard has a large tree known as the winter tree that produces winter fruit, every single house in the area has one. Winter fruit grow after winter. Thomas found out they are used to make Nanites 1900 times more powerful than metal Nanites.

Nanites made from winter fruit have the ability to change shape and properties, just like the wall he made using other people's powers. They were only used inside the city never outside because that was a secret ingredient in Stark's Nanites.

The camera enters the house and opens the last door on the right. Right next to the kitchen and it's heaps of toilet paper supply. The door front opposite opens to a passage way that leads to the large dining room. With a beautiful floral theme Missy made herself.

There's a door that leads to a pool. On the other side is a small house cottage. It has an outdoor grilling area. With 3 grills next to each other. Comfortable benches outside. Inside the house is fire wood and a fire place. Charcoal bags stacked on top of each other.

Fire extinguishers and folded tables with stacked chairs.

The yard has green grass. White leaves. The pool is covered in a nano shield so it's still see through but no one can jump in.

The camera goes up the stairs and the first floor is bedrooms. 4 on this floor each with a walk in closet that is empty.

At the end of the hall there are two doors, one side is the toilets, the other is the bathrooms and showers.

When you enter the bathroom on the right hand side is the sinks and mirrors. Straight ahead is a beautiful stone decorated wall..

It curves like an S. From above you see on the first curve of the S is a shower. On the bank end of the curve is another shower. There is a second one next to it.

Behind the 2 shower walls with 4 showers are the bathrooms.

The second floor is guest bedrooms. Smaller rooms with a shelf for your visitors bags.

There's 4 bedrooms on each side with the same toilet and bathroom at the end of the hall.

The shower has 2 doors. The first door is the towel room with a mirror and similar narrow sliding door with lotions and creams.

The second door leads to the actual shower and after showering you go back to the towel room with a carpet floor to dry your hair and body.

You throw the used towel in the used towel bin. On laundry day the washing machine will come and wash and fold everything inside. Made using the wash ability.

After drying yourself and lotioning your body the nano wrist watch will clothe you.

At the basins in the bathroom there is a part where the mirror splits in half. The mirror opens and inside is oral hygiene products. Behind the giant 2 S showers acting as a room divider are 4 stalls with bathtubs differing in size.

The largest one is more like a community bath. It has 4 spots to place a toiletry bag. It's square shaped has 4 Seats next to the toiletry bag seater to relax.

This bath is for relaxing soaks.

It has a carpet floor and towels but it's a bring your own toiletry bag stall.

It has towels on either side of the room placed underneath the 2 large sinks fit for 2 people to share side by side with a mirror on the wall.

The next stall is an ordinary bath tub with soap and toiletries in a cabinet on the wall. It has everything in one cabinet. The hair and body lotions in one spot. Underneath it's a pull forward cabinet with hair dryers and the rest. Underneath that is the hair combs set and scissors set.

On the opposite side is a basin and behind the mirror is the oral hygiene products. Under the basin are towels.

The next stall is an ordinary tub but a child's size. It has everything the previous stall has but the sensitive range.

The last stall is a newborn baby bath stall there's a long table with a baby sized sink on it. Comfortable white fluffy carpet next to the tub, On the wall hangs a comfortable mat to change, or dress the baby on. The mats on the wall come in different sizes.

Under the table is a sea through glass with all the new born supplies. Wipes, baby powder, toilet paper, wash cloths. Towels, diapers. Lotions and creams.

There's a large bin where a sink would be.


The fourth floor is a large single room divided in sections with room dividers so you can shift the room as you please.

Missy has a balcony chairs and table set. Her house is winter and baby proofed so the balcony has a glass wall covering the open balcony space above the railing.

people can see outside but the entire place is closed in and the air conditioner is on heat mode to keep the house warm.

Inside it's still empty because she doesn't know what to do yet. She was thinking a second kitchen once guests are allowed.

The camera goes back to the kitchen and the area is divided into multiple parts. The first part is the sink with a table on the side to set dishes after you dry them so you can pack them. Then the tiling pattern changes and the room decor changes moving on to the cabinets with food on one side and dishes on the other. Than the kitchen decor changes again and is divided by a couch in front of a computer and play area for Hero. Next to that is the table with all the vegetables and fruits on each side of the room. The knives and spoons neatly packed in the cabinets.

After that the room has a door on the left and a sliding door straight ahead. The door on the left leads to the appliances room.

There are 3 stoves. Than tables decorating on the walls of the room circling it with pressure cookers sitting on top. Coffee machine. Ice cream machine. Kettles and toasters. All appliances all over the table in Black colour.

There are black cupboards on the wall with the pots inside divided by brands. There are cooking spoons hanging here and there.

There's a table in the centre with chairs.

Missy is cooking from in here, the table in the other kitchen is probably for when guests are in the house and there's an event. The people that lived here probably expected guests all the time.

The camera goes back to the kitchen and straight ahead is a sliding door leading to the outside. People can see the large Winter tree dividing the space. On the other side is the garden and dog area everyone has seen. On this side is green grass going all around to the gate.

It's a bit of a long drive to reach the house from the gate.

The front of the house is started from the gate.

Green grass all the way on the sides of the colour coded drive way. As you reach the house you have 4 nano tents and the drive way fades into the grass. The porch of the house has the glass wall covering it, but it would usually be an open area with a comfortable sitting lounge type of design.

The camera goes back to the drive way and where it stops the grass pulls up revealing an underground drive way. Inside there is plenty of parking space but there are only 2 cars inside. A big family car and a nice 4 door maroon car with the family names on the plate in the street colour.

The camera goes back inside and Missy realises the tour is over. The rice is in the pressure cooker. Mince is on the stove almost ready and she's already done with 3 sides for the meal.

"Well, that's my house you guys, there are even bigger houses than this for bigger families. Everyone with this colour band has the same design. I just added the garden and the 4 tents. Others have different things in their yards. It all depends on how you want to make your home lovely, my son is still young so I am putting safety first."


Camp Serbia: Will the camp be adding new members?

Camp Lana: Your home is so lovely

Camp Flint: How much for those tents?


Missy chuckles, "I am not the person to ask about that, but I have my doubts for this winter. They are still settling the current residents in. We literally just moved into the houses. They definitely show no signs of any such moves.


Camp Armani: What would such a move look like?


"Storing food in the other houses. At least some of the teens arranging it, but they have their hands full delivering supplies and nano walls. You rarely see them. Anyway I have to go I hope I hope you enjoyed the tour." Missy turns off the camera.


Camp Victoria: That was just infuriating. Why are they not bringing new people into the camp?

Camp Serbia: They're still adjusting. How can you just add more people to your camp when you're not sure what you're doing is working for you? It's also winter, maybe after Winter they will decide. I would like a break. I doubt it was as easy as they make it look to do what they did. Children almost died.

Camp Bridget: I think it's their own fault for using children in the first place.

Camp Black: For your own information, it was the children's idea to expand and kick the Infected out. They were just smart enough to ask the adults to lead them. Everything went smoothly accept for the beast Infected. Murasaki trains their children to be leaders as early as 13 when powers are now strong enough to be trained and made stronger. Those kids are the real driving force behind Murasaki's success. They were one of the poorest camps until the kids had their powers. Without them Murasaki would be nothing.

Camp Moon: That's true. Anyone with word about the New Moon Camp? It has not shared it's radio number at all.

Camp Black: Kyle said he's staying off grid until winter is over. Why were you left behind?

Camp Moon: We chose this.

Camp Black: It looks like you regret it now. What happened? Did Kyle do something? I heard he made you wait too long and you got mad and decided to stay at Moon. It's going to be a long winter for you. Your supplies are running low.

Camp Moon: We buy our supplies from House 106.79 Affordable meat, and vegetables from Camp Mint. We don't still scavenge anymore.


Coalman laughs, "You still regret it."

Benjamin smiles


Camp Moon: Not at all. Chronos left us with a nice treat after they rewound our entire mall. Left us with comfortable tents, a strong shield, and everything we need. We just have to buy food but there's nothing we don't have. It's comfortable living here. I hear you have new members.

Camp Black: No I don't. We're working with Murasaki on moving. They plan to move two more camps in their area. Surrounding themselves in a shield of camps. They are not trying to hide it they want to be circled by other camps.

Camp Diamond: Have they hinted on any camp?

Camp Black: No, but it can only be someone they can trust. Either wise they are expanding their own territory.

Camp Lana: You really are an evil piece of work. Is this your way of making us grovel?

Camp Black: That's useless they can see into the future. There's nothing you can say or do that will change that.

Camp Armani: There are people in those areas. What will happen to them?

Camp Black: If they don't move, killed by Infected. So far Murasaki is helping them move, by the end of winter they will drive out the Infected and turn rubble city into what it was.