
Portgas D. Naruto

____________________________________ Naruto is born as Ace's older brother and the son of Portgas D. Rouge and the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger. Follow his life in the One Piece universe. ____________________________________ Disclaimer:this fanfic is not mine it's from Qwert135, if you want to take it down, message me, Every Chapter have 2k+ - 3k+ word's, so enjoy :D

xAcreosx · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 28

Portgas D. Naruto


Naruto looked out onto the battlefield and saw the sea of Marine soldiers with their weapons at the ready looking at him. Since the arrival of the Whirlpool Pirates, the battlefield had frozen in place as they awaited for the Yonko's next move.

Naruto looked to his side towards Lucy and Russ, "Lucy how do you feel about flying off and seeing if you could destroy some of those cannons."

"Aye!" She told him as her hands turned into wings as she flapped off in her bird form

The Yonko then looked to his other side and saw Kiji. "Kiji, I want you to go find that pineapple head and tell him the plan. Tell him we're here to back him up, but after we get Ace it's back to business." Naruto told his first mate as the fish-man nodded and ran to the opposite side of the ship and jumped off to go find Marco

"Russ." Naruto began

"Ya Cap'n?" The marksman asked him

Naruto made eye contact with the man, "I want you to stay up here, shoot any Marine that you see coming for the ship and make sure that the Whitebeard Pirates are able to advance."

Russ grinned, "Aye aye!" He yelled as his one eye began to glow a dark red as he reached behind his back and pulled out his lever action gun and took aim

Naruto himself walked to the edge of the ship and looked out towards the execution platform, he then looked down to see Luffy fighting a group of Marines. 'It's time to wrap this up.' Naruto thought to himself as he took off his cloak and let it blow away in the wind as he ran a few steps before jumping off of the Oro Jackson.

Some of the Whitebeard Pirates behind the main line of attack saw the Yonko jump off his ship and over top of them and land in front of them. They were nervous to say the least, seeing as that Whitebeard and Portgas had clashed a few times in the past.

Behind the scared pirates was one of Whitebeard's commanders, Jozu, who stepped forward. "You better not try and pull a fast one Portgas! Even if we're both fighting against the Marines don't think I'll let you hurt my men!"

Naruto looked back, "I'm not here to harm your men Jozu. I'm here to get Ace, nothing else. Now if you don't mind to tell your forces to make way it would be much appreciated." He explained to Jozu who clenched his jaw

"I don't take orders from the likes of you!" He yelled at the Yonko

Just then a booming voice was heard all across the battlefield. "My Sons! Do not get in Portgas's way! He too fights for Ace! Just for today he is on our side!" Whitebeard told everyone as some of the Marines began to sweat more now, not liking the fact they were now stacked up against two Yonko

Jozu looked in awe at Whitebeard and then back at Naruto who began to walk towards the horde of Marines, only looking back at Jozu once to wink at him. A wink in which the diamond man hated.

Once a big enough opening was created the Water-man charged forth and began to engage the Marines with his fists, easily knocking them out with one punch each. Naruto was now surrounded as a Marine jumped at him from behind with his sword above him, readying to deliver a downwards slash, but the Yonko just stuck his foot out into his gut which knocked him back into a few others. He then used the energy off that kick to rotate his body around 270 degrees and kick another Marine with the heel of his shoe.

He then had a little more space to move as he advanced some more before he was cut off by another batch of Marines. Getting tired of the small fry, Naruto waved his hand to the right and all of the Marines were carried away by an invisible force and flung over to the right. Just then 5 more jumped out with swords and attempted to slice down the Yonko from above but Naruto was quick to raise up his hands and block all of the swords with his ice coated arms. He then coated his arms in haki and pushed through the swords, with each one breaking. The surrounding Marines were shot back but before they could land Naruto braced himself and expanded his arms in both directions. "Universal Pull!" He yelled as the Marines were sucked back towards him

The Captain of the Whirlpool Pirates then slammed his hands on the ground and muttered, "Black Ice: Hedgehog!" Within seconds, haki coated ice bursted forth in every direction around the Yonko and created a sort of spikeball around him which the Marines were impaled by.

The Pirate melted the ice around him and let the bodies fall before he looked back up to see a teen in a yellow shirt attempting to fight a bigger than average Marine. Naruto smiled seeing his brother but knew he needed to save reunions for later. "Let's see if you like this one Luffy! It's one right out of your book!" Naruto stated before he grabbed his bicep with his opposite arm and cocked it back "Water Rifle!" He yelled out as his fist extended forward along with half of his arm straight towards the Marine who was just about to attack Luffy. Naruto's fist then made contact with the Marine's face and he was sent flying backwards into a bunch of his comrades.

Luffy looed back behind him and smiled as he watched the arm of water retract all the way back to it's owner. "Naruto! Have you come to save Ace too!?" Luffy asked his older brother as Naruto smiled and nodded

"With you here we'll get him for sure!" Luffy exclaimed as a certain pink haired Marine tried to punch the boy with the straw hat

Luffy managed to dodge the attack and jump backwards, while holding onto his hat, beside his brother.

"Strawhat and Portgas! The two men I hate the most! Yo both got really unlucky running into me!" The man began as both Naruto and Luffy narrowed their eyes at him

"Who?" They both chorused

The man face faulted before he quickly rose again as another equalling odd dressed man made his way to his side. "And don't forget about me too!"

Luffy looked a little harder as the two men started to grow impatient with the two brothers, "Don't you remember us! It's Fullbody and Jango!" They yelled out as Luffy awed, remembering and Naruto began to smirk

"Heyyyy you're the guy Sanji beat up, and you're the crappy hypnotist that attacked Usopp's village!" Luffy concluded as both of them began to get angry

Naruto then snapped his finger remembering the duo from Alabasta, "I remember you two, from Alabasta!" He told them as the two nodded

"We had an outstanding duel that you narrowly won!" Jango told him as Naruto raised a brow

"I thought I froze you two solid?" He questioned as the two faulted

They then both raised themselves up, "No matter!" Fullbody began

"We've gotten a lot stronger!" Jango continued

"And we're gonna. . ." Fullbody said

"Take!" Jango spoke

"You!" Fullbody continued

"How annoying." Naruto groaned as he walked towards the two men and swung his arms around both of their necks and pulled them close

Naruto smiled as he turned between the both of them. "You two know what's gonna happen right!" He told them with a smile

The both sighed, "Yes." They both groaned out as they both froze over

The two brothers were about to advance forward until the two men's commanding officer jumped at Naruto, attempting to subdue him. The Yonko flipped backwards, landing on his feet. Just then bars began to emerge out of the ground in a wide area around the two brothers and some Marines.

"Well it's good to see you too Hina!" Naruto exclaimed as Luffy looked on until something clicked in his head

"Hey you're the lady from Alabasta!" He yelled out

Hina exhaled some smoke as she held up her array of bars which extended outwards from her. "This is where your journey ends Strawhat, and you too Portgas." She said rather calmly as she crossed her arms and the bars began to move in on the two brothers from either side

Luffy braced himself before he announced something, "2nd Gear!" He yelled out as his body began to steam before he evaded Hina's binds

Naruto himself, elected to turn to water and side-step the binds before quickly moving past Hina and continuing on with Luffy by his side. What was left of the confrontation was a bunch of bars that had Marine soldiers stuck in them.

The two kept running side by side for a bit. "We're almost there Naruto! I can see Ace more clearly!" Luffy told his brother as Naruto smiled

"I'm giving him an earful when we get up there! It takes a real big idiot to get caught you know!" The water-human explained to Luffy who laughed

As they ran further towards the platform that held Ace, Luffy noticed it getting colder and colder. "Naruto! Do you have a coat I'm cold!" Luffy yelled out to the Yonko as he punched another Marine in the face and knocked him back

"No Luffy I don't." Naruto responded to him as he too started to feel the chills until he quickly punched two Marines out of his way and ran straight at Luffy. Luffy looked puzzled as to why Naruto was running straight at him and ducked his head when his brother jumped over him. The older of the two created a sort of rod of ice and slashed it forward. Luffy turned around and saw that the ice rod had made contact with a sword made of the same material.

"Luffy, move ahead without me. This guy is mine." Naruto stated plainly as Luffy ran off. "It was only a matter of time until Sengoku sent one of you three down here!" The Yonko exclaimed with a grin as he stared the much taller Admiral Aokiji in the eye.

Aokiji looked down at him a little bit, "Sorry but it's in the best interest of the Marines and the World that Portgas D. Ace be executed. Even if we may have to take on the strength of another Yonko we will not waver." Aokiji stated as the hand holding the ice sabre began to freeze over all the way up to his face and half of his body

Naruto grinned, "I don't care what you or any of those fools in the World Government have to say, I'm rescuing my brother!" Naruto declared as his body too started to freeze over. "Wanna find out whose ice is colder?" Naruto asked him with a smile

The two stayed locked in that position for a few seconds before Naruto broke off and backed up with his arm locked in its previous state. He then took his other arm and smashed it to pieces and Aokiji watched as water flowed freely out of his should and formed his arm again. "So it would seem that all your fruit does is mimic mine, it's not the real thing." Aokiji stated as Naruto laughed

"So it seems!" He responded. But just then Aokiji widened his eyes slightly as Naruto's "new" arm began to emit steam as he brought it up and punched forward. "Steam Strike!" Naruto yelled out as hot steam rushed towards Aokiji as he was forced to create an ice shield to block the oncoming attack.

The ice that Aokiji brought infront of him began to melt and holes began to form. Kuzan then kicked the shield of ice forwards at his foe before lining up an attack. "Ice Time Capsule!" Aokiji exclaimed as an invisible force moved towards Naruto as the ground beneath it began to froze only seconds after it passed over

The Yonko moved out of the way but a part of him was still caught in the attack. Naruto's leg and opposite arm were hit by the Admiral's attack and Naruto looked on with a clenched jaw as ice began to envelope his body little by little. 'Damn, even though I'm able to manipulate ice his ice is stronger then mine.' He then smiled, 'It wasn't a lie when he said my fruit only mimics his, as well as I may be with ice I'll never be able to be on his level with it. But no matter, let's just hope he plays into my hand.' Naruto continued to think to himself as ice still rose up his body.

Kuzan watched as the Yonko continued to struggle with getting out of the ice as he walked over to him. Understanding what he was about to do, Naruto moved his free arm behind his back and began to form some ice in his hand as he waited for Kuzan to get closer to him.

"I never expected it to be this easy for you to defeat Portgas, perhaps you aren't truly all you're cracked up to be?" Kuzan asked. "No matter, it's time to end this." He continued as he reached out his hand and laid it on Naruto's shoulder

"Ice-" Aokiji started but was interrupted

"Got ya!" Naruto yelled out as, with all of his strength, swung a hammer made of his haki infused ice at Aokiji from below which knocked him back. "Black Ice: Ice Hammer!" The voice of Naruto said as the Admiral skipped back away from him on his back

The captain of the Whirlpool Pirates then used his space from Aokiji to form his arm into an axe and chop at the ice that Aokiji had caught him in until he had completely gotten out of it. The Yonko then stared down the part of the battlefield where Kuzan had landed and watched as the Admiral began to rise from the snow that had been created on his impact. "Time to get serious." Naruto whispered to himself, as he watched Aokiji cough up some blood

Kuzan started to run as Naruto prepared his next attack. "Water Pressure!" He yelled as he held out his arm and began to manipulate Aokiji's ice body into collapsing on itself

The Admiral was able to withstand the attack, only falling to a knee, but it allowed Naruto the opportunity to get close. As the Yonko approached the Admiral his eyes went wide for a split second before he sidestepped. The younger of the two then brought his hand down to his rib and felt blood. "It seems you were only able to get away enough so my ice bullet only grazed you, still impressive that you were able to get away from an attack that can move that quickly." Aokiji praised as he got up to his standing position

Kuzan then brought forth another attack which caused spears of ice to grow from his palms at stretch towards Naruto. The Yonko then dodged the attack and kept on his path towards Aokiji before he got right in front of him and placed both of his thumbs just below his eyes and grasped both of his cheeks. "Boil!" Naruto exclaimed as Aokiji's face began to steam and the ice that he had on his body began to melt.

Seeing that the Yonko was virtually defenseless, fighting through the pain, Aokiji shot spears of ice out of both of his hands into the shoulders of the Yonko. The spears didn't go to deep as Naruto had already coated his chest in armament haki, foreseeing the attack, but it still resulted in blood flow none the less. Both men were locked in that position as they both struggled for dominance, Aokiji was trying to freeze Naruto's body over while the other was trying to melt Aokiji's own ice body.

The battle continued for a few more seconds before Naruto took his hands off of Aokiji and broke the man's hold over him by hitting both of his spears away with his elbows. He then brought his palm forward back towards his face and braced his wrist with the other hand. "Almighty Push!" Naruto proclaimed as Kuzan's top half broke off from his waste by being hit with so much force at such a close range.

The Ice-man's body began to indent into the ground as Naruto's attack finished. Seeing as though it would take Aokiji a moment to reconnect himself, Naruto elected to rejoin with Luffy and continue to help and get Ace and not waste anymore time.

Looking ahead Naruto could see Luffy along with a few figures. He punched a few Marines out of his way before he recognized almost immediately who the man smoking the cigar was. "Smoky is that you!?" Naruto yelled out from across the battlefield as Smoker looked over and readied his weapon in Naruto's direction and completely forgot about his opponent Luffy.

"I was hoping I'd run into you Portgas!" Smoker said as he lunged forward with his weapon before Naruto kicked the top of it into the ground and then followed up with a punch infused with haki and knocked Smoker back onto his back

Naruto grinned as he dropped his fist back to his side, "Not falling for that one again Smoky!"

"Khaaaaa! Of course my Naruto would come out on top! He's the future Pirate King and I'll be his queen!" A woman yelled out from beside Luffy

Naruto sweat dropped as he turned his head to face the two. "Hi Hancock it's good to see you too." He said with a slightly embarrassed smile as he rubbed the back of his head

Hancock began to blush furiously and she looked away from him out of embarrassment before she put her open hand to her forehead and acted like she was about to faint. "My husband you're too kind! They way you said my name, it's like we're practically married!" She yelled out as Naruto continued with his embarrassed smile

Naruto then walked closer to them and only looked at Luffy for a second and saw that he had no clue as to what was happening. "Hancock, you and I aren't married, but don't be sad because no one knows what the future holds." He tried to say in an effort to not make her sad but instead she just gushed some more

"Before I forget I-I got you this beloved, I-I hope you are pleased." She managed to get out as she presented the two brothers with a key to Ace's shackles

Naruto looked onto the key with wide eyes, "H-Hancock. . ." He whispered out, not taking his eyes off of the key

Luffy then started to jump in the air. Naruto looked back at the Pirate Empress and then pulled her into a hug. "Thank you Hancock, this means a lot." He said softly into her ear as the two started to run off again as Hancock collapsed to her knees and held her chest.

She watched as they began to run away towards the execution platform. "T-This feeling, is this what true love is. I-I love him so much." She said softly before she tried to regain her composer


With Naruto and Luffy. . .

"Wow she acts really weird around you big bro!" Luffy told his brother as he sighed

"Yeah you could say that." Naruto responded to the previous statement

Ahead of them Naruto saw a woman, or rather a man, or some kind of person with a really big head and curly purple hair. He raised a brow as Luffy started to wave his hands, "Heyyyy! Ivankovvv!" Luffy yelled over to the person as they turned around to look at Luffy

"Hey Strawhat-boy. . . WAIT! Y-You brought one of the Y-Yonko!?" Ivankov started to panic as Luffy laughed

"Shishishi! Don't worry Ivankov, it's only my brother! He's here to help us!" Strawhat reassured as Ivankov grew less weary

The two finally finished approaching Ivankov and stopped for a brief second. "Oh yeah, Naruto this is Ivankov! He helped me escape from Impel Down!" Luffy informed him as Naruto nodded

The Yonko then bowed his head a little, "Thank you for helping Luffy Ivankov, it means more to me then you know." Naruto said as the revolutionary went a little slack jawed at the sight of one of the Yonko thanking him

Just then a bit of a rumble could be heard as the three looked on to see the towering figure of one Bartholomew Kuma. Ivankov looked on in a little relief as Luffy began to raise his guard which Naruto mimicked. "Hey Kuma it's me Ivankov!" The purple haired man waved up to the cyborg but it fell on deaf ears

"He won't listen to you anymore Emporio Ivankov, of the Revolutionary Army." A voice spoke. After hearing the said voice Naruto immediately tensed up and began to freeze over his arm in preparation for an attack.

Ivankov went wide eyed, "Wha-what do you mean!?" He questioned frantically

"All of his free will had been irradiated, his personality is wiped, nothing of his previous life remains!" The voice said with a bit of a laugh

"N-no!" Was all that Ivankov could get out as he continued to stare at Kuma in shock

Luffy's brow furrowed, "Who the hell is this guy?" Asked the rookie, looking at the source of the voice

A laugh came, "Well, well, well, isn't this fun! A little reunion eh Portgas? How long has it been eh?" The voice asked Naruto as his jaw clenched

"Not long enough, Doflamingo!" The Yonko responded which earned a laugh from the pink wearing pirate

The group was interrupted as Kuma bent down before his mouth opened up and begun to fire bursts of energy at Ivankov. The two then started to move a bit further away and engaged in a fight. "Well, and then there were three! Why don't you run along Strawhat, Portgas here and I have business!" Doflamingo explained with his huge grin

Luffy looked at his brother who only gave him a small nod before he ran off. "What do you want Doflamingo!" Naruto demanded

"I just wanted to ask you how Rebecca has been lately?" The taller of the two asked and a split second later he put up his arm to block a strike from the Yonko who had clashed with him.

"What does Rebecca have to do with this?! Have you done anything with her!? Spit it out!" Naruto yelled out

The other pirate began to laugh, "She's fine not to worry, but let's just say Dressrosa is under new management!" Doflamingo told him with a smile

"You bastard! I'll kill you! And then I'll take back Dressrosa like before!" Naruto told him as Doflamingo laughed again

"I don't think you will! You see it's not like before, I have the whole island under my control and my crew is under order that if they see anyone from the Whirlpool Pirates or allied with them the populace is to be let's say decrowded!" He told Naruto

He laughed again, "And Rebecca is no exception! If I see anyone on the island trying to contact your crew or any of you in the Dressrosian waters, she will die. Her and her child!"

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