
Chapter 29

Portgas D. Naruto


"W-what, R-Rebecca. . ." The Yonko reacted with wide eyes as the pink pirate continued to have a smile across his face. The thought of Rebecca getting hurt made him so angry that he managed to slip by Doflamingo's defense and grab him by the throat before slamming him to the ground.

He then applied more pressure to the man's throat. "What's stopping me from killing you here right now and taking back the island by force!? There's nothing you can do Doflamingo!?" Naruto yelled out as another laugh came out

"Kaido." Was all he spoke as Naruto gritted his teeth

"What! Kaido would never help you! He's ruthless, and doesn't care much for alliances!" Naruto retorted as Doflamingo got out of his hold and wiped himself off

He smiled, "I've been doing business with Kaido even before you had become a somebody! And let's just say he wasn't too happy with you taking one of his men and a copy of his Ponoglyph when you left Onigashima! So I offered that I'll help him garner more territory in the New World if he take back Dressrosa from Portgas D. Naruto and leave it under my control! His hatred of you overtook his hatred of an alliance!" Doffy explained to him

"Of course I don't sail under the name of the Beast Pirates, nor does Kaido consider me his equal but he wants more of what I have to offer him!" Doflamingo continued with the same smile as before. "In order to take back the island not only will you have to go through my crew but the Beast Pirates as well. Kaido has made it so that King is the one overseeing our transactions so can count him in that list. And finally, if any of my crew or subordinates, as well as the Beast Pirates see you near the island then the populace will be killed! I know you are a bold one but are you bold enough to go up against the might of the Beast Pirates!?" The man finished

Naruto frowned, 'I don't care even if I had to go against my father's crew, I'd do it in a heartbeat to take back Dressrosa! But I can't risk having anyone there, especially Rebecca and her. . . child killed! For now I need to buy my time and think of a proper way of going about it.' Naruto thought to himself

Doflamingo was about to say another thing but Naruto had heard enough, with a blink of an eye Naruto punched Doflamingo in the side of the head with all of his might and sent him flying in some unknown direction until he saw him crashed into a stone wall with some debris falling on him. "Time to move on." Naruto said to himself as he began to run forth again

The battle continued to rage on around him as he punched and kicked a few Marines out of his way before the battle seemingly stopped as the huge group of people gathered at Marineford watched the Moby Dick. Naruto looked over to see one of Whitebeard's own men stabbing him with a sword through the gut. The giant man started to breathe heavily before he pulled him into a hug, after so he began to raise himself off of his one knee.

The old pirate brought the end of his weapon down against his ship's deck to use it as a means of balance before he brought back both of his fists and used his Devil-Fruit ability and cracked the air around him. The huge wall of ice surrounding the battlefield began to crumble, "My Sons! Those who wish to keep their lives may leave right now and not look back! But those who wish to fight and die for their family stay, and fight with me!" Whitebeard proclaimed as he ran and jumped off of his ship to join the battle in person

A mass of rally cries could be heard as Whitebeard joined his troops on the ground to fight the good fight. The younger Yonko couldn't help but smile before the ground began to shake beneath him and ice began to rise in each and every direction, but the tremor was only for a few seconds. After so the battle resumed and Naruto started to run towards the execution platform once again.

"Wait what!" One of the pirates yelled

Another spoke up as well, "Hey the Marines are retreating!"

"Push forward!" Izo yelled out as the pirates continued forward until every last Marine had made it out of the surrounding area

Walls of iron began to rise all around the Whitebeard Pirates as many looked around to wonder what was going on. Just then, Admiral Akainu raised his hands to the sky and launched balls of magma which immediately vanished from sight.

"W-what's that sound!?" A pirate asked to no body as cracks throughout the sky could be heard

A few seconds past as giant magma blobs started to fall from the sky. "Melt the ice and take away their footing!" Sengoku yelled down from his position

Pirates began to scramble as a few of the blobs hit the ice and began to melt it, but before too much damage could take place Naruto outstretched both of his arms and clasped both of his hands above his head. As he did this a giant wave of water formed from behind the group of pirates and outstretched overtop of them and provided a sort of shield from the magma that was falling from overhead.

However, a few pieces of magma did manage to hit the ice and surrounding area before Naruto put up the shield. One of these areas being the Moby Dick. The Whitebeard pirates looked on the burning ship in horror as they began to shed tears for it. Naruto saw the current state of the ship and allowed some of the water above it to fall which put the fire out, but it was still damaged beyond repair.

Now the pirates began to slip due to the melted ice and were unable to really stand properly. Seeing this Sengoku yelled out, "All cannons fire!" He yelled as holes in the wall appeared and started blasting cannon balls

Lowering one hand from above himself, Naruto pointed his palm towards the cannons and yelled out, "Water Gun!" As water began to spray all over the cannons before the attack ceased and a trail of water was left from the cannons to Naruto's position

He dropped to a knee and stuck his hand into the water, "Ice Time!" He followed up with as ice spread rapidly towards the wall of cannons before they all began to freeze over with ice. Naruto too created an extra layer of ice beneath the feet of the Whitebeard Pirates so they would be able to run on it once again.

The magma that had been blocked by Naruto's water dome began to rapidly cool and sink into the water, and some began to sink so far that they fell through the dome. Whitebeard saw what was happening and clashed his arm against the bare air around him and sent out a shockwave which destroyed most of the balls of then magma now rock that fell.

"Go forth my sons and save Ace!" The old pirate rallied as the Pirates lifted their swords in response and got a huge moral boost

Naruto then saw a jet of water burst forth from just behind the wall and reach overtop of it to where the 3 Admirals stood. Once the water washed away it revealed the form of one Strawhat Luffy who stood their panting holding a giant pillar of wood.

"Heyyyy I never expected you to get this farrrr." Admiral Kizaru spoke lazily

"I do despise what you've done with yourself but I admire your determination." Akainu continued

"However, it is a little too soon for you to be on this level don't you think." Aokiji finished as Luffy picked up the log over his head and threw it at the Admirals

Aokiji then reached forward and froze the log with his Devil-fruit ability before Luffy began to get an attack ready. "Gum Gum Stomp Gatling!" He proclaimed

Chunks of frozen wood were kicked in every which direction at the Admirals but each piece of ice just went right through them. The three continued to stand there as the ice hit the ground behind them and began to push dust up in the air. "Second Gear!" Luffy spoke as his body began to emit steam as he tried to get around the Admirals

Kizaru then teleported right beside Luffy and aimed a kick at him. "Too slow Strawhat." He said with the same attitude as he did before

Luffy braced himself for the oncoming attack but it never hit, instead beside him in mid air blocking the attack was Lucy in her hybrid form. "Eh? Some bird lady?" Luffy asked to no one out loud as Lucy grew a tic mark

"You know you can be just as dull as your brother! I'm Lucy kid! Your brother's navigator! Remember?!" She yelled at him as Luffy smiled

Lucy then used her talon to kick away Kizaru into some building. "Leave these guys to us and go get Ace!" She told him as she watched Kizaru begin to get back up

"You really know how to make an entrance feathers!" Came a voice from behind the group as Russ stood there along with Kiji

Akainu crossed his arms, "So the commanders of the Whirlpool Pirates have finally made there move. I must say upon closer inspection you three might look like bigger scum then your idiot captain." The Admiral explained as he quickly popped up his arms to block an attack

"It isn't so wise to insult my captain in front of me! He's a greater man then you'll ever be Navy trash!" Kiji told him as his fist was being blocked by Akainu

Aokiji was about to make his move to help eliminate the threat of Kiji but as he went to move a bullet hit the spot in which where he was going to step. Kuzan looked at Russ who had shot the gun and glared slightly, his injuries still apparent on his body from his clash with Naruto. "Don't be worrying about them snow cone, your fight's with me!" The marksman told him as Aokiji readied himself once again

"You really think you can beat me fishman? You and your race are nothing compared to the power of an Admiral!" Akainu yelled at Kiji as the fishman rose another fist which started to gather droplets of water around it

"Focus Punch!" Kiji stated as he lunged his fist forward as it hit Akainu in the ribs

The Admiral immediately cringed as he felt the punch make contact with him. 'Shit it's infused with haki!' Akainu thought as he was blasted back a bit

A few meters away was Lucy who was attempting to dodge Kizaru's light bullets. "Ahhhhh it's quite impressive that you've been able to avoid these for as long as you have." Kizaru praised in a lazy voice as a light bullet grazed the Zoan eater

"But it seems like your luck just ran out." He continued as he teleported to her

While Kizaru teleported, Lucy used the extreme speed given to her by her Devil-Fruit to bring her talon over her head and as he materialized she brought it down on top of him. "Talon Strike!" Lucy yelled out as Kizaru was batted downwards

Over with Russ and Aokiji, Russ kept lighting up Aokiji with bullets but they had no effect on the Logia eater. "Jheez you don't wanna fall over and die do ya!" Russ stated as he pulled out his rifle and took aim

"Bullets cannot harm me Pirate, I think it's safe to say that your chances at beating me may have been doomed from the start." Aokiji told him as Russ grinned

He shot the ice man in the head, "Don't count me out just yet!" Russ told him as he began to run at the headless man

As Aokiji's head reformed he was too late to block the haki infused butt of Russ's stock hitting him in the jaw. Kuzan then spat out a good amount of blood before the two continued their fight.

After seeing that the Whitebeard pirates were able to advance forward once again and that Akainu was now occupied by Kiji, Naruto released the dome of water and joined the fight once again. As he took a step forward he noticed that he was bleeding pretty good from his shoulders where Aokiji had stabbed him and felt a decent amount of pain. As he took his hand from his shoulder to examine the blood he say a Marine run at him and tried to stab him with his sword while he wasn't expecting it. Naruto however let the sword dig right into his water body before he turned his body to ice and began to freeze the sword until he got to the Marine's arm. "What the!" The Marine yelled out as he couldn't move his hand from the sword

The Yonko then grabbed the man by the throat and began to drain the man of what he had. The Marine's skin began to become looser before he fell unconscious and was thrown to the side by Naruto. The sword was then removed from the Yonko's body and he threw it aside. "Well it's not much but it'll do for now." Naruto stated as he ran off

As he ran he looked back up to the execution platform and saw that the blades of the executioners crossed infront of Ace's head. "Do it now!" Demanded Sengoku as they were about to finally kill Ace

'Shit!' Naruto yelled out in his mind and his eyes went wide, he was about to use his ability to pull the executioners off of the platform but before he could two lines of sand zoomed across the tower, leaving two slash marks on the wood underneath Ace and knocking the two men back.

He followed the line that the sand travelled to hit the platform and saw one Sir Crocodile. "Crocodile!" Sengoku yelled out in anguish

"I don't wanna see you win Sengoku!" He responded smoking his cigar

The Yonko then saw Crocodile get into an altercation with Doflamingo but he paid no mind to it as he kept moving his way to the spot where Ace was. Looking around, he could see many of the Whitebeard Pirates being shot by various cannons but they kept pushing on.

More and more Pirates made it through the Marine's defences as the water just before the destroyed part of the wall began to bubble. Just then another ship bursted forth and began to skid across the stone ground into the plaza. Whitebeard then appeared at the front of the ship and raised his weapon to the sky, "Onwards my sons! Save Ace!" He yelled out as he and many other pirates jumped off of the vessel and ran into the plaza.

Aokiji, who was having trouble moving due to facing off against Naruto and Russ, then tried to make a move on Whitebeard who just hit him away before Jozu followed up and took him on. The younger Yonko saw this and the looked around for his marksman before he saw a man not too far away from himself who had ice covering his left leg.

"Russ are you alright?!" Naruto asked the man as he put a hand over his frozen leg and broke the ice

He breathed heavily, "That bastard full on left me hanging! I still wasn't done with him yet!" The man voiced with some anger

Naruto chuckled, "Good to see you're still okay friend. Can you walk on that leg?" He asked his marksman

"I'll manage, the others are just up ahead." Russ told him as Naruto nodded in understanding as he ran off to find them

"Kiji! Lucy!" Naruto yelled out as he found Lucy who had a few cuts and scraps over her body but nothing too bad, but then he looked at Kiji and he feared the worst.

"W-what happened?!" Naruto proclaimed in shock

Lucy had a few tears in her eyes, "Akainu did this, he was ruthless, I-I'm sorry I couldn't-"

"D-don't worry L-Lucy." Came the weak voice of Kiji. "Y-you had your hands f-full with Kizaru." He continued to say

Looking over Kiji's wounds Naruto noticed that he had many burn marks all over his body with a view sizeable cuts, but what really made him worry was the hole on the left side of Kiji's chest. It was not fatal but if left untreated it could prove to be. "Don't worry big guy I'll fix you up." Naruto stated as he laid his palms on Kiji's wound, his hands started to glow an aqua blue before the hole closed up and a thin new layer of tissue formed over it. The wound had healed enough where the fish man would be okay and he fell unconscious as Naruto fell back into a sitting position

Using this technique drained Naruto a lot though and he had never done it on a wound of this size before. After treating the wound the Yonko then had blood pour out of his mouth and he began to pant wildly. "Cap'n!" Russ yelled out as he hobbled over and put his arm on his back

"Oh no!" The marksman saw the unconscious form of Kiji and feared the worst

Lucy smiled slightly, "He'll be okay Russ, don't worry."

"In that case what's the plan?" Russ asked his captain as just then they felt a wave of haki come from the other side of the battlefield

"Luffy." Naruto whispered

"MY SONS! I WANT YOU ALL TO LEND STRAWHAT LUFFY ALL YOUR STRENGTH AND PUSH ON!" Whitebeard proclaimed as his crew yelled in agreement

Naruto then looked away from all of that and back to his crew, "We need to get Kiji out of here. Lucy can you take him on your back back to the Pro Jackson?" Naruto asked of her

She nodded, "Yes I can!" She proclaimed

"Good, I want you to join them there too Russ." Naruto told the man

"What! No way! I want to help you get your brother back! I-" He tried to argue before he was cut off

"No, I need you all to get the ship ready. This war is nearing completion and we'll need to get everyone out of here as quickly as possible." Naruto said as he looked at the explosions in the distance

The two looked at eachother and then back at him, "Everyone?" They chorused

"Whitebeard doesn't plan on leaving here alive. He's going to bring down the island on himself. We need to be ready to go to get us and Ace and Luffy out of here when the time comes. We will also be helping the Whitebeard Pirates escape." Naruto informed as they both raised a brow at helping the enemy

"He may be our adversary but that crew is Ace's family as well, and many of them sacrificed so much to help Ace and I won't let that sacrifice go in vain." Naruto continued as the two nodded along

"Roger!" They said

Naruto smiled, "Alright, get going you guys. I'll meet you back at the ship!" He said as his crew left

The Yonko looked back to find Luffy and saw that he was climbing a ramp made of stone towards the execution platform and then ran off to join him.


With Luffy. . .

"Get out of the way Grandpa!" Strawhat yelled out as Garp stood in his way ready to stop him from reaching his brother

Garp stood his ground, "No! You became my enemy when you became a pirate! This is where you fail Strawhat Luffy!" Garp explained to his grandson as he readied a fist

"Second Gear!" Luffy exclaimed as he readied his own fist

The Marine Vice Admiral then shut his eyes as he let Luffy dodge his punch and hit him in the side of the face, knocking him to the floor of the plaza below

"Vice Admiral Garp!" Some of the Marines yelled out

"Ace! I'm here!" Luffy yelled out in joy as he set foot on the execution platform and brought out the key to free Ace

Ace couldn't believe it as he looked at Luffy taking off his cuffs, "Luffy. . . thank you!" He expressed with tears in his eyes

Sengoku then had enough as he then activated his Devil-Fruit ability and began to grow in size and emit energy. Luffy was about to put the key in as an injured Kizaru shot a laser from his palm which severed the key in half as it fell to the floor. The massive Sengoku then looked down at the brothers in anger as he readied a punch but before it could land it was blocked.

"N-Naruto!?" Ace yelled out at his biological brother who had saved both him and Luffy

"You know you're an idiot for getting caught! I had to cancel all my plans to come and save you! It's just like when we were kids!" Naruto said out loud with a laugh as he stared down Sengoku

Ace smiled and so did Luffy as the younger of the two looked over to see Mr. 3 panting on the floor beside them. "Hey it's the wax guy!" Luffy said as Mr. 3 grasped for air

"Yeah I thought he could be some help!" Naruto yelled back to the two as Sengoku readied another attack

"You bastard Portgas!" The fleet Admiral hissed as he tried again with another punch which Naruto blocked, but this time with some trouble

Enough energy from the punch managed to slip by the Yonko and break the execution platform which sent Mr. 3, Ace, and Luffy falling down below. A few seconds later the same happened with the Fleet Admiral and Naruto. A few seconds later, Naruto was able to see that Mr. 3 had formed a key to the shackles and managed to free Ace from his binds and allow him to fight once again.

However, Naruto quickly noticed Sengoku gathering more energy. "Enlightened Beam!" The giant buda exclaimed as he shot a beam at the Yonko which shot him downwards at an insane pace and he slammed into the ground with a lot of force

Naruto coughed up a bit of blood and some blood ran down the side of his head but when he looked up from his prone position to see Ace and Luffy running away he smiled. Sengoku then landed on his feet above the downed Yonko as Naruto began to laugh, "It must suck to have the son of the world's most famous pirate escape your grasp eh Sengoku!"

"Why settle for the younger sibling when the Marine's can execute the eldest instead!" The man retorted

Naruto grinned, "You can try!"

Sengoku lined up another punch as Naruto coated his hand in ice and stopped it once again. This time the Yonko's hand began to grow in size as ice began to layer up all over his body, creating the ice golem he fought Big Mom with. The buddha only starred daggers at the ice golem as they engaged in an assortment of punches at each other.

Sengoku went for another strike but Naruto was quick enough to grab either side of the giant's head and then crash it against the icy exterior of the golem. He then used the time when Sengoku was trying to regain his footing to grab the arm of the buda and put it over his shoulder. Naruto then used all of his strength to lift up Sengoku and pull him over his shoulder and slam him into the ground in front of him.

The buddha was quick to get up and punch Naruto's ice golem square in the face which sent it hurtling back into the execution platformand by extension the stone wall behind it. Rubble began to fall all over the golem, Sengoku's punch had enough force to chip off a good chuck of ice which revealed the form of the actual Naruto beneath.

The Yonko was panting as he had been through a lot today, overusing his healing ability which already taxed his body too much and the fact that he was now facing the Fleet Admiral at full power. The Yonko was about to get back to his feet before he noticed that Ace and Luffy has stopped their movement towards the ship. He watched for a few more seconds as he saw Ace engage in combat against Akainu.

"No!" Naruto yelled as he watched Ace get blown back as the younger grabbed his arm in pain

Naruto quickly rose to his feet and charged at Sengoku and knocked him back with the overwhelming force of the golem before getting out of that form and running towards his brother yer again.


Naruto say Ace roll in pain as Luffy shouted out in shock before he saw what appeared to be a vivre card fall out of Luffy's hand.


Akainu stood overtop of Ace as magma flowed freely down his side as he prepared for his next attack.


Luffy fell to a knee out of exhaustion as the vivre card began to move further and further away from him.


Akainu's glare then began to slowly move up as he spotted Luffy trying to recover the piece of paper which was just out of reach


Akainu jumped forth at Luffy with a fist of magma ready to plunge forward


'I'm almost there!' Naruto yelled out in his mind as he was only a few meters away from Ace and Luffy

"Luffy!" He screamed as he watched as the magma fist headed straight for his brother

The Yonko then went wide eyed as he saw the form of Ace jump right in front of the attack and take the whole blow. He watched on as Akainu pulled his bloodied fist out of Ace as the young man dropped to his knees. Naruto, blinded by rage, ran straight at the unsuspecting Akainu and slashed his eye with ice before he got an ice fist ready with spikes on the end and sent it right into Akainu's form which punctured his body in numerous places, and sent him flying backwards.

Naruto then turned his head and fell to his knees in despair as he saw Luffy crying uncontrollably as Ace struggled to stay conscious. "N-Naruto. . ." He managed to get out as Naruto pulled him close so that his mouth was right next to his ear

The Yonko immediately began to try and heal his brother with his powers but he saw little success. "Ace hold on I-I'll patch you up, just be still!" Naruto told his younger brother

". . .N-Naruto. . . t-this is the end for m-me. . ." Ace continued as Naruto didn't let up his efforts to save Ace

"Don't say that I can save you!" He responded as blood poured from his mouth as Naruto once again began to put enormous strain on his body

Ace continued to speak, ". . .n-no this . . . I-is it. I-I'm sorry . . . I wasn't a better brother. . .I wish. . .that I-I was a better son to mom."

"Don't say that Ace!" Naruto yelled at him, not stopping

"You're g-going to hurt yourself. . .Naruto if you keep d-doing that. . .I-I don't want you to d-do that for m-me." Ace continued on but Naruto kept going as it got so bad that some blood vessels began to burst and some of the Yonko's hair began to grey

"Shut up! It's my job to protect you Ace! I'm your older brother! I couldn't protect Sabo but I can protect you!" Naruto yelled back as the veins in his arms began to glow aqua blue as he tried to force all of his energy into Ace

Ace smiled, "I-I know it is. . . but it's too late for m-me. . .I'm sorry I put you all through all of this. . ."

"Don't be sorry Ace!" Naruto yelled back as tears flowed down his face

"N-Naruto. . ."

"Yes Ace?" He responded

"Do y-you think dad w-would've been proud of me?" Ace asked Naruto

Naruto sat their silently for a moment before he nodded, "Yes, yes he would've!"

Ace smiled as blood dripped from his lips, "Thank you for being my brother Naruto, I-I guess I'll be meeting dad soon. . ."

"A-and Naruto. . ." Ace managed to get out as he was getting much weaker

"Y-yes?" The Yonko asked through tears

He smiled once again, "Protect Luffy for me, o-okay. . ." He finished as he fell back onto his back and laid there motionless with his eyes closed and a smile on his face

"I will!" Naruto told him

"Ace!" The Whitebeard Pirates chorused as they wept for their fallen comrade

Luffy at this point was passed out on the ground as Naruto just stared at the motionless body of his brother. Something then snapped inside of the man as the tides all of the world began to grow wild. A huge burst of haki then came from the man that even knocked Whitebeard to a knee, all the Marines that were within 10 feet of Naruto were blown away at high speeds.

"Naruto brought up both of his hands and waves began to rise over the island. "He's gonna sink the island!" A marine yelled

"Run!" Another yelled

"We can't, we'll all die!"

Naruto was in a blind rage before he heard something echo through his mind.

Protect Luffy

He turned back and saw the state that Luffy was in as the waves began to die down and Naruto fell to a knee. Akainu then got up from his previous injury from Naruto and dusted himself off. He began to walk over to the Yonko which began to endlessly try and heal Ace again before the Admiral heard something slam on the ground behind him. Standing behind him was the hulking form of Whitebeard, who was out for blood.

The younger Yonko poured more and more of his energy into Ace and he saw that it had made him incredibly weaker and put him through unbearable pain. "C'mon c'mon!" Naruto yelled as he tried and tried but got not success

He had patched up the wound enough so that there would be no blood pouring out but it seemed that Ace was not to come back to the land of the living. Naruto charged up some electro, "Electro Palm!" He exclaimed


"Electro Palm!"



He then held his head to his brother's chest


if you guys wondering how many words in this chapter it's [5K+ Word's]

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