
Chapter 17

Canon Fodder #1 never expected that after escaping from the hands of that scary person earlier who had literally destroyed their group of 10 men in a flash with a mighty looking Garchomp he would find some survivors on the corner of the National Park.

Canon Fodder #1's name is Cedric, he was a literal certified lunatic, even though he is only a grunt within their organization he still was famous for his perverted fetishes. One of his infamous fetishes was raping, especially in front of their loveones.

When his eyes landed on the woman within the small group of kids in front of him, he licked his lips savagely.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here. I found myself food. Scrafty, deal with anyone who will try to play hero. Your trainer want to have some fun." Cedric disgustingly smirked under his cap, while rubbing his mid-section. "Calm down tiger, you'll be inside heaven in a minute."


Caleb and his group was beginning to panic. Caleb said. "Don't be nervous. He carries some injury that means the Professor must have dealt with him, accordingly this also meant their isn't anyone with him other than that guy."

Caleb was whispering with a low voice, but the grunt still had heared him.

Cedric was shocked for a split second. "Oh, we got detective Conan here... Yeah, you're right 'bout what you sayin', however..." His eyes grew fierce and held craziness in it. "You dare to think you brats can handle me and my Scrafty? Big mistake, idiot."

Without waiting for them to react, the grunt along with his pokemon lunged at the group with utmost murderous intentions.

Caleb react fast and throws a command. "Magby! Use Ember on Scrafty!"

Magby opened his mouth and spat out multiple large embers on the fighting-type, which didn't even bother to dodge, not that he can anyways when it was in mid-air.

"Nice! A clean hit!"

The attack caused the Scrafty to fall a short distance away from them, when the smokes subsided, it revealed the pokemon unscathed. Scrafty scratches the spot where Magby's attack had landed.

"What!? It didn't even did any damage?" Diantha, and the others gasped when they saw how strong the opponent's pokemon was. They began to feel uncomfortable.

Caleb shouted at them loudly. "Don't just stand there and do nothing, help us in attacking, it's already injured, let's tire it out then finish it."

They quickly got infront of the two civilians, the mother and daughter pair to shield them from the battle.

Caleb's shout had his friends regain their composure very fast, and had their respective pokemon attack, throwing some moves here and there.

But the grunt just smiled at their attempt. "Hahahaha, even though in our ranks, I'm a just a grunt with no power, can't even compare to my supervisor and superiors. But, you kids who just had a few lessons of pokemon battling can't compare to me, who had done this for a few years."

After saying his pitch, he comanded. "Scrafty, use Counter."

When Eclairisse's fletching was just about to land the move, Tackle, on the Scrafty.

It's body shone a red and dark hue, that covered it's whole entire body. When the attack connected, it seemed as if Fletching was the one who had received a direct hit, as the pokemon recoiled in pain.

Landing on the ground, skidding to a stop on Eclairisse's legs.


She was terrified. She worriedly checked on her pokemon. "Are you alright, Fletchy?"

The normal-type cooed weakly. That exchange had his small body bruised greatly. This was a result of the difference between a fully trained and evolved pokemon, and a pokemon who just started pokemon battling for a few months.

Just one exchange already had declared a winner.

It was even too funny to call that one a fight as Scrafty didn't even move and just stood on it's position.

Eclairisse knew that they are in a tight spot, so she gritted her teeth and said. "Can you still fight, Fletchy?"

As much as she wanted to nurse her pokemon and take care of it, she don't want to leave her friends to fight that very strong pokemon, four vs. one was already hard, what could three vs. one even do?

Fortunately, Fletching wasn'too injured, as after a few moments, it quickly got up again on the air. Although with great difficulty.


This entire time that Eclairisse was talking to her pokemon, Caleb and the others were continuing on their attacks on Scrafty, even though they were very worried of Fletchling, they still continued to do their best to attack and not get distracted.

This was one of the lessons they had been taught by their teachers and especially by their P.E instructor, Ross.

They heaved a sigh of relief when they saw Fletchling back up again. Caleb made eye contact to all his friends then nodded gravely, saying. "This is our only chance. Let's attack it with all we have, we don't deal any damage to it anyway, let's attack together, and escape. It's our only choice.

Caleb already knew that continuing on their plan with stalling and finishing it was a pipe dream as they were attacking the Scrafty.

It was just playing with them, it had his arms crossed while countering and deflecting the Psychic Attacks of Ralts and Drowzee, even though they had a type advantage against it's fighting-typing.

With great spirit they yelled commands.

"Fletchling, use Quick Attack!"

"Magby, Fire Punch full power!"

"Ralts, follow that attack with Confusion!

"You too Drowzee use Confusion!!"

This time, the grunt wasn't too carefree. But still wasn't worried, as he casually throwed out a command. "Scrafty. Scare them with a Snarl. Then use the classic combo, Counter then Foul Play."


When the group's attack landed, it created a massive cloud of smoke.

It engulfed the whole place they stood, Caleb and his friends, including the civilians waved their hands while coughing, covering their mouth with a piece of cloth.

Caleb and the others got ready to run when something they least wanted to happened occured.

Brilliant flashes of black dark light shone within the smoke. After a short moment, four Pokemons were thrown out of the cloud of black smoke.

It was Magby, Fletching, Ralts and Drowzee.

Through the smokes, the voice of the grunt, like the reaper itself sounded out.

"Ohh~ dear sheep, my dear white sheep don't run away~ your friend, Wolfy just wants to play, kekekekekeke~."