
Chapter 18

Caleb and his friends desperately fought back, but their efforts amounted to only some scratches and a light, very light panting from the Scrafty.

The grunt, Cedric seemed to have enough. "No more games. My buddy is uncontrollable."

His hand was on his crotch area, rubbing it enthusiastically. His mouth was crooked to a wide dangerous smile.

"Scrafty. Knock them out, except for that kid and the mother."

As if it was a routine, Scrafty complied with no objection.

Because Caleb, Eusine, Diantha and Eclairisse's Pokemons had been knocked out by that final exchange earlier. They were left with nothing to defend against the powerful pokemon.

Caleb's three friends were swiftly knocked down on to the ground.

Caleb tried his hard to resist with his above-average build, however, it only needed Scrafty seconds to knock him down with a brutal chop.

His body slammed on the hard ground brutally.

He only glanced at them casually before his preying eyes landed on the two civilians who were hudled together, shaking with despair in their eyes.

He licked his lips savagely before yanking on his buttom uniform, ripping it with ease. Leaving him with only his underwear.

"Let us have fun shall we? HAHAHAHAHAH."

"FIORA RUN!" The mother shouted at her daughter to escape. But it was futile. As Scrafty was already at the other side.

The mother's eyes were petrified, the child was shaking very intensely on her embrace, crying her eyes out.

When the mother looked back at the grunt again, she flinched when she saw him now standing close to them.

The grunt didn't say anything before ripping the mother's shirt with one hand. Along with one swift movement removed her bra on her skin.

Cedric pounced on the woman as he throwed away the child with no mercy, he then savagely licked and bit at the body of the woman while his hand was intensely rubbing her pussy-region.

"Please*sob*... Please don't do this... Not in front of my daughter..." The woman tried to resist, but what could she do with her weak strength?

"Kekekeke, where's the fun in having sex when we have no audience?" Cedric's reply shattered the woman's hope and pride. "Besides this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for your daughter to know, how birds and the bees differ."

He then began to ravage the woman in front of the watchful shocked eyes of her daughter.

"Ackk!! Save meeeee!!!!!"







When Caleb opened his eyes. He witnessed one of the moments that deeply scarred his heart and made him traumatized that haunted him in his dreams for the rest of his career as a trainer.

In front of him, was his friends still knocked out by the result of their struggle.

What drawned his dazed eyes however, was the body of a woman near a child that had one her eye gauged out of her face.

Caleb's heart began to tremble, his whole body shaking from the sight he was seeing.

The woman and the child was obviously the mother and daughter, the civilians.

They were one of the most innocent and pure people that Caleb met.

The daughter was inspired to become a Pokemon trainer, in one of their conversations she talked about her dream of being a successful trainer with their house pokemon, a Bunnelby.

The mother was very supportive, just listening to them earlier was very heartwarming.


But, seeing their state now. The woman, naked with her stomach opened so severely that one could see the organs inside.

She was obviously dead, with marks and violent nail marks all around her body.

Her daughter had it better compared to her as she seemed to be breathing, although very lightly.

Diantha and the others began to stirr in their place. Then they woke up shortly after.

Their view was blocked by Caleb's trembling back that obscured the scene that one would never could ever expect to witness in their lifetime.

When they were about to ask what was wrong, they saw what he was staring so dazely at when they got near him.


The girls committed immediately, while Eusine swallowed the bile that was gathering at the back of his tongue.

"What... The fuck... Happened."