
Pokemon: The Steel Tyrant

Folker embarks on a Pokemon Journey as he slowly uncovers the mystery behind sudden disappearance of his parents. MC is not a reincarnator I do not own Pokemon Franchise Cover Photo not mine Do check out my other work if you're interested. The Rift: Masked Phantom

Jims_Rid · Anime & Comics
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101 Chs

Corin's Thoughts

"I came from another world too, from Sinnoh" Folker replied with similar seriousness.

'So, I was right. That familiar feeling, it's because he's just like me' Corin thought to himself.

"Is that so? May I know if you're a reincarnation or not?" Corin replied with a curious gaze at Folker.

"Reincarnation?" Folker replied with question marks written on his face as he tilted his head.

'So he's not from earth huh. Earlier, he said he's from Sinnoh so it must be a different timeline. It makes sense. Even in my previous world, it mentioned that there are multiple Pokemon worlds as well as different timelines' Corin confirmed his conjecture.

"Nevermind. So, how did you get here?" Corin asked. But Folker didn't give him a reply. He just shook his head and sighed.

'It seems it touched upon something sensitive for him. It must have something to do with the disappearance of his Father. Let's see, Sinnoh has the legends of the creation trio as well as the God of Pokemon. It must have something to do with them' Corin thought to himself.

'For a kid of his age, he's rather good. He managed to battle me to a draw, a reincarnator. Does it have something to do with his origins from the other world?' Corin questioned himself as he looked at Folker. He couldn't help but admire Folker's talent.

Folker then went back to eating his food along with his Pokemon. Corin, however, was lost in thought.

Corin revealed his origins as if it's a normal thing in this world. He's not afraid that Folker would expose his secret. After all, who would believe such a thing? People would just laugh it off as a joke, not to mention that Folker also just admitted that he's the same too.

However, he overlooked something. He might have been intelligent for his age but it doesn't mean that he's an omnipotent being who can't be schemed at. As a human, he's bound to make some mistake.

People would normally just laugh it off as a joke, but there's still Folker's mysterious background. If Folker revealed Corin's origins to his father, he may not laugh it off like any other people. After all, he himself might be one as well.

It won't be long before he realizes his blunder.

Corin joined Team Rocket as a last resort. As an orphan, if he wanted to make it big, Team Rocket is the best choice.

After joining Team Rocket, he obtained his starter Pokemon, Zubat and tamed it. He trained with it as he completed missions and eventually evolved it to a Golbat when he ran into a dangerous situation during his missions.

As a reincarnator from modern earth, he had knowledge of top-class secrets of this world. Though he's not sure how accurate his knowledge from the previous world is in comparison to the actual Pokemon World, he's still quite a knowledgeable person. It's not hard for him to show his talents and attract the attention of the higher ups of Team Rocket.

For a talented rookie, he sure was low-key. He didn't mingle with other rookies but he wasn't arrogant either. In addition, he was also a careful guy and would always look for information.

He was seen as a promising talent by the higher ups so they decided to give him access to more dangerous missions but with higher rewards. As they expected, he didn't disappoint them.

They also gave him access to more classified information but not that much. As he browsed through the information, he discovered rather terrifying information.

The protagonist of Kanto Region, Red from Pallet town, didn't exist. His rival blue, Professor Oak's grandson, also didn't exist. Even Ash Ketchum of Pallet town, the protagonist of the anime, didn't exist either.

Without the existence of the protagonist, didn't it mean that Team Rocket has no one to keep it in check?

Team Rocket, despite being the largest criminal organization among the known criminal organizations, however, is not the biggest threat. Although they would steal Pokemon from Trainers, as well as birth Kanto's Legendary Pokemon, Mewtwo the war machine, Team Rocket, at least, didn't have world ending aspirations.

The real threat came from other regions. If the Kanto Protagonists didn't exist in this world, there's a good chance that the protagonists of other regions didn't exist too. Although he's not really some heroic figure with justice in mind, he definitely would want to live well in this world.

Hoenn has two notable criminal organizations, Team Aqua and Team Magma. They definitely are weaker than Team Rocket by a large margin.

However, they are definitely a bigger threat than Team Rocket, simply because of the existence of the Hoenn Legendary duo.

Groudon the Continent Pokemon and Kyogre the Sea Basin Pokemon. As the Pokemon who shaped the landscape of the Pokemon World, they definitely are a threat.

Although Team Aqua and Team Magma would fail, they would instead unleash both Groudon and Kyogre and provoke them into fighting. Without the Hoenn Protagonist to summon Rayquaza, no one can keep them in check.

There's also the Sinnoh Region's Team Galactic. Unlike Team Rocket, their goal is not limited to the Pokemon world but is the recreation of the entire universe.

If they succeed, this timeline can only be at Cyrus' mercy.

Kalos' villainous team, Team Flare, is also equally dangerous. Their goal is to create a "beautiful and better" world while making money and eliminating everyone who does not follow their standards.

However, that's not really that threatening for Corin. Although Team Flare is strong in itself, they can forget about touching Kanto and Johto with its underground behemoth, Team Rocket.

What's threatening is Lysandre's secret goal, which is to wipe out most of the world population in order to return the planet to a beautiful, unspoiled state. That goal, simply in itself, is dangerous.

If Lysandre succeeds in obtaining the ultimate weapon, even Team Rocket with Mewtwo would sweat bullets on their faces.

As for the other villainous teams such as Team Plasma, Aether foundation and Team skull, and Chairman Rose, their threats are only limited to their respective regions.

However, it's still better for someone to keep them in check.

Thinking about these hidden dangers, Corin frowned as he thought about his future course of action.

'Should I take on the responsibilities of the missing protagonists? Even with all the knowledge I have, it's impossible for me alone to keep all those villainous organizations in check' Corin thought to himself as he frowned.

'I need strong allies' Corin thought to himself as he looked at Folker's figure.


Meanwhile, Folker's POV

'When I noticed the seriousness of his tone, I thought for sure that he'd say something serious. Turns out that he was just joking. Worst of all, he's terrible at it. What a weird fellow' thought to himself as he looked at Corin's serious expression.

'Man, I even joined him in bullshitting but he's taking it a little bit too far. Might as well ignore him for now' Folker just shrugged at Corin's words as he sighed and ignored him.

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