
Pokemon: The Steel Tyrant

Folker embarks on a Pokemon Journey as he slowly uncovers the mystery behind sudden disappearance of his parents. MC is not a reincarnator I do not own Pokemon Franchise Cover Photo not mine Do check out my other work if you're interested. The Rift: Masked Phantom

Jims_Rid · Anime & Comics
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101 Chs

Black Market

"I noticed that your Magnemite has a low-grade Metal Coat on its magnets" Corin said while looking at Magnemite's figure.

"So it's a low-grade one huh. I was just looking for a Metal Coat to evolve my Scyther into a Scizor. I just coincidentally found a Magnemite with a Metal Coat so I caught it and somehow added it to my team" Folker said with a smile.

Folker felt guilty if he just took Metal Coat away from Magnemite without giving it something in return so he just let it be for now.

"If you want a high grade one, you can probably find some in the Black Market, though it would cost you a bit. You can also find some other stuff there" Corin said with a low voice as he carefully surveyed the surroundings.

"Where can I find it?" Folker whispered. He understood the severity of this information.

"Here, it's a token of recommendation from me. Just head to the building, west of Silph Co. and show this token to the manager and he will understand and take you to the Black Market" Corin said with a smile.

"You seem to be knowledgeable about stuff like these" Folker said as he looked at Corin with suspicion.

"Didn't I tell you? I was an orphan. I frequently roamed the streets of Saffron City and learned a few things. Without any choice, I joined some organization dealing with the Black Market" Corin explained himself, without the intention of mentioning the name of the organization.

'Organization... Team Rocket?' Folker eyes lit up for a moment but he kept his thoughts to himself. Corin, however, noticed Folker's sudden change of expression.

"You guessed it. It's Team Rocket. So, what are you gonna do now, report me to the Alliance?" Corin admitted it with a smile as the atmosphere suddenly tensed.

Riolu noticed the tense atmosphere and quickly stood as it looked at Corin warily, preparing for the possibility of a Battle. Ralts also did the same and prepared [Teleport] to save Corin in case he was attacked.

"Do you have some say within the organization?" Folker questioned Corin as he looked at him with a frown.

"Not yet, but they value my talent. As long as I keep performing well, it's only a matter of time before I rise through the ranks of the organization" Corin replied with confidence on his face.

"Then, isn't it great? I now have some sort of connection with Team Rocket. As long as you have some say in the organization, I can show my talents to the world without having Team Rocket paint a target on my back. After all, you're my friend, right?" Folker said as his lips curled up.

Folker's confident expression surprised Corin. He just revealed that he's a member of the largest and most notorious criminal organization of Kanto. Yet, Folker just smirked as if it's a good thing for him.

"Aren't you worried that I'll eliminate you in order to keep my secret?" Corin asked as the atmosphere turned even tenser.

"You can try" Folker replied, not backing down as he smirked confidently.


"You really are a piece of work, aren't you? Rest assured, I won't do such a thing to a rival" Corin assured Folker as he sighed. The atmosphere relaxed for a bit.

"However, you better not reveal this secret of mine. Even if you expose my identity to the Alliance, it would only make it a bit troublesome. The methods of Team Rocket are more terrifying than you think. After all, to be able to claim the underground world of Kanto for its own without the Alliance being able to do anything about it, Team Rocket is definitely formidable" Corin threatened Folker as he smiled.

"Rest assured, I don't have the intention of attracting the attention of such an organization. However, you also better eliminate the thoughts of silencing me. You are not the only one with some tricks up on your sleeve" Folker threatened Corin back with a smile.

'At the end of the day, I can just run away to Hoenn or any other region with my Auntrellia' Folker thought to himself.


Saffron City, Central Region

In the Central Region of Saffron City, a building stood tall, towering among the rest of the buildings. This building is owned by the Silph Co., the largest manufacturing company of Kanto Region.

On the western side of Silph co. stood a seemingly unassuming building not any different from the rest, at least on the surface. This building is the Saffron City Department Store, owned by the Moonline company.

At this time, a young man with black wavy hair, wearing a blue vest, white shirt, blue shorts, black running shoes, and a backpack on his back, stood at the entrance of the building. The door opened on its own and the young man walked inside.

He surveyed the surroundings and saw a counter with a counter-man, an escalator, and an elevator.

Folker then walked up to the counter and showed the counter-man the token that Corin gave him. The counter-man looked Folker with question marks on his face and asked "What would you like to do, Sir?"

"I'd like to speak with the manager" Folker said with a smile on his face.

"Please wait for a moment" the counter man replied as he walked away. A moment later, he came back with a middle-aged man wearing a dark suit and a tie.

"Please show me the token, Sir" the middle-aged man said nicely. Folker then showed the token once again.

"Please follow me" the manager said as his eyes lit up when he saw the token on Folker's hands. Folker followed the manager as they entered the elevator.

Folker looked at the manager as he pressed a button. The elevator then began its descent.

'So the Black Market is located underground in this building' Folker thought to himself.

The descent stopped and the door opened. Folker then followed the manager and saw different kinds of people.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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