
Pokemon: The 7th Last generation.

A boy from the orphanage received the box curved with lugia and several legendary Pokemon, on the point when he opened the box he found a black crystal and a holographic image of his father who did not even remember, but old granny of the orphanage told it was his father last heritage she had to pass it to him. His holographic father told him various thing like this crystal was his heritage from him and he will get something really great, from it if he pressed the red beaming light Indeed he recieved a system from the crystal plus the memories of his previous life as an Otaku came in while the person named Arata was his father but a former colleague from that world who died with him on that accident. During a trip to Poke land... Continue to read and found about previous unsolved mysterious life and his life as an Astral Ren.

GamerX_226699 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 13 The time of Happiness

"Of course not professor since I am in a hurry toward pallet town, since I have been task with to provide the starters Pokemons to Professor Oak by Texas family."

Ren turned and apologized since he was truly in a rush to reach the pallet town and knew it would take around three to four days which was the maximum time limit given by the Texas family.

"Oh! we can reach pallet town just in a day with my mobile house so why don't you just stay with us and we will guarantee that you will reach the town on the time by tomorrow evening." Sakuragi smiled as he looked at Ren approvingly since the start the boy never showed his interest in Coozing up to him for benifit the way usually others do.

"Hmm! that is also possible then, I really have to thank professor for the offer." Ren smiled and bow politely since the way which has been proposed by professor was quite easy and relaxing, given the journey in the Jungle alone is quite boring and monotonous.

Not to the danger which fill every corner of the forest, also professor had a transferring machine which can sent his metapod for rehabilitation centre.

"Then that's decided." Sakuragi smiled.

Parker rushed as he smiled and dragged Ren, as he spoke with an inquiry "Brother you are out in the wild that means you are a Pokemon trainer right, but my father said only 10 year old child can have a Pokemon and you looked at the same age as my sister."

"Hehe! you can say that, but you see I was an orphan and was brought by Texas family who provided me with my first Pokemon Eevee."

Ren smiled as he patted Parker shoulder as he spoke while he also told about his brother " But thankfully I had a great brother named Anthony from our orphanage."

"Is he also working for Texas family." Parker asked while Ren nodded as he looked at Parker.

Sakuragi and Talia were listening to both while Chloe also felt bad, given they knew the life of boys from orphanage and how they normally eat is way to worse.

Sakuragi smiled as he looked at Telia and spoke " Alright we will be making some food who is hungary right now, let's go and eat our fill out."

Ren was happy as he nodded while he took out the food for his Pokemon and missing them in the ratio he usually do, after which he also added some berries he had collected from the forest, Talia was a little astonished as she see Ren working out as she walked towards him and concentrated how he was mixing the food up.

Sakuragi was alos astonished since he was able to tell that the ratio at which the food was mix was really legit and can enhance the Pokemon recovery while also attached important on development it was a Pokefood.

"Hmm! that's great mixture I haven't tried something like this but I can tell place great emphasis on bone development and structural development toward agility type." Sakuragi spoke while Ren was shocked about it as he looked at Professor weirdly, it had taken him 5 days, it literally mean 5 days to create this mixture and the professor in front of him just took I'll look for a minute to tell what kind of enhancement it will provide.

Not to say it was formula created by by the system and if not for the system even he didn't knew how much time he would have taken to create it.

"Hmm! I did my study on this recipe while working on it and the result was quite good on Eevee, so I named it solution one or S1."

Sakuragi almost coughed up as he had solution 1 it totally signifies that it was not the only solution the boy had created.

"S1, how many solution did you make, no never mind me it is your personal one I guess."

Sakuragi spoke as he smiled embarrassed since as his habit of Professor he always question out like this.

"No I don't mind given, something like this it doesn't matter I can tell you about it if you want to know I only had 5 solution in the moment."

Ren spoke as he knew this kind of solution was something a beginner like him get from the system and according to system if he was able to earn some money that is system point and use it to buy from the shop of the system we can get more specific recipe which can develop a Pokemon talent and all.

Hmm! then don't mind me seeing you how you cook." Sakuragi smiled as they looked at Ren mixing the mixture, while Chloe shook her head at her parents helplessly.

She turned and started cooking the food which was her mother was preparing for all this time.

Finally he was able to eat since Chloe was cooking Ren wanted to help but was refused by Miss Telia as she helped Chloe and finally after few minutes food was ready, everyone sat while food was served Ren like it a lot since a freshly baked one had a unique fragrance of vegetables to them which he once use to hate but now he was treasuring it while eating.

Telia was quite happy telling about Chloe childhood while it was the first time that Ren saw Chloe blush with shame and embarrassment, as she vowed she would not talk to him for laughing at that like he did.

"Don't, be so embarrassed look how cute you look like this he might eat you." Delia spoke in Chloe ear as she turned more red due to embarrassment.

At night he set up camp he had bought from the Texas family shop and took out the sleeping bag in which the inside with Pikachu and eevee sleeping in a deep slumber.

Telia said she would lay in the same as her daughter and son and Sakuragi would have camp by Ren side just for any emergency case.


Hello guys I hope you all like this chapter and novel plus those who like Fanfiction of pokemon, please go and check out my original work

Pocket Augmented Reality Monster: Online

link: https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/20743643106553505?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4316228623

An novel about Online game and for more revealer read it from the link given