
Pokemon: The 7th Last generation.

A boy from the orphanage received the box curved with lugia and several legendary Pokemon, on the point when he opened the box he found a black crystal and a holographic image of his father who did not even remember, but old granny of the orphanage told it was his father last heritage she had to pass it to him. His holographic father told him various thing like this crystal was his heritage from him and he will get something really great, from it if he pressed the red beaming light Indeed he recieved a system from the crystal plus the memories of his previous life as an Otaku came in while the person named Arata was his father but a former colleague from that world who died with him on that accident. During a trip to Poke land... Continue to read and found about previous unsolved mysterious life and his life as an Astral Ren.

GamerX_226699 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 14 Legendary dream

As soon as the motor house left its speed increased and decrease simultaneously from time to time due to which their journey was filled with very excitement where the professor would go outside to see different kinds of Pokemon and research them, Ren only smiles helplessly given they have totally forgotten about to reach the pallet town by evening and they were not sure at what time they will reach the pallet town.

Professors are the group of people who are very respected among the federation people, given he had been living with them even for a day he felt they were really people to be respected since from the beginning they did not mind a small child like him to speak his mind.

He never showed any expression of haughtiness and disdain he listened everything clearly and responded accordingly to help Ren understand his point politely, He was a little happy since he gained a lot while talking to the professor about various thing.

At last when the sun was about to shut down they were finally able to see the pallet town where the adventure of of all the main character from the Pokemon series started, Character like Red, Blue, Ash and Garry.

Thinking about them Ren was excited he wish to know that would he able to meet all those legendary characters from the original series in this world or not but according to you video from his father which was a holographic one, he was sure that the time where Ash ketchum I will leave the town is one year after now.

Ren look forward to meet the real Ash ketchum from the anime, given the character of of Ash it was clear that he was kind of a dense guy, who could not understand the feeling of the girl and other small thing which is not related to the Pokemon and its training.

Finally stepping down he looked back at the family and spoke "Thank you Professor and Miss Telia, I truly enjoyed the traveling with you guys, and food was really delicious so allow me to thank you guys for all of this."

"Then I will be taking my leave and I hope in the new future we would be able to meet again someday."

" Chloe, I hope next we meet I can have a Pokemon battle with you and can enjoy a adventure together."

"As for you little Parker grow up quickly and then let's have a Pokemon battle but for that you might have to reach the top of the federation because ultimately my goal is to become number 1 trainer in this world."

"Hmm! that's a good aspiration but remember to take care of yourself and your body in this journey of yours and do not forgot to buy fresh vegetable so that you could cook yourself given if you had time in the pallet town come looking for us you are always welcome."

Telia smiled as she reached and hugged Ren which shock him a little but couldn't refuse while she patted her head and spoke in motherly tone, which made Ren a little sentimental since how long it has been, he had felt this way yes it was the feeling of being back to home.

"Ofcourse." Ren nodded as Professor Sakuragi only patted his shoulder and asked "Is there other reason for being no one in this journey of your."

"Yes, to catch legendary Mew." "Is my first goal."

Professor was taken aback but looking at the spirit Ren he knew it was not a lie given the boy in front of him really wanted to catch that legendary Pokemon for sure.

{Hello guys this is author, if you like my fan fiction you would definitely come to liking to a novel I have worked on:

Pocket Augmented Reality Monster: Online.

I hope you can read it, plus if you guys support me I will keep on increasing chapter on both novel.}

After saying his farewell with the Pokemon professor is family he walked toward professor lab, but unknown to him the family of Professor sakuragi will be in front of him sooner then he thought it could be, given they were also going to professor Oak lab.

finally reaching inside the town, he walked over to the direction of Professor lab since he doesn't have any residence in this city and the cost of having a rented room was more than he could afford so he was in a hurry to submit his quest while the room will be provided after it to him by the lab.

Ringing the bell, Ren look around and found that it was not similar to the the lab he had seen in the anime while the lab was way too bigger then he thought it could be covered by glasses the whole area looked magnificient and thrilling.

Ren was a little shocked but soon saw the professor Oak coming from in front of him while talking with a boy of his age who was very familiar to our protagonist, his name was Garry, normally all the the Pokemon fan would think that the Gary guy was arrogant and self-centred.

"Oh, you must be the guy from the Texas family right, I was waiting for you but it seem quite early early, then I imagine you can come here."

"I got a little help from a certain family and due to which I was able to come here this early to complete my quest professor Oak."

Ren spoke politely as he looked at Garry looking at him with interest given Ren was able to guess the reason, Since he was of similar age as him he must've wondered why he was able to get his Pokemon and not him to go on a adventure.

"Hello my name is Ren Astral, it's a pleasure to meet you Samuel Gary, I have heard a lot about you from many people you are quite famous right."

Ren smiled at the guy and attacked with appreciation and few flowery word, at which he was able to see that the prey has fallen inside the trap.

"Hehe, I am not that great just because my grandfather and a goal in my mind I put my hard work on the certain cause had gained me those fame."

Ren thought that Garry was an intelligent kid but when he spoke of the goal the voice lack enthusiasm but had a y determination which seemed to be painted with sorrow.

When Oak smiled and looked at Garry and patted his head saying " They will be fine don't worry about them after all they were the strongest in the younger generation."

"So you just have to put a lot of hard work and keep on improving one day a even if I have to take the action I will go with you to bring them back safer soundly."

Ren was a little shop scenes in the real story of the Manga he have read there was no recollection of goal of Garry like saving someone, so he did use that it must be from the real world.

When they heard "Professor Oak, Garry."

A kid of their age came running with black hair and blue eyes his name was Ash Ketchum, the main protagonist of the Anime they have loved for so long, but something was different.

Ash Ketchum voice have hint of maturity which was not there in the real series, was that just my imagination or Ash looked a little more mature than in the anime, one could tell that both Ash and Gary looked at each other with rivalry but this time it could be seen they lacked those punching lines and all, which seem to be unnecessary by them.

Behind Ash was Delia Ketchum and Professor Sakuragi and his wife given Ash was