
Pokemon: The 7th Last generation.

A boy from the orphanage received the box curved with lugia and several legendary Pokemon, on the point when he opened the box he found a black crystal and a holographic image of his father who did not even remember, but old granny of the orphanage told it was his father last heritage she had to pass it to him. His holographic father told him various thing like this crystal was his heritage from him and he will get something really great, from it if he pressed the red beaming light Indeed he recieved a system from the crystal plus the memories of his previous life as an Otaku came in while the person named Arata was his father but a former colleague from that world who died with him on that accident. During a trip to Poke land... Continue to read and found about previous unsolved mysterious life and his life as an Astral Ren.

GamerX_226699 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 12 Chloe and Metapod

Eevee rushed as it saw Metapod attacking jump over a meter and rush down to the ground making with dementors momentum and powers.

The girl was barely able to get away from it unscathed but the moment metapod hit the ground the destructive power threw stones flying into air hitting around.

Chloe was hurt but on time Eevee came to weathered most of the stones and defended her, thanks to Ren practice she was able to barely withstand those rubble of stone.

Pikachu use quick attack and distract it with your speed while see for a chance to use electric shock, not be able to come on the forward because I have to look out for that girl and Eevee.

"Pika- Piga."

Pikachu lightning fast quick attack while distracting the metapod attention through which Ren got the chance to to run toward the duo, it was clear that the Metapod seems to be quite angry but given the way it has been rushing seem it was using all of his strength to fight for this moment and might get exhausted soon.

Metapod defence was so high that Allen had trouble attacking it with any normal our physical type move to attack as he thought it was a damn bull shit saying that metapod is a weak Pokemon, how can a tank like that be called a weak, then what was his Pokemon right now weak as ass.

Metapod defending power and defensive capability was beyond something Ren had imagined in his all life, as he was sure he wanted to catch a metapod like it or train the caterpie he had caught to this level.

Metapod was angry as he looked at the girl who had entered his area and stole those fruit but suddenly she had found a good helper and a strong one at that, while he was distracted by his thought Pikachu came rushing with the quick attack with slammed his body in a flying direction.

He rotated is body to decrease the momentum he was flying while he also used string attack to create a net around which protected him from falling and the branches which were binded were broken falling over the Pikachu.

Ren smiled as he shouted "Pikachu use the branches to climb over the tree and get a foothold over a tree to use a quick attack in a downward direction to slam metapod on the ground."

As he looked at Eevee"Use Swift at the moment it fall down."

Pikachu understood while he started climbing on the the branches using quick attack to gather the momentum as fast as possible and reach the top of the tree in a matter of a few seconds when his body kit the thick branch of the tree the momentum carried by the quick attack was transferred to the stem and due to its elasticity if was transfer directly into Pikachu due to which Pikachu become a blur and smashed at metapod.

As Metapod which was falling down on the ground tried to balance himself and increase his defence by Harden skill, saw several came rushing into his field of view and before and he started seeing real star around him as he fell down.

It was an intense fight, even though it lasted only for a few minutes both of his Pokemon including Pikachu and Eevee felt rush of weakness entering inside their body.

Eevee and Pikachu laid down as Ren Threw his pokeball and caught Metapod, in this world Pokemon want directly listen to you after they are caught beyond exception like previous caterpie since it was too weak.

He had to send it to Pokemon rehabilitation centre where fairy type Pokemon use soothing soul or another skill to calm the angered Pokemon down.

After it was done he looked at the girl by his side who was looking at them with thankful expression, "I hope you are alright Chloe Cerise."

"Huh! how do you know my name." Chloe startled as she looked at the young trainer in front of her, very clear that he was of the similar ages as her, but was able to got a Pokemon clearly indicated that he was a talented one at that.

"for that I saw your bag tag, your name seems to be written on the top of the tag, plus I have heard about a talented and young professor coming into kanto region with his daughter, son and wife in tow." Ren made up the reason as he had read and watched in the Pokemon series.

"Hmm! I still had to thank you for saving me then." Chloe smiled a little beaming as her first impression of Ren was quite good and responsible type.

"That's nothing at all since savings a girl doesn't need a reason for us boys, while you would have done the same if you were in my shoe and I also got to see how strong are metapod can be trained properly." Ren spoke as he held her hand and pull her up from the ground, since it was quite obvious that she was very scared and it was not able to stand on her own properly.

"Hmm! thankyou, I felt like my leg are like jelly for some reason." She smiled as she stood up with Ren help while Ren was a little shocked given at the moment like this, girls prefer to to stand up herself and be a little bashful about the help.

'Hmm! she seemed to friendly type, it is easier to talk to girls like them, since as an otaku I did not feel quite confident I used to am.'

Ren thought as he smiled and nodded to Chloe response, at which duo talked as she led to moto travel Small Bus, which had all the equipment of his father.

Soon became in front of of a small mini bus which head antenna and various equipment at the top of it wildlife camp was set up around it where a man and a lady with her child talking to each other can be seen.

"Chloe what had taken you so long huh!" Father spoke but when Chloe heard their family voice she burst with tear, in a point of view of a reader it can be same it was a common Pokemon fight, but in reality it was more like a 9 year old girl just barely make it out alive from the clutches of wolf.

All three of them came rushing as they held their little daughter while Professor looked at Ren as a trainer while he looked at Eevee on the boy shoulder and could see was bruised badly by some injures, For other he was able to make it out with his own intelligence.

"Thank you young man."

"It's alright professor Cerise and it is something anyone would have done if he was in my shoe."

Ren nodded as he started walking on toward the professor Oak lab and Pallet town.

"Ren, is it wait up, would you allow us to thank you properly young trainer." Professor Sakuragi spoke.


Hello guys I hope you all like this chapter and novel plus those who like Fanfiction of To Love Ru, please go and check out my original work

Life Requiem: He is already dead right.

link: https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/20542916606503805?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4316228623

Three Character such as Mikan, Rito and Lala are their tonight 9 pm after 45 minute of this at chapter 30

Hope the story will be different but it will all To Love Ru character of girls so hope you will read them too.

in the future.

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