
Pokemon: The 7th Last generation.

A boy from the orphanage received the box curved with lugia and several legendary Pokemon, on the point when he opened the box he found a black crystal and a holographic image of his father who did not even remember, but old granny of the orphanage told it was his father last heritage she had to pass it to him. His holographic father told him various thing like this crystal was his heritage from him and he will get something really great, from it if he pressed the red beaming light Indeed he recieved a system from the crystal plus the memories of his previous life as an Otaku came in while the person named Arata was his father but a former colleague from that world who died with him on that accident. During a trip to Poke land... Continue to read and found about previous unsolved mysterious life and his life as an Astral Ren.

GamerX_226699 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 10. Chloe Cerise

Caterpie was ready for a match as Ren put Pikachu down from his shoulder as he spoke " Let's go buddy and win this our first battle should be the one we had to win at all cost so we will have to give it our best."


as usual Pikachu was beaming with fighting Spirit since Ren had already deduce that, Pikachu of his has high spirit when it come to fighting and battle which was a perfect match for his laziness, given the usual him would avoid any battle and he knew that it was not good for his goal.

So add up of his Pikachu was a good thing for him and his team, which will force him to battle from time to time and one day he might be able to get rid of his laziness. Pikachu was also a early wake up type which suited both of them.

Due to which Eevee also wake up early to train so that she would not be left behind by her junior.

Pokemon: Pikachu

Level: 4

Potential: Bronze (*)

Type: Electric

Talent: Quick

Star's: 5

Moves: Tackle, Bite, Tail Whip, Thunder Shock [E], [Advance] *****.

[Tm] Quick Attack.

Description: A potential talent one with fine description can be trained to a higher level and above.

Bronze Rank talent came above Blue rank, due to which Pikachu was able to master Quick attack quite early then Eevee.

Pikachu Vs Caterpie(wild)

Pokemon: Caterpie

Level: 6

Potential: Red

Type: Bug

Talent: Flexible

Star's: 3.5

Moves: Tackle, Bite, String Shot, [Basic] *****.

Description: A slow talented one with fine description can be trained to a higher level.

Caterpie started with the string shot toward Pikachu, which was dodge by Pikachu quite easily, without Ren command it started with a quick attack with which his figure blur and struck at the Caterpie.

Caterpie which flew back due to momentum of the Pikachu had stuck to it, He shot a string shot to the branches behind creating a net to catch it with which he shot toward Pikachu with added momentum.

Pikachu use Tail Whip to dis-balance it, and then end it up with thunder shock.

Finally Ren spoke out, wild Pikachu which was having a hard time thinking of the counter move started moving body with greater confidence and you're still with cleverly to dis-balance Caterpie in the mid air, due to which it fell down with greater momentum and injured himself with his own move, before it could regain his senses thundershock struck him out.

Ren Threw his pokeball, "Pokeball go."




"Caterpie had been added to the Pokemon net system, the smartphone will collect all the vital data and memory of the Caterpie to its computer."

an electronic voice from the smartphone of Ren echoed as he looked down stunned but shook his head wryly thinking he must get use to it.

Given it was quite creepy since the voice came from the back pocket office bag which felt like someone was standing behind in and spoke in electronic voice.

I can't say it would feel pleasent If it was a girl voice but as for male voice, I clearly doesn't swing that way.

after that he started walking towards the pokeball which has come down after a long period of struggle, Opening it he call out Caterpie while he also took out a full bag of nutritional food and gave it to Other Caterpie, with which he started looking at Caterpie which he had caught talking with his group memeber for last chat.

He sat down as he took out a potion and was ready to tend to Caterpie which was injured and knew would take around a day to take care of all the injuries before the Caterpie could heal perfectly.

But according to the system I heal cast by the Pokemon is more effective than any kind of Potions, in using the both of them can instantly heal Pokemon major injury in case of emergency.

Many elite trainer are used to have a fairy type Pokemon because of their healing pulse Move and due which it is more harder to find them, in the wilderness and if one caught it he would never sell it to other accept some stupid people and those with the high rank, so normally the price it is sold at is very high even for James Texas to bleed to buy one.

After the session of talking was over Caterpie purred toward Ren, as Ren gently caught it and used the potion on the Caterpie body as he spoke " Rest inside pokeball for few days to recover, I will cal you outside for the food when it is ready, so take a good rest inside Partner.


calling him inside Ren smiled and tourist of the group and walked away, while the longer he travel the harder it became since the danger value was increasing time by time, before long is best time for a good lunch.

Ren started preparing for Pokemon special food for Pikachu while Eevee wanted to eat same thing as him and since she was not training much he allowed her to eat a little from the both.

Caterpie had the first mixture which was called M1 by him which increase recover and digestive one.

But the berry he used was of wild type and it had similar effect as normal type.

After which he recall the Caterpie to pokeball and started walking toward his next point while in this era many train had been built several time but due to Pokemon herd attack was wreaked dealing several casualties.

So the most train are created with a hard metal which has. been made from the metal of high grade Pokemon hence they only allow people with respect identity to travel through it, travelling in a mono rail is example of respect and admiration of the federation peoples.

Given our Ren is not in any position or condition to travel from that mono railway could only travel in foot toward the Pallet town, the place from where legend had risen from time to time but unfortunately he was not a part of it to begun with.

when it was looking like it is going to be a a fine day without any problem, Ren heard a shout or particularly a scream from a girl, Ren was shocked to a see a particularly purple haired girl running toward him.

She had a twin tail with silky texture which looked like familiar from his previous life knowledge.

Chloe Cerise

from Pokemon: Journey.

"Damn it's her right I can't be frigen wrong about it, anyway why is her hair so silky maybe because it is reality and why is she screaming."

Ren looked and saw "a Metapod of height around a half meter or small but so big this guy is friggin big, holy shit,

What with that dragging speed how can it keep up with her running speed."

"Run away it is dangerous here."

Even though she was being chased Chloe found Ren standing their and shouted out to run for it, but her weak leg were about to give up when she saw a Eevee rushing at them.


Hello guys I hope you all like this chapter and novel plus those who like Fanfiction of To Love Ru, please go and check out my original work

Life Requiem: He is already dead right.

link: https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/20542916606503805?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4316228623

Three Character such as Mikan, Rito and Lala are their tonight 9 pm after 45 minute of this at chapter 30

Hope the story will be different but it will all To Love Ru character of girls so hope you will read them too.

in the future.

Please support that novel since I have gotten Contract for above novel Life Requiem. and needed your support to get editor verification.