
Pokemon: Legends of All

In the Region of Estral, all Pokemon have gathered in this massive region. This region contains every legendary, mythical, and even every normal Pokemon ever recorded. This is the largest known region to ever exist and because it is so large it is prone to have it's conflicts. The Legendary Pokemon have begun to lose control and no one knows why. It is up to the trainers who are up to the challenge to quell the anger of these Legendaries and return their region to peace. To do this, they must defeat the ones who are manipulating and controlling said Pokemon. Our protagonist, Atlas Lionhart, has a dream of becoming the best Pokemon Master as well has a dream of quelling and catching every Legendary and Mythical in the region. As he sets out on his journey he meets new friends, and Pokemon who will join him on his quest to being the very best.

Psycho_Books · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Battle! Vs. Captain Surge!

A few days went by as we trained in the village and Route 7, defeating trainers and wild Pokemon in battles. Oshawott, Victini, and Petilil were all leveled up a good amount and felt ready to take on Surge's Gym.

"Today is the big day that we take on Surge and defeat him." I said to my Pokemon.

"Atlas! Atlas! Come look at this!" Winter said as she watched a video on her phone.

I looked at Winter then walked over to her and stood behind the bench to look at her screen. I looked a bit surprised to see that Hideo defeated Surge with a new Pokemon. "He caught an Axew? From where..?"

"That's not it! Look at the Axew! It's Terrestalized!" Winter said.

"Terastallized and where did he get a Tera Orb from..?" I asked and held the back of the bench.

"The only ones known to have a Tera Orb was...Team Myth!" Winter said and looked up at me.

I closed my eyes. "How he obtains power has nothing to do with me, but it is concerning if he did turn to Team Myth for power."

"The comments aren't too surprised that he used the Tera Orb, but Kaeton has always been a fundamental area of the Estral Region. Not many gimmicks here other than Mega Evolution and maybe a few Z-Moves here and there. Aside from that there isn't Dynamax or Terastal...whatever." Winter said.

"An Electric Type Tera Axew though. That isn't a normal Axew. There aren't any Electric Type moves it can learn.." I said.

"There is one." A voice said as they walked towards us.

We looked over after hearing the voice and noticed it was Master Fornus.

"The move is called Tera Blast. It is a move every pokemon in existence can learn and right now it is a Team Myth specialty. It is said that some Team Myth members came from Paldea and introduced the power to Estral, but taken that the power is still...rather unknown, they are able to freely use the power without anyone knowing the secrets of the power." Fornus explained.

"Tera Blast." I said then pulled out my phone and searched the move.

[Move: Tera Blast

Description: If the Pokemon has Terastallized, it unleashes the energy of its Tera Type.]

"That's it?" I asked.

"Like I said, nothing is known of this new power. All we can do is hope new discoveries can be made." Fornus said. "For right now, you should focus on the battle ahead. I'll be rooting for you."

I nodded at him and smiled. "Thank you."

He nodded then continued on his stroll around the route. Winter stood up which caused Fennekin to stand up from laying down. We looked at each other then smiled and headed towards Azurglow City.

Once we made it, we headed toward the Gym and split ways. Winter went to get a seat in the audience and I was lead by one of the officials to a waiting room. As I sat in the waiting room, one of the officials walked over to me and told me it was time for me to head out into the stadium.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! It's time for another amazing battle! To our left we have the challenger, Atlas Lionhart!" Jacob said and the crowd cheered as I walked out to the battlefield.

"Go Atlas!" Winter cheered. Fennekin cried out and cheered as well.

Raven sat next to Winter and crossed his arms. "This will be interesting."

Winter squeaked and looked over to Raven and Lilith. "I-I didn't even notice you two!"

"Hello again, Winter." Raven smiled at Winter and waved.

Lilith had her arms crossed and watched the battlefield. "Hopefully he doesn't choke up now that he's on the big screen and in an actual battle to prove he isn't a weakling."

"Atlas will win! He trained for days with his pokemon! They are in total sync!" Winter said and smiled at me.

"To our right we have the one and only, Captain Surge!" Jacob announced.

The crowd roared as Surge walked out onto the battlefield. Surge stood with his arms crossed and looked at me. He felt the determination within me then smirked.

"I haven't sensed such determination in a while. Even with Hideo...I didn't sense anything. You're different. I won't be holding anything back against you...Atlas." Surge said.

"Same to you, Captain! I've trained for days with my Pokemon and we will defeat you!" I said and adjusted my hat. "Osha! Let's do this!"

"Hmph! Krabby! Go!" Surge said and threw his Pokeball and it opened then Krabby appeared on the battlefield.

"Alright! Battle begin!" Jacob said.

"Osha! Get this party started with an Aqua Jet!" I commanded.

Oshawott cried out and surrounded himself with water then propelled himself toward Krabby. Krabby stood her ground and took the Aqua Jet. Oshawott groaned Krabby's defense caused him to recoil backwards.

"X-Scissor!" Surge commanded.

Krabby's pincers shined a light blue then she prepared to slash at Oshawott. Oshawott instinctively grabbed his shell and a light blue energy blade appeared on the shell. He slashed downward as Krabby slashed her pincers. The two moves collided and both struggled to overpower the other. Krabby eventually overpowered Oshawott with her raw strength then struck Oshawott with X-Scissor.

Oshawott cried out and rolled backwards then recovered back on his feet. He dashed ahead and dragged the energy blade along the ground then slashed in a circle, striking Krabby. Krabby was sent sliding backwards.

"They both are trading blows right now. Evenly matched it seems." Raven said as he watched.

"Pretty good, for an Oshawott. Krabby still wins in terms of raw power and defense." Lilith said.

"Water Gun!" Surge commanded.

Krabby blasted a spiral of water from her mouth at Oshawott.

"Use your shell to deflect it!" I commanded.

Oshawott used his shell to block the Water Gun and grunted as he slid back a bit. Oshawott bellowed and managed to deflect the Water Gun then threw his shell at Krabby. The shell struck Krabby and threw her off. The shell came back to Oshawott like a boomerang then he caught it then placed it on his belly again.

"Let's try out that new move! Water Pulse! Go!" I bellowed.

Oshawott raised his hands in the air, creating a blue sphere of energy then fired it at Krabby.

"Krabby! Protect!" Surge bellowed.

Krabby tried to use Protect but the sphere of energy hit Krabby before she could use Protect. The sphere exploded into a wave of water, sending Krabby crashing into a wall.

"Krabby is unable to battle! The winner is Oshawott!" Jacob announced.

The crowd roared and cheered. Surge recalled Krabby back into her pokeball then put it away. He looked at me and smiled.

"You two are a lot stronger now from when we first met. You have come a long way...but this is as far as you're going to get! Marill! Front and Center!" Surge said and threw Marill's Pokeball.

Marill emerged from the ball and appeared on the battlefield. Oshawott came back to my side switching out.

"Lily! Let's go!" I said and threw her pokeball. Petilil emerged from the pokeball and appeared on the battlefield then cried out.

"Hideo used a Grass Type against Marill and still failed. How do you think you'll be any different?" Surge asked.

"If I told you, it wouldn't be impressive! Now let's rock and roll!" I said.

"Marill! Belly Drum!" Surge said.

"Belly Drum off the bat?!" Winter asked in shock.

"Seems like he's planning to end things rather quickly with Marill." Raven said.

Marill slapped her stomach and raised her attack to the max then cried out as a red aura surrounded her body. Petilil watched and looked back at me.

"Entrainment." I said then snapped my fingers.

Petilil nodded her head to the snap of my fingers then began dancing with an odd rhythm. Marill watched and her tail swayed to the snap of my fingers.

"Hm?" Surge hummed and looked at me. He noticed Marill mimicking Petilil's dance.

Petilil hopped up and down then sparkles rained down on Marill as if to celebrate for dancing with her. The crowd let out awes as they watched.

"What the hell is this? A dance break? This is useless." Lilith said.

"Wait.." Raven said.

"Now use Stun Spore!" I commanded.

Petilil looked serious and used her leaves to wildly scatter a cloud paralyzing powder, catching Marill an Surge off guard. Marill was surrounded by the cloud of paralyzing powder then cried out as she became paralyzed.

"I knew it! He changed Marill's ability to Petilil's ability!" Raven said then smirked widely. "He's smart...very smart!"

"Not bad...but it doesn't end here! Marill Aqua Jet now!" Surge bellowed.

Marill cloaked herself in water energy then propelled herself toward Petilil then grunted lightning crackled around her body, causing the move to fail. She fell to the ground.

"Lily! Use Growth until you can't anymore!" I commanded.

"Marill get up and use Aqua Jet!" Surge bellowed.

Petilil cried out and began to forcefully make herself grow, making her body larger and raising her attack and special attack. Marill tried to get up and use Aqua Jet but her body refused to move.

"Marill!" Surge bellowed.

Marill broke through the paralysis and used Aqua Jet, propelling herself to Petilil.

"Lily! Pollen Puff!" I bellowed.

Petilil formed a poisonous ball of pollen then groaned as she was hit by Marill's Aqua Jet. She cried out then fired the ball of pollen at Marill then an explosion happened. I grunted and covered my face from the smoke. Surge grunted as well and watched. The crowd was speechless and in awe.

The smoke cloud cleared slowly and showed both Petilil and Marill fainted on the ground.

"Both Petilil and Marill are unable to battle! It's a draw!" Jacob announced.

The crowd was still in awe. We recalled our pokemon and I noticed Surge smiling.

"It's been a while since I've had fun battling. After retiring from the Ocean Guard Force, I never found enjoyment in battling...but...against you. This battle is making my heart pump and my blood rush! This is it! My final pokemon!" Surge said and pulled out a pokeball and looked at it. "Squirtle! This is it!"

He threw the pokeball out and Squirtle emerged from the ball and landed on the battlefield. Squirtle looked up and let out a battle cry.

Winter held her phone out to Squirtle. "Now we get to see up close how powerful Surge's Ace is."

[Pokemon: Squirtle

Nickname: N/A

Gender: Male

Type: Water

Ability: Rain Dish

Morale: High (Increased Stamina)

Bond Link: 100%

Status Condition: None

Moves: Rain Dance, Water Pulse, Rapid Spin, Return, Aura Sphere, Protect, Brick Break]

"Damn, Squirtle is pretty powerful. I don't know how Atlas can beat it. He lost one pokemon that could slow it down." Raven said.

Victini looked at me and floated out onto the battlefield. They wanted to battle now even if it is at a type disadvantage.

"Alright Victini, let's get them together!" I said.

"Squirtle, Rain Dance." Surge said.

Squirtle cried out and summoned a dark circular cloud that spun counterclockwise then stopped and rain began pouring down. Victini looked up and watched the rain pour down. They looked back at Squirtle and looked serious.

"Victini can't awaken their ability at will...so we will have to do without. Victini! Rush them with Thunder Punches!" I commanded.

Victini cried out and surrounded their hands with lightning then flew towards Squirtle at high speeds.

"Protect then blow them away with a Water Pulse!" Surge bellowed.

Squirtle cried out and summoned a light blue barrier around himself, protecting himself from the relentless barrage of Thunder Punches from Victini. Once the barrage ended, Squirtle formed a blue sphere of energy in his hand then slammed it against Victini then the sphere exploded. Victini cried out as they were blown away. Victini landed on the ground and recovered then flew upwards.

"I've raised this Squirtle since it hatched from an egg! Our bond and power can not be defeated!" Surge bellowed.

"This is what they call a True Bond. Their attacks do greater damage and their stamina is extremely high as if it was energized." Winter said in awe.

"Just one move already tired out Victini...Atlas is in deep trouble if he doesn't think of a plan." Raven said.

I looked at Victini and noticed them panting. The Rain and Bond Boosted Water Pulse already tired Victini out. I grunted and balled my fist then looked at Squirtle and Surge. "Victini! Use Confusion!"

Victini cried out and their eyes shined a bright blue. They surrounded themselves in light blue energy then released the energy toward Squirtle. Squirtle dodged the attack and hid inside of his shell.

"Rapid Spin now!" Surge bellowed.

Squirtle began spinning rapidly then fired a stream of water from his shell, propelling himself at Victini then hit them. Victini cried out in pain and flew backwards into a wall. Squirtle came out of his shell and landed on the ground and let out a triumphant cry.

"Victini is unable to battle! Squirtle is the winner!" Jacob announced then the crowd cheered.

"So much for the Victory Pokemon." Hideo said as he watched from the audience.

I walked over to Victini and gently picked them up. Victini opened their eyes and looked at me. I smiled at them and rubbed their head. "Your power hasn't returned just yet...but that's alright. We have time...take it easy now, Victory."

Victini nodded and slowly flew out of my arms then landed on my head. I walked back over to my original spot.

"Down to my last pokemon...Now it's even. Osha and I will show you our true power!" I bellowed. Oshawott ran forward and let out a battle cry.

"Let us dance!" Surge laughed.

To be continued...