
Pokemon: Invincible Me, Stunned Cynthia!

Traveling to the Pokémon world, Jimo became an ordinary Trainer, after a lot of painstaking training. He is invincible. As soon as he shot it, he shocked the whole world … Sinnoh champion Cynthia: Jimo is stronger than me, my Trump Card Garchomp is not his Rival! A Flying trainer who claims to be the dragon champion: Labor and management are dragon champions! It's not a dodo bird! An ideal brave man who did not want to be named: My ideal is not worth mentioning in front of him! This era belongs to Jimo's era! (''THIS BOOK IS NOT MINE , JUST UPLOAD FOR FUN'')

Spector_51 · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Chapter 23 Let Me Give You A Ride, Cyrus!

Chapter 23 Let Me Give You A Ride, Cyrus!

"That's your companion?""But there's nothing there, right?"No matter how confidently Huo Xing and Sui Xing observed, they couldn't find a single figure in the clean corner.Can not help but have some doubts.Zhen Xing at the side also had a suspicious look on his head at the right time.Jimo smiled slightly and said meaningfully."I never said that my partner is a human! Creatures like Pokémon are quite amazing!""The land, the ocean, the forest, the Soaring in the sky, the universe... Pokémon exists in places that humans have discovered or have not discovered so far!"That's right!The "companion" Jimo refers to is not a person, but a Pokémon!A Ghost hiding in electronic space!It was because of this companion's Help that Jimo was able to break through Team Galactic's heavy defenses so easily and hack into their internal system.Moreover, everyone's whereabouts are firmly under control!Afterwards, he completely ignored the few people in front of him who fell into thoughtful Contest Condition because of his words.Jimo looked at Cyrus, who remained silent from the beginning to the end, and even his sense of existence seemed extremely thin, his eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a strange light in the deep eyes."Then, after introducing my companions, it's time for us to think about business, right?""Although there are many twists and turns due to the intervention of the Alliance, since it has been such a long time, Mr. Cyrus must have made a [correct] decision, right?"There was a dangerous glint in Jimo's eyes, and he specially emphasized the pronunciation of the word "correct".Then, after a short pause, he continued speaking meaningfully."But what a surprise, Mr. Cyrus!""I didn't expect that Mr.Cyrus, who is extremely famous in the entire Sinnoh Region and even promoted the development of many industries, participated in the investment and construction of many buildings, would be the leader of the evil organization Team Galactic in the Sinnoh Region behind his back!""If this news gets out, I'm afraid there will be a big Earthquake in the whole of Sinnoh?"Jimo's eyes were deep, and there was a hint of danger in his tone.Although it is completely incomparable with large consortiums such as Zvokki, Bellrich, and Shiruf, but in terms of personal identity, Cyrus's apparent identity in Sinnoh Region is quite good.Whether it is fame or financial resources, they are completely among the upper class, and they are quite famous in the whole Sinnoh!Don't you see that in the original animation, even when Sinnoh champion Cynthia introduced him, he used "a well-known industrialist in the Sinnoh Region".Although there may be some reasons for polite words, being able to have a champion introduce it like this is enough to explain Cyrus' identity.And if such a person is revealed to be the leader of Team Galactic, an evil organization in the Sinnoh Region, it will definitely have a considerable impact on the upper class of Sinnoh.There was a trace of mockery and disdain in Jimo's eyes.Even those so-called upper-level people may try their best to wipe out Team Galactic in order to erase this stain!If that time comes, what Team Galactic is facing is really the target of the entire Sinnoh!And hearing Jimo's meaningful words, Cyrus's eyes, which were like a pool of stagnant water, finally changed slightly.He came back to his senses, slowly raised his head to look at Jimo who was smiling lightly, and said in a calm tone."Are you threatening me?"Hearing this, the smile on Jimo's face got even bigger.If Cyrus spoke, that's fine, I'm afraid that the other party will completely deaf to his words like a quail.In that case, even if it is a pity, he can only kill the killer.And since the other party has the idea of ​​wanting to communicate, it proves that he still has the idea of ​​wanting to communicate and deal with it.Jimo looked at Cyrus with a calm face, even a little dead silence, with a smile on his face."Mr. Cyrus, you are overthinking, how could I do such a stabbing thing in the back?""Just in case, in case my partner accidentally got a virus or something, and then accidentally put the news in front of some people...""That is very likely to happen, isn't it? After all, natural disasters and man-made disasters, no one can avoid it?"That is, when Jimo's voice fell, the somewhat hoarse and strange voice appeared again."Well, computer viruses are scary."Hearing this familiar voice, Jimo silently gave it a thumbs up in his heart, and all looked at Cyrus in front of him with a smile on his face.Zhen Xing and the other three on the side couldn't help feeling a little ashamed when they saw this scene.Computer Virus? Natural and man-made disasters? Accidents are inevitable?tui!It is clear that you are threatening others!There are no natural disasters, all of these are man-made disasters!At the same time, the three couldn't help looking at Cyrus. Facing Jimo's almost threatening words, what choice would Cyrus make?"If you want to leak it, then leak it. Anyway, the required funds have almost been raised, and the identity on the surface is worthless."Jimo couldn't help frowning when he heard that Cyrus was so decisive that he gave up the identity that could bring him incomparable convenience on the surface.He didn't expect that Cyrus would be so decisive.but..."Since that's the case, it seems that you, Mr. Cyrus, don't intend to resolve this matter amicably? It's a pity, since there was such a good opportunity in front of us, it seems that I can only reluctantly give Mr. Cyrus a ride. "Although I was a little surprised by Cyrus' decisiveness, since the other party showed a gesture of refusal to cooperate, so be it!Jimo's expression also turned cold, he is not a good man and a believer, if Cyrus thinks that he is afraid to do anything, then he is very wrong!"It's a pity, it seems that Mr. Cyrus can only go to hell, and then go to find the heartless world you Covet!""Oh! It is also possible that at the moment of your death, your dream may have been fulfilled.""Garchomp, give him a ride!"The Poké Ball was thrown out without hesitation. After White's dazzling light, a ferocious and tyrannical dragon shadow appeared in front of everyone's eyes.The savage dragon power that emanates is shocking.The cyan ferocious Dragon Claw formed in an instant, and slashed towards Cyrus fiercely!"Chief Cyrus!"Huo Xing and Sui Xing shouted in horror, their eyes widened, and they looked at Garchomp who was rushing away in front of him in horror.In front of the ferocious dragon, Cyrus' figure looked so small and so fragile!As if it would be torn apart by the cyan Dragon Claw at any moment!But no matter how much they yelled, no matter how much their eyes widened, Garchomp's Dragon Claw didn't stop even in the slightest!But under the horrified gazes of Huan Xing and Sui Xing, Cyrus completely ignored the Dragon Claw who was rushing towards him.His eyes didn't blink, he stared at Jimo with burning eyes and said."You just said that I, Covet, have no heart in the world?"......