
Pokemon: Invincible Me, Stunned Cynthia!

Traveling to the Pokémon world, Jimo became an ordinary Trainer, after a lot of painstaking training. He is invincible. As soon as he shot it, he shocked the whole world … Sinnoh champion Cynthia: Jimo is stronger than me, my Trump Card Garchomp is not his Rival! A Flying trainer who claims to be the dragon champion: Labor and management are dragon champions! It's not a dodo bird! An ideal brave man who did not want to be named: My ideal is not worth mentioning in front of him! This era belongs to Jimo's era! (''THIS BOOK IS NOT MINE , JUST UPLOAD FOR FUN'')

Spector_51 · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Chapter 24 In The New World, You Are Not Needed!

Chapter 24 In The New World, You Are Not Needed!

In front of him was Garchomp attacking swiftly, and the ferocious Dragon Claw, which was covered with cyan Dragon Type energy and could easily tear Oreburgh apart, was even closer.Even the fellow Xing Sui Xing on the side widened their eyes in horror, but Cyrus, who was the person involved, acted as if nothing happened.He completely regarded Garchomp as air, and the ferocious Dragon Claw didn't even make him panic in the slightest!Cyrus stared at Jimo with a rare ripple in his dead eyes.Just at that critical moment, Jimo's voice came as promised."Garchomp!""just--!"The earth dragon's low roar sounded, and Garchomp exerted all his strength!The strong muscles all over his body suddenly burst out with extremely terrifying power, and the Dragon Claw who was originally slashing towards Cyrus suddenly changed its direction.In an instant, the ferocious Dragon Claw almost brushed against Cyrus.The wind pressure on the Dragon Claw even tore through the fragile skin, bleeding out bright red blood!"Stab—!"Like a hot knife slicing butter through Normal, Garchomp's Dragon Claw rips through the hard Ground without stalling.A strong air wave swept across suddenly, blowing Jimo's hair into pieces and his clothes rattling."call..."Only then did the three of them heave a sigh of relief, and put down their raised hearts again.They almost thought Cyrus was dead just now!The tyrannical aura that Garchomp erupted suddenly scared them silly!Huo Xing and Sui Xing couldn't help recalling the scene when they faced Garchomp in the forest.The bodies of the two trembled, and they felt that the past was unbearable.And the thoughts in their hearts are completely ignored now, and the focus comes to Cyrus and Jimo.Cyrus didn't have the joy of surviving after a catastrophe, just like an emotionless robot, staring at Jimo not far away.Although he does seem to have feelings for Mo...He repeated what he had said just now."You said that I, Covet, don't have a world of hearts, how do you know that!"Although he founded Team Galactic in order to achieve this goal.But even Zhenxing and the others just knew that they wanted to create a new world.But the person in front of him was able to express his ideals so accurately!"What you said is really interesting. Don't you, Cyrus, think that hearts are superfluous, so you want to create a new world without hearts?""Really, thinking like a child."Jimo sneered disdainfully, in his opinion, Cyrus' idea is completely stupid!Just like a child, since I don't like it, then simply don't exist!Even his so-called plan seemed ridiculous to Jimo!Use the power of Dialga, the dragon of time, and Palkia, the dragon of space, to create a brand new world that satisfies his ideas?Jimo scoffed at that quite a bit.Even the Legendary of the Sinnoh Region hasn't been studied thoroughly yet, so you plan to use the power of the gods?How ridiculous!Not to mention whether the power of Dialga and Palkia can really create a new world, just talk about their own father.Arceus, the real boss of the Pokémon world, probably won't even allow it.If you know that these two little bastards are actually planning to create a new world, then you can't beat these two bad guys?Even if Arceus is sleeping and there is no way to interfere, but there is still Charon Dragon Giratina!Its Reverse World exists on the basis of the real world, and changes in the real world will also cause disasters in the Reverse World accordingly!In the original movie, it was because of the dispute between the two brats, Dialga and Palkia, that the Reverse World was in a mess.So Giratina, the house dragon, can't help but come out of Reverse World and beat up these two little brats.If Cyrus really intends to destroy the world, why not Giratina run away on the spot?oh!In the special chapter of the original book, it seems that Cyrus was really dragged into the Reverse World by the runaway Giratina...That's all right...And by then, Cyrus had, in an unexpected way, realized his dream of a world without a heart.After all, there is no one else in the Reverse World except him, so where is the heart?Jimo's thoughts raced.But Cyrus hadn't reacted to his words, and the loyal partner Xing and Sui Xing couldn't hold back."You bastard! Why belittle Lord Cyrus' great ideals!""Exactly! How can you understand the greatness of Lord Cyrus's ideal?""It is precisely because the world is too filthy and people's hearts are too filthy that Purify is needed!""That's right! Our Team Galactic will create a brand new, pure world!""..."Looking at the two people in front of them who seemed to be rushing out to show their loyalty, Jimo had a smile on his face.Hidden in that slightly weird smile was a deep mockery."Team Galactic will create a new world? No no no."Jimo shook his fingers slightly exaggeratedly, his deep eyes made people palpitate.With a smile in the corner of his eyes, he looked at the two of them sarcastically and said."Team Galactic did not create the world, but Cyrus!""What does it mean?"Seeing Jimo who seemed to be pointing at something, Huo Xing and Sui Xing's hearts sank slightly.I just feel that there seems to be something beyond their understanding, and I feel a little uneasy in my heart."Don't you understand?""Cyrus, he never cared about you from the beginning!"The smirk on Jimo's face was even worse."From the beginning to the end, Team Galactic, including you three Executives, are nothing more than tools to accomplish goals in Cyrus' eyes! The loyalty of the two of you has no value in Cyrus' eyes!""In the heartless world Cyrus dreams of, no one needs to exist!""Even if it's you, it's the same!"There was a malicious smile on the corner of Jimo's mouth. Word by word, he stripped away the cruel reality and revealed it in front of the two of them!The cold voice came to the ears, Jimo's mocking evil smile, and the information contained in the words immediately made the eyes of the two tremble.They turned pale, looked at Cyrus, and begged in a humble way."How...how is it possible... how could the leader of Cyrus do this...""This must be you slandering the leader of Cyrus...isn't it leader? Contradict him!"However, the humble and weak prayers of the two did not get the desired result."That's right, in the new world, there is no need for a heart!"In an instant, the two of them fell into an ice cave, and their bodies were icy cold!......