
Pokemon: Invincible Me, Stunned Cynthia!

Traveling to the Pokémon world, Jimo became an ordinary Trainer, after a lot of painstaking training. He is invincible. As soon as he shot it, he shocked the whole world … Sinnoh champion Cynthia: Jimo is stronger than me, my Trump Card Garchomp is not his Rival! A Flying trainer who claims to be the dragon champion: Labor and management are dragon champions! It's not a dodo bird! An ideal brave man who did not want to be named: My ideal is not worth mentioning in front of him! This era belongs to Jimo's era! (''THIS BOOK IS NOT MINE , JUST UPLOAD FOR FUN'')

Spector_51 · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Chapter 22 My Partner!

Chapter 22 My Partner!

"Ding--!"When the crisp elevator bell rang, everyone on the field, including Cyrus, who had been calm and wandering from the beginning, was shocked.They all turned their gazes towards the direction of the elevator, and even Partner Xing and Sui Xing stopped arguing with serious expressions on their faces.Accompanied by the ringing bell, the elevators slowly opened, and the figure inside also appeared in front of them.A white robe, a handsome face, and the gentle and indifferent temperament of Normal before.Without a doubt, Jimo!"It seems that everyone has followed my persuasion at that time, and did not choose to run away willfully. I am very pleased."After scanning the people in the room, Jimo frowned and said with a light smile.And his relaxed and comfortable words reminded Hu Xing of the time when he planned to leave the forest to avoid Jimo.The message that was suddenly sent to my mobile phone!Immediately, the partner had a solemn expression, gritted his teeth and looked at Jimo in the distance."You bastard! How did you get our information accurately! Could it be that we have your undercover agent in Team Galactic?"Although part of the reason for the quarrel between Cai and Suixing was due to their discord, her guess was also serious.She thinks that there is Jimo's undercover agent in Team Galactic, so the other party can accurately grasp the whereabouts of herself and others!"Undercover?"Jimo asked back, then chuckled in denial."I don't have that kind of thing."Although in the ten years since he was born in this world, Jimo was not alone all the time, and had contact with many people.But strictly speaking, Jimo is still a loner with no soldiers under his command.If it weren't for this, he wouldn't be eyeing the big fish of Team Galactic..."call..."Hearing this, several people were insignificantly relieved, no matter what, Team Galactic has not been completely infiltrated by the opponent, that is a good result!But immediately, they reacted.Relax ass!Whether the other party is undercover or not, isn't the result the same?They, Team Galactic, have been found in their lair, how lucky they are!Suixing's complexion became tense again, she looked at Jimo solemnly and said."Since that's the case, how did you get our location so accurately? You can even hack into our system... With your own strength, it should be impossible to do this. !"Sui Xing said firmly and decisively.Although compared with Alliance, their Team Galactic can only stay in the dark, but as an organization that can be hunted by Sinnoh Alliance, Power Trip has not even been caught up to now.They have done quite well in all aspects of their work, and it is absolutely impossible to successfully intrude on their own, let alone find the positions of their executives!That's impossible!This is only possible if there is a huge organization behind it, but Jimo denies this again..."This..."Jimo's tone was drawn out. He looked at the people with different expressions on the field, snapped his fingers, and said meaningfully."Say hello to everyone, my companion."Along with the crisp finger snapping sound passing through the room, another hoarse and weird voice appeared in this space."Yes, master.""!!!"The sudden strange sound shocked the three of Huo Xing, their hairs stood on end, and their complexions changed drastically.Jimo's companion is actually hiding in this room?And they haven't noticed anything yet?For a moment, several people felt as if there was a sword of Dharma Chris floating above their heads. The sharp edge made their scalps numb and their faces terrified.Several people hurriedly looked around in this empty room, hoping to find out the owner of that voice.But no matter how they searched, they couldn't find anyone other than everyone present.Even in this room, there is no place to hide people at all!They were obviously in a warm room, but the guys felt as if they were in a world of ice and snow, and they were cold all over.Since no one can hide in this room, then maybe Jimo's so-called companion is...Huo Xing and Sui Xing only felt a cold air rushing towards the sky, and the cold breath made them both feel creepy.No matter how old you are, mysterious and weird things are often frightening.Unlike the partners and Sui Xing, whose sensibility overwhelmed their rationality and fell into panic, Zhen Xing and Cyrus were relatively rational.After a brief search, the two of them turned their gazes to the corner of the room.As far as they could judge, the sound came from that direction.And there, there is a hidden surveillance camera, which is pointing its lens at this side."It seems that you have already found out."Seeing the gazes of Zhen Xing and Cyrus, Jimo's eyes widened, and a little smile appeared on his face. He was more and more satisfied with the person who was about to become his subordinate.Although there is still a little lack of strength, but the problem is not big, the strength can be gradually improved!Jimo pays more attention to their temperament, being able to keep calm and make accurate judgments, which is what Jimo appreciates about them.Casting another glance at the two people who were frightened aside, Jimo finally understood.Why is it that Mingming and Sui Xing are more loyal to Cyrus, but Cyrus still wants to put the status of Zhen Xing above the two of them.Because in the eyes of Cyrus, who moves forward according to rational logic, the loyalty of the two of them is worthless!In addition, the value of the companion star and the year star is not as high as that of the town star!Therefore, although Zhen Xing is not so loyal, his status is higher than the other two.But Huo Xing and Sui Xing on the side only reacted belatedly at this time. There was still a little residual fear in their eyes, and they looked at the corner cautiously."That's your companion?"......