
Pokemon: Invincible Me, Stunned Cynthia!

Traveling to the Pokémon world, Jimo became an ordinary Trainer, after a lot of painstaking training. He is invincible. As soon as he shot it, he shocked the whole world … Sinnoh champion Cynthia: Jimo is stronger than me, my Trump Card Garchomp is not his Rival! A Flying trainer who claims to be the dragon champion: Labor and management are dragon champions! It's not a dodo bird! An ideal brave man who did not want to be named: My ideal is not worth mentioning in front of him! This era belongs to Jimo's era! (''THIS BOOK IS NOT MINE , JUST UPLOAD FOR FUN'')

Spector_51 · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Chapter 21 Break Team Galactic Take Jujube Pills!

Chapter 21 Break Team Galactic Take Jujube Pills!

East of Sinnoh Region, Veilstone City."This is really a nice city!"At night, on the streets of Veilstone City, the figure of Jimo in a white robe almost merged with the snow on the streets. He looked at the city with great interest and talked to himself.Veilstone City is a city located in the east of the Sinnoh Region. The city itself was built on a steep mountain, which was carved out of a solid mountain and then built.Although because of such a terrain, there is less communication between Veilstone City and other cities.However, the city did not become deserted because of this, on the contrary, it was extraordinarily alive.There are open storefronts everywhere on the street, clothing stores, department stores, etc., which look quite isolated and happy."However, I'm afraid no one has thought of it?""Under such a peaceful appearance, there is actually hidden the biggest darkness in the entire Sinnoh Region, Team Galactic!"The corners of Jimo's lips couldn't help but set off a sinister arc, although Veilstone City looked very peaceful on the surface, and even had a feeling of being independent from the world.But behind the scenes, this place is hidden very deeply!Even the headquarters of Team Galactic is in this seemingly ordinary city."Really, everyone is so dull! The goal is so obvious here."Stopped in front of a building, Jimo's smile was full of mockery, it was a mockery of Sinnoh Alliance!The building in front of him can be said to be second to none even in the entire Veilstone City.This is the Galactic Veilstone building, one of the most important bases of Team Galactic!But it is such a ostentatious building, but no one has discovered the darkness hidden behind it!Looking at the towering buildings overhead, Jimo stroked his chin."Fortunately, Team Galactic hasn't gone too far with Power Trip. If it's really like that and hasn't been discovered, then Alliance is really hopeless!"In Jimo's line of sight, the building in front of him is no different from other Common buildings except that it is a little majestic.But Jimo still remembers that the Galactic Veilstone building in the original game "Baijin" is really crazy, and he just swaggered and printed the Team Galactic logo on the building!That's it, that's all, no one from Alliance cares about it!It's outrageous!Comparing it with this, Jimo suddenly felt that the Team Galactic here was already a bit restrained...After pausing for a moment, Jimo picked up his mobile phone, watched the picture appearing on the screen and nodded in satisfaction."It seems that the previous intimidation... persuasion is still somewhat effective, and the little mice are all obediently gathered together.""Not bad..."The angle of the picture was a bit strange, as if it was shot from a surveillance camera.Compared with the angle, what attracts more attention is the person appearing in the picture!If Officer Jenny saw it, she would be able to recognize it at a glance. It was the leader and Executive of Team Galactic, such as Cyrus Zhenxing, who appeared on the screen of the mobile phone!After the previous "friendly" persuasion in the forest, Huo Xing and the others seemed to have given up on running away, but chose to obediently wait for Jimo's arrival in the base.This made Jimo very satisfied.After all, if they are not obedient, it will be quite troublesome. Now it seems that his Liwei has been quite successful.Then, he took back his phone and walked into the building that contained the biggest darkness in the Sinnoh Region.And at this moment, in the Galactic Veilstone building, in Team Galactic's base...The surveillance camera set up in the corner was illuminated by incandescent lamps, and a cold light flashed on the lens.Like an old scalper who is willing to work hard, he continues to faithfully record everything that happened in this room......."Damn! Where did that guy come from! Why can he grasp our information so accurately!"In Team Galactic's base, although they stayed here honestly and waited for Jimo's arrival, Sui Xing was not restless at all.She was sitting on pins and needles. Normal was always moving around, and she was always looking around suspiciously and frightened.It was as if someone was spying on her from the dark, making her feel uncomfortable all over her body.It's not just the partner, Sui Xing and Zhen Xing on the side are not so exaggerated, but they also have solemn expressions.They all felt incredible when their whereabouts were exposed!Only Cyrus remained as expressionless as before, like a robot."Even if he can hack into our information system, it's impossible to do this, right? Could it be that there are ghosts among us?"As he spoke, the partner unconsciously cast his eyes on the tall woman with purple hair.That meaning can be said to be quite obvious, almost pointing to the nose and saying that the other party is the undercover agent in her words.Sure enough, this move of hers also aroused Sui Xing's dissatisfaction."What do you mean by that? Do you want to say that I am the hidden undercover agent? Are you kidding me!""How dare you slander me in front of Lord Cyrus! I think you are the undercover agent!"Even in normal times, the characters of the two of them are quite at odds.But under the current situation, everyone is unavoidably anxious, and it's like a dynamite keg that explodes at the touch of a button.The two quarreled almost immediately.For a moment, it didn't look like a gathering of villain organizations, but like a bustling vegetable market.Huo Xing and Sui Xing are the aunts who are cursing in the vegetable market.Zhen Xing on the side silently watched the shrew swearing at the street, then turned his eyes to the side and turned a deaf ear to it, as if he was thinking about something, Cyrus who was wandering in the sky.He couldn't help feeling desperate for the organization again.Originally, he joined Team Galactic because he was interested in Cyrus, but compared with Jimo.Cyrus' performance made him quite disappointed.Normally it's fine, but at this time, they didn't care about the two who were cursing.This Team Galactic takes date pills!Might as well let Jimo take it for real!In just a few short moments, in Zhenxing's heart, Jimo's position has completely suppressed Cyrus.All of a sudden, Huo Xing and Sui Xing had daily conflicts, and Cyrus and Zhen Xing had their own ghosts, and the atmosphere on the field couldn't help but become a little weird.And it was at this time that the crisp sound of the elevator sounded, breaking the weird atmosphere.......