
Pokemon: Invincible Me, Stunned Cynthia!

Traveling to the Pokémon world, Jimo became an ordinary Trainer, after a lot of painstaking training. He is invincible. As soon as he shot it, he shocked the whole world … Sinnoh champion Cynthia: Jimo is stronger than me, my Trump Card Garchomp is not his Rival! A Flying trainer who claims to be the dragon champion: Labor and management are dragon champions! It's not a dodo bird! An ideal brave man who did not want to be named: My ideal is not worth mentioning in front of him! This era belongs to Jimo's era! (''THIS BOOK IS NOT MINE , JUST UPLOAD FOR FUN'')

Spector_51 · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Chapter 20 Disobedient Mice Need To Be Tuned~Teach Me

Chapter 20 Disobedient Mice Need To Be Tuned~Teach Me

The angle of view zooms out to the distance, a mighty and domineering dragon, just like a jet fighter Normal, Flying in Soaring in the sky.And on his back was a handsome man in white.The incoming cold wind was cut by half by Garchomp's dragon-type energy covering his body, leaving only the breeze blowing against his face, which was not irritating, but surprisingly comfortable."Although there were some accidents in the matter just now, it is generally harmless."Sitting on Garchomp's back, feeling the breeze on his face, Jimo's eyes flickered.Although he did not expect Cynthia and other members of the Alliance to appear suddenly, overall, it did not have much impact on his plan, and it might even be beneficial.Just now, the reason why he made no secret of his dislike of Alliance in front of Cynthia, Officer Jenny and others was not purely cynical venting.He did it to plant a seed in the hearts of Cynthia and Officer Jenny!It is not necessary for the other party to resist Alliance on the spot, but at least it can make the relationship between them no longer as impeccable as before. This is enough!"Judging from their reactions, my words are not bad!"The corner of Jimo's mouth curved into a mocking arc, and his deep eyes were full of disdain for those superior people.If people do not know, unless they do nothing!Judging from the reactions of Officer Jenny, Cynthia and others just now, they undoubtedly agree with their point of view.I can't even say a word to refute it!Obviously, they also know that Alliance's people are not as clean as they appear.It's just that in their opinion, no matter how dirty the people of Alliance are, they are better than other terrorists."However, these divisive words are just icing on the cake after all. They may be able to cause some obstacles to Alliance people, but they will not have much impact on them after all.""But this is enough, after all, this is just a surprise."Jimo knew very well that these words of his might be able to cause a rift between Officer Jenny and Cynthia and others towards the Alliance, but they wouldn't have much impact.But he didn't feel disappointed, after all, the purpose of his action this time wasn't there.The purpose of his operation this time is to annex the entire Team Galactic!Cynthia and the others are, at best, just a little extra."Also, if there is any action in the future, you should pay attention to it, at least you need to spend more time hiding it."Jimo's eyes were deep, and he began to think about his future plans.What happened this time was undoubtedly a wake-up call for him!Alliance's water is still very deep after all!He could even intercept the messages he pretended to send to Team Galactic!Sure enough, although many of the top executives are idiots, as a Pokémon Alliance that has been able to stand in this world for hundreds of years and has not wavered in the slightest, it has its own reasons.At least in terms of information work, they have done quite well."However, although you need to pay attention to the security of information, you only need to pay attention to it a little bit, so don't worry too much."There is a lot of confidence hidden in Jimo's deep eyes.So what if the Alliance finds out?He will not be afraid of any obstacles, this is his confidence!Not to say that the world is invincible, but among the trainers in Sinnoh Region, he is confident that he is the strongest!"Then, next, I need to pay attention to my lovely subordinates."Jimo's eyes flickered, and he took out his phone.On the screen is a map-like pattern, and on the map, there are several small dots moving at high speed.If Huoxing and others see Jimo's mobile phone, they will be surprised to find that the trajectory of the small dots on his mobile phone is exactly the same as that of himself and others!In other words, their whereabouts have been monitored by Jimo all the time!"The little mice seem to be a little misbehaving."Jimo's eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a shocking gaze from those deep pupils.On his screen, the bright spots representing Zhen Xing and others did not gather together, but scattered in all directions, moving away from the forest.It looked like he was deliberately staying away from Jimo."Oh? Are you planning to use the method of escaping separately to avoid my pursuit?"There are strands of dangerous light flashing in Jimo's eyes, it seems...These disobedient little mice need to be tuned ~ taught ~ a little bit!......And it was when Jimo took out his mobile phone to observe several people, in the distant forest.If you can watch it from Soaring in the sky, you can see that the positions of Zhenxing and the three are presenting a triangle.The three of them chose to leave the forest from three different directions, in order to prevent the Alliance personnel or Jimo behind them from catching up.At this moment, in one of the directions.Huo Xing's face was filled with the joy of being alive after the catastrophe. While running away, she turned her head to look behind her from time to time to see if anyone was catching up.It wasn't until after running out of most of the forest that Huo Xing let out a sigh of relief."call...""What the hell is that! Someone suddenly appeared and said that he wanted our Team Galactic to submit to him, and then someone from Alliance and the champion appeared!"Until now, recalling the scene just now, it still makes Huo Xing feel palpitations.Their Team Galactic, Sinnoh Alliance is an unpredictable and helpless evil organization, to be manipulated by such a person!Moreover, that person actually said so arrogantly that he wanted their Team Galactic to submit to him!How can this be! ! !"Damn! It's just a little bit stronger!""It's up to you! How can you understand the greatness of the dream of Chief Cyrus!"Huo Xing gritted his teeth tightly, eyes of the same color as his hair were sullen.For her, who is extremely loyal to Cyrus, the leader of Cyrus is quite great, and Jimo's words just now are completely insulting Cyrus!It's an insult to the great dreams of Team Galactic!If someone said that, she would have gone up to teach him how to be a man!But Jimo said that, there is really nothing the partner can do, because she can't beat Jimo..."No! It's not safe here!"Recalling the horror of that Garchomp, Huo Xing just felt a little palpitating.It's horrible, it's not human at all!Although in terms of common sense, she has gone a long way.But in the eyes of Garchomp, a Pokémon who is flying at the speed of sound, this distance is still too short, and it doesn't even bring much sense of security to the partner."Hmph! Just continue to dream of your Spring and Autumn Dream! I won't accompany you anymore!"Bu Xing secretly swore in his heart that he must run far away, and walk around Jimo from now on!Can't fight, can't my wife hide?But just when Huo Xing was about to continue her escape, there was a sudden vibration from her coupler.When he saw the message on the communicator, Huo Xing's pupils shrank suddenly, and his whole body was as cold as a normal ice cave!"How can this be!!!"......