
Pokemon Hunter: Darkness Returns

Yandel Fajardo lives a double life as a guitarist and hunting wild Pokemon that disrupts the peace. Jenny hires him for odd jobs that the police cannot handle legally.

UncleJimbo95 · Video Games
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5 Chs

Preparing for the best case scenario

The Orre region. Known for its lack of wild Pokemons and home of the underdogs. It is also the birthplace of the Shadow incidents. Naturally, Yandel traveled all the way from Unova to find the professor of the region. He parks next to the lab.

"Yandeeeel!" A blue haired girl runs up to him. She's wearing a white shirt and baby blue pants. "Jovi is excited to see you!"

Yandel pats her head. "Been awhile, Jo. You've grown a lot since last time." A red headed young man comes out with a scientist coat. He approaches them.

"Nice to see you again." He extends his hand.

"Likewise, Mike." He shakes his hand. "Is the professor here?"

"He's out doing some business, but I can help you with anything you need." The three head inside. Yandel places the Pokeball on the Purification Chamber. "...So it's true. They're back."

"Yup. Seems your accomplishments five years back have been for nothing." Yandel shakes his head.

"Any idea who is doing it?" Michael asks.

"No clue. My thoughts were that it was Cipher again, so I stopped by their old base and it's still deserted. So either they moved their operation somewhere else or it could be someone else."

"I can hardly think who else would fit the bill. Have you talked to your father about it?"

Yandel stays silent, then looks out the window. "I've lost contact with him ever since I've moved out of this dump. Don't know where he is."

"I see. Say Jovi, mind bringing refreshments for our guest?"

"Jovi will bring water!" She leaves the room.

"Still speaking in third person?" Yandel comments.

Michael shrugs. "It's just who she is. Maybe she'll grow out of it." He presses the button to initiate the purification process. Yandel fills him in on his encounter with the Muk. "That's terrible. And you said the Grimers were being mind controlled as well?"

"That's what it looked like. I don't know what the hell they did, but it's not just Shadow Pokemon we gotta worry about now. This will cause unnecessary headaches." Yandel sighs. "Since they're popping up, I'm going to need the Snagem Machine."

Michael looks at him with surprise. "Are you sure? I have a resume for these cases."

"You've already done your part. Now it's my turn to return the favor. Plus, what is the professor going to do without his assistant?" He smirks.

Michael smiles. "You're right." He walks towards a cabinet and pulls out a small box. Yandel opens it to find a single black glove. "We've modified it for a simple and sleeker design, rather than the big junk of metal."

Yandel puts it on his left hand. He can feel the vibrations. "Looks cool. Perfect for my line of work." He goes towards the exit. "Keep me updated and tell Jo I had an emergency." He says his piece before leaving.

Home Bittersweet Home

Arriving back to Nimbasa City, Yandel stops by the local gunsmith. He enters the establishment, where a purple headed woman is tinkering with a weapon. Upon noticing his presence, she removes the goggles. "This is a surprise. Had I known, I would've dressed in something better." She winks. She's well known around the area as the 'Emerald Eyed Enchantress', due to her teasing nature and massive cleavage she sports.

Yandel places his gun on the table. "I'm not in the mood for your flirting, Viola. I need you to tune up my true baby."

She sighs. "If only you could treat me as well as your gun, love." She examines it. "She looks good. I fail to see that you want to add something already perfect."

He looks directly at her eyes. "They're back, Vi." Without further explanation, she understands the implication.

"Damn. I was hoping this day wouldn't come. I'll upgrade the magazine capacity so you can shoot more with one cartridge. I'll have it ready in a couple hours."

"Thank you. Put the tab on the old man's account. I'll tell Don Omar you said hello." Yandel winks.

Jolting Bonanza

Yandel enters. Slow as usual, since it's the middle of the day. What he didn't expect was Jenny talking with Omar at the bar. He sits next to them.

"Jennifer has already filled me in on the situation. Sad to know there's still people out there trying it again." He shakes his head.

"How was your investigation back at Orre?" Jenny asks.

"Tch. You're tracking my movements too? I found nothing that proves it's Cipher causing this."

"You know me. I like knowing everything. I did some investigations on the matter. Seems your homeland has a history with these kinds of incidents."

"It's a place full of criminals. Not surprised about that. Where's our boy Wes when we need him." He sighs. Back when the first incident happened, he was too young to do anything and he looked up to Wes and Micheal for bringing peace back to the region. "Anyways, we can't rely on someone else to do it for us. We have to stop this as soon as possible."

"I agree. Which is why we should contact your father f-" Yandel slams his fists on the table to cut him off.

"That useless man won't help us with anything. He would've let us know by now." He goes to the backdoor.

Omar sighs. "Judging by the look on your face, you're curious about his relationship with his father?"

"Am I that obvious?"

"Yes. Although, I don't know much about their personal matters." He pours whiskey on her cup. "Me and his father, Wisin, go way back. He used to be the main professor of the Orre region. That was until the first Shadow incident. He was one of the scientists Cipher hired for the Shadowing Project."

"I did read up about that. Hard to believe that was his father. I can understand his frustrations if my family was part of an evil scheme."

"It gets worse." Omar looks at the back to see it cleared. He leans closer. "Keep it between us, but one of the Shadow Pokemon killed his mother." He whispers.

"Are you serious?"

He nods. "It was a Slowking. It created a cult in one of the isolated areas of the region. He was investigating the case and arrived at their base…"


"I don't know. She had a bullet wound, but the trajectory was from her back. Which is why he wasn't charged with murder. Wisin just told me to give his boy a place to stay. Away from the painful memories his home now gives."

"Wow...what about the Slowking?"

"No one knows. After the police went back, it was deserted. Even some of the members disappeared." Yandel comes out of the back. Jenny and Omar act as if they never spoke.

"Hey Jen, wanna battle? I'm kind of rusty and I need to get my groove back." He stretches his arms.

"Sure." They both go outside. She pulls out her Pokeball. "Let's go, Sally." She summons her Salazzle.

"Bwark! Kekeke~!" She screeches.

"That's such an annoying cry. Show 'em how it's done, Bolton." The Joltik jumps out of his hair and into the field.

"Icu!" He jitters with excitement.

"Use Flamethrower!" Jenny commands. Sally complies by spewing flames. Bolton uses Agility and quickly steps away. "You're supposed to command your Pokemon."

"Sorry. Bad habit. He has been trained to use moves without my say. Bolton! Thunderbolt!" Bolton charges for the attack.

"Sally. Get rea-!!!" Jenny notices the webs under Sally's feet. "What!? When did you set that up!?"

"He did it while using Agility. Bolton is a fast motherfucker." He smirks. He points at the small tracks leading to Sally. Bolton unleashes the attack and hits Sally directly. She's paralyzed.

"That's cheating! I will not accept such trickery!"

"Then you're not going to like what's happening next!" Yandel readies a Pokeball on his left hand and throws it at Sally. It connects and Sally gets captured. "Wooo! It works!"

"Sally!" Jenny runs to get the ball, but Bolton uses a String Shot to pull it away and hands it to Yandel. "You son of a bitch! And I was feeling sorry for you!"

"Quit being so dramatic." He flings the ball at her. She catches it. "I just wanted to test if this baby was functioning."

Jenny composes herself. "Well. No harm, no foul. However, the fact that you captured her worries me."

"Don't be. I only have this in the scenario that trainers might have Shadow Pokemons." He examines the glove. "With this, I can finally sleep a little better."

Jenny thinks for a moment. The chief isn't going to like this one bit. It was already hard enough to convince her to cooperate with hunters. Now it's going to be even harder to explain this. But, if this is the only way to stop this, then she's willing to risk her badge for it. "All right. You have my full support."

Yandel raises an eyebrow. "Really? I thought you were a stickler for rules."

"I am. But you've proven yourself that you care in your own way and I will help on my end. I too want to bring peace to not only people, but also Pokemon."

Yandel stays silent. "You're a weird Jenny, you know that?"

She smiles. "I don't know about my cousins, but I pride myself in my accomplishments."

"Whatever. Since we don't have a lead yet, I'm going to tune my guitar and get ready for the show." They both head inside to spend the rest of the night drinking and shredding the chords.