
Pokemon Hunter: Darkness Returns

Yandel Fajardo lives a double life as a guitarist and hunting wild Pokemon that disrupts the peace. Jenny hires him for odd jobs that the police cannot handle legally.

UncleJimbo95 · Video Games
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5 Chs

Enter the Kommo-o

Jenny is on the computer in her room investigating cases relating to the Shadow incident. She yawns, as she has been up all night. Yandel barges in. They both stare at each other silently.

"...Why are you here?" She finally asks.

He raises an eyebrow. "You told me you got some news for me?"

"Yeah. I was going to meet up with you at the bar."

"That would have taken too long."

"Yandel, I'm in my underwear."

"So? This is your house. You can wear whatever you want." He shrugs. Completely missing the point. He looks around her cabinet. It's full of Pokedolls. "What's the great news you've got for me?"

She sighs. "I've been looking up any reports of hostile Mons in the region. So far, there's nothing. Which means this is a recent phenomenon."

Yandel picks up the Treecko doll and checks the tag. "Seems about right. I've been hunting for a while, so that checks out."

"Have you talked to anyone in the association about it?"

He pauses for a moment. "I don't work for them anymore, but it's a good idea to check it out."

Jenny is surprised. "Where do you take the captured Mons then?"

"I just leave them at the daycare for rehabilitation. That's what they usually do anyway."

"Then why did you leave then?"

He glares at her. "I have my reasons. Now get dressed and let's head over there."

Hunter's Association Headquarters

They both stop in front of a tall building in Nimbasa. It's advertised as a pool cleaner, but it is actually where hunters go to gather.

They approach the entrance, where there's a brunette woman in a black business suit with a sour expression. Her mood gets worse upon seeing them. "Working for the law now?" She says with venom.

"What's wrong? The dicks you've been sucking didn't have a butt in the end?" Yandel smirks. He flings a pack of cigarettes at her.

She catches it without looking and starts smoking. "If you're here for Big Mama, she's out right now."

"Nah. We're here to see the records of the recent bounties." He says.

She laughs. "That's the funniest thing I've heard from you." She faces them. "We're not doing anything illegal, if that's what you're worried about. In fact, you've been causing nothing but headaches leaving unrecorded bounties at the daycare."

"Not my fault you guys are not doing your job taking care of the lower ones." He shakes his head.

"We're actually h-" Yandel cuts Jenny off by putting his hand up.

"Listen Sarah, we're here because there's been an influx of dangerous hunts lately. I'm sure you've noticed." He explains.

Sarah frowns. "You know Benny? He went to hunt down a wild Kommo-o this morning near Nuvema. We all know the risks, but…I've never seen a Pokemon leave a man with scars on their face like that." She trembles a bit.

Yandel's left eye twitches. "...Anyone else going for it?"

Sarah shakes her head. "After what happened, no one dares to take it."

"All right. I'll get that bastard for you." Jenny looks at him with surprise. "Let's go. We ain't got time to waste." He goes in the cop car. Jenny looks back at Sarah, who is smoking silently before joining Yandel and driving away.

"Tch. Always trying to act cool." Sarah exhales the smoke.

Nuvema Town

They arrive at the small town. There are only a couple of adults doing their usual business. Upon seeing the police car, a man hurriedly approaches them. "Thank goodness you've arrived! There's a Kommo-o terrorizing us!"

"You stay here and gather information, while I go find that Pokemon." Yandel says. He starts walking, but Jenny grabs his arm.

"Hold on. You're not thinking of going alone?"

Yandel janks his arm free. "Don't worry. I brought my partner with me this morning." He points at his shadow. "Plus, this is the job of a Hunter." With that, he heads to the wooded area.

Yandel is hiding behind the trees and scouts his surroundings. He notices footprints belonging to the Kommo-o heading deeper into the woods. He cautiously follows the trail. The trees are currently on the ground, which indicates the Pokemon's violent tendencies. The footprints end in the middle of nowhere. "The hell?"


The sound came from above. The Kommo-o is on the branches on top of him. "RAAAAAAAAR!!!!" It roars, as he jumps towards Yandel. He backflips out of the way. Kommo-o lands. "RAAAR!!!"

"Warning. Shadow Pokemon detected." The Pokewatch alerts.

"I kinda figured." Yandel pulls out his gun.

Kommo-o uses Shadow Rush. Yandel jumps over to kick their head. The Mon is staggered, giving him the opportunity to shoot. The bullets ricochet off its scales.

"Tch. That's some Granbullshit." He puts away the weapon and takes a battle stance. They circle around each other. The Kommo-o snarls at him, foam forming around their mouth. It uses Shadow Fire, but Yandel dodges the attack and rushes at it to knee its belly. Kommo-o is unfazed by his attack and uses Close Combat. The final punch sends Yandel slamming against a tree. "Uugnh." He can barely breathe.

"HAHAHA!" A shaggy black haired man appears from behind a tree. He has a rifle.

"D-Deacon?" Yandel says between gasping.

"I'm surprised you can even talk after that beating." He pats Kommo-o. Who tries to bite his hand. "Caught this feisty fellow before you came along. He is my bounty. But I decided I would use him for revenge."

"Revenge?" Yandel slowly stands. He does some subtle hand signals. His shadow surreptitiously moves behind Deacon.

"Yes. Against you. I was going to impress the association with capturing such a big game. But all they talk about is how you've been a mess at the daycare. But they said it in an endearing way! What kind of bullshit is that!? Yandel this, Yandel that. It's sickening!" He points the gun at him. "Maybe once you're out of the picture, I'll finally have the glory and you will be forgotten forever!"

"I really don't care what they say about me or your obsession with me. But there's one thing I cannot do." He poses dramatically. "And that's to die." A Gengar emerges from Deacon's shadow and blasts him with a Shadow Ball.

"Aaagh!!" Deacon holds his ground from the attack. Yandel pulls out his gun and starts blasting, hitting his arms to disarm the rifle. Kommo-o is in Hyper Mode from the chaos and punches Deacon. Breaking his nose and ribcage in the process.

"Gang! Hypnosis!" Yandel commands.

"Kyaaoh!" Gang grabs Kommo-o's attention. Once they make eye contact, Gang's eyes glow. Kommo-o yawns and sleeps. Yandel uses the Snagem glove to throw the Pokeball at him. Kommo-o is in the ball. It shakes for a bit until the blue light illuminates in the center.

Bounty successful!

Yandel picks up the ball. He looks at Deacon, who is on the floor with his face swollen from the beating. He takes out his knife and cuts the sleeves of his jacket to prevent the bleeding from the bullet holes.

He calls the emergency number. "Send an ambulance. There's a man in Nuvema bleeding to death." He hangs up without elaborating further. Gang nervously walks towards him. "You did good, girl. He'll be fine. Rats like him can survive anything." He pats her head.

"Kyaaoh~!" She happily cries before sinking in his shadow.

Bolting Bonanza

Jenny and Yandel arrive at the bar. "All right. I'll see you tomorrow." She says.

He gets out of the car. "Hey. Thank you for everything."

Jenny gasps. "So you can be a decent person." She smirks.

"If you're going to act like that, I will never compliment you ever again." He smiles.

"So what are you going to do now?"

"I'm going to send the Kommo-o to Micheal so he can start purifying him." He thinks for a moment. "Our next objective will be to question Deacon once he recovers."

"That's exactly my thoughts. You don't want to stop by the association later?"

He shakes his head. "I doubt they have any useful information. But maybe one day…" he sighs. "Just wishful thinking." He says his goodbye and goes inside the bar to rest.