
Pokemon Hunter: Darkness Returns

Yandel Fajardo lives a double life as a guitarist and hunting wild Pokemon that disrupts the peace. Jenny hires him for odd jobs that the police cannot handle legally.

UncleJimbo95 · Video Games
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5 Chs

The return of a nightmare

"All in boys!" Yandel shoves all the money in the middle of the table. He's in the bar playing poker with a guitarist, hiker and an ace trainer.

"Getting cocky, huh? I'll call." The hiker puts his money. The rest fold. They reveal their hands. Hiker has three of a kind.

"Ah man. I'm sorry for you." Yandel has a royal flush. "I win!" He gets the pot.

"This is some bullshit." The hiker grunts and leaves.

"Not my fault ya suck." Yandel counts his winnings. Omar approaches him.

"If you had your fun, I need to speak with you privately." He says.

"All right fellas, gotta bounce." Yandel gets up and walks to the bar. "What's up?"

"There's a new bounty you might be interested in." Omar slides a paper. "It's in Driftveil City. Apparently there's a Mon destroying their cargo and they can't pinpoint what's the cause."

"It must be a Gyarados protecting its territory. " He yawns.

"Not the case. The cargo would be full of sludge. Which means it's a Poison type."

"That is strange. Could be a loose Garbador. So how much are they offering?" Before Omar answers, the news blares on the T.V.

"Breaking news! A body has washed up on the shores of Driftveil. The police are now investigating the cause of death. This is the first time somebody has died in the series of attacks." The female reporter keeps going.

"Well. It was only a matter of ti-" Omar notices Yandel is missing. Then he hears the sound of a motorcycle driving away. "Hmph. Always in a hurry." He goes outside for a smoke.

Driftveil anguish

Jenny is currently with the police investigating the body. The skin has been eroded by the sludge.

"Shit. This looks very bad. I know Pokemons can be dangerous, but this is very gruesome." A male cop comments.

"We don't know that. It could be a person disguising the crime as if a Mon did it." Jenny hypothesizes.

"H-Hey! You can't pass through!" A cop shouts. Yandel shoves them off and walks to examine the corpse. He makes sure to check every inch.

"It's fine. He's a detective." Jenny explains to her team, while groaning on the inside. She approaches him. "What are you doing here?" She whispers.

"What else? Trying to find the bastard that did this." He looks around the shore for clues.

"We still don't know if a Pokemon or a human did this." Yandel weirdly looks at her.

"You are extremely naive. This is an obvious work of a Mon. What color was the acid?"


"So a common Grimer or Muk, huh? There could be a chance that they accidentally killed him by hugging the poor man. But based on those injuries, I highly doubt that." He scans around the water. "They can use Acid Armor or Minimize to hide in the water. You checked the sewers?"

"That was the first thing we did. Of course I thought it was a those Mons, so we investigated every sewage around these areas and found nothing. We've also didn't find anything near the waters." She crosses her arms. "This must be the work of a person."

"Maybe. Or you guys didn't look hard enough."

"Are you saying we are incompetent at our job?"

"Not really, but yes. Unlike y'all, I've seen how cruel a Pokemon can be. I noticed the man had packs of cigarettes in his pocket. Which means he's a chain smoker. Now if I was a Grimer or Muk and I love to eat nasty shit and I killed a smoker, where would you think I would be right now?" Jenny thinks for a moment. Then a disturbing thought fills her mind.

"Dear Arceus! The body is vomiting!" A cop yells. Everyone turns to look as something purple is coming out of his mouth. It fully emerges, revealing it to be a Grimer. It's eyes are completely white and look like it's ready to kill. Yandel pulls out his gun.

"It has a weapon! Open fire!" He yells while firing the first shot. The cops join in the shooting. The Grimer is being showered with bullets.

"STOP! CEASE THE SHOOTING!" Jenny shouts at the top of her lungs. Everyone abides. The Grimer becomes a puddle and sluggishly goes to the sea. "What are you all thinking!?" Jenny scolds the officers.

"I-I'm sorry. I just heard the shout and I panicked." One of them lowers his head in shame.

"Your first instincts shouldn't be to use your gun! Were you not trained how to act properly under pressure!?" Jenny is completely infuriated.

"Welcome to Unova." Yandel smirks as he puts his weapon away.

"And you! You should not use your weapon freely, unless it's a life or death situation!" She glares at him. "I should arrest you right now!"

"Relax. I knew it wasn't going to kill it. In fact, now we know who's causing the problems. Which could have dark implications."

"You can't mean that groups of Grimers are killing humans to consume them from the inside?"

"Did you not see what just happened? There could be other bodies that we haven't found yet that are being eaten right now. We got lucky this one happened to drift to the shore. Now the real question is, where could they be hiding?" Jenny calms down and thinks.

"It's obvious that it must be somewhere under water, since the Grimer went straight to the ocean. But where would they go? The Mons aren't known to live on the water and there's nothing nearby where they can be without being noticed." Jenny is struggling with the situation. Yandel is trying to peer underwater, then looks at the city itself.

"You said that y'all already checked the nearby sewage, right?"

"That is correct."

"How far did you investigate?"

"Well, the entire sewage system in Driftveil. Why?" Yandel looks at the direction where the Ancient Passage is located.

"There's a ton of Ground types around there causing the Ancient Passage to change. Not to mention the construction of the Clay Tunnel could also affect the geography as well."

"Are you insinuating that there could be another entrance underwater?"

"Eeyup. Let's be real. This area isn't exactly stable. The tunnel gets constantly flooded because of the earthquakes the Drillburs cause. And do you know where those tunnels eventually lead to?"

"...Son of a bitch. The Castelia Sewers."

"Bingo." Without delay, he runs towards his motorcycle and drives off. Jenny orders her team to stay put and gets into her car to follow Yandel.

The Great Sewage

Yandel and Jenny are cautiously walking along the walkway.

"Ugh. It reeks." Jenny complains.

"What do you expect in a place where everyone's shit goes?" Yandel looks down, seeing multiple bodies floating. Some of them have their bodies disintegrated. Some of them are just skeletons. Not to mention dead Basculins floating along.

"Dear Arceus. So much death." Jenny can't believe the scene before her.

"This is much worse than I expected. They must be hidden among the water." Suddenly, a giant Muk appears and wraps its arms around the walkway.

"Criuuuuu!!!!" It screeches. Yandel's Pokewatch beeps.

"Warning! Shadow Pokemon detected!"

"What!?" He shouts. The Muk destroys the structure, trying to get them to fall. Both of them hang on the rails. "Bolton! Thunderbolt!" The Joltik jumps out his hair and uses the move to electrocute the Muk. It is unfazed by the attack. The Grimers appear next to their leader and start crawling towards them. They climb to higher ground. Yandel pulls out his gun and starts shooting. The bullets are not effective as they are absorbing it.

"We need your help, Sally!" Jenny summons her Salazzle. "Flamethrower!" She does as commanded and spews fire from her mouth, creating a wall of fire between them.

"AAAAAH!" A lass trainer is hugging her Audino being surrounded by Grimers.

"Help her out! I'll cover you!" Yandel swings himself to a nearby pipe. "Hey!! Try and catch me, shitheads!" He starts shooting to get their attention, while Jenny boosts herself up and runs to aid the girl. Sally uses Fire Spin on the Grimers to stop their movements.

"Come with me! I'll get you out!" Jenny grabs her hand and they run to another exit. Jenny turns around. "Stay put! I'll call for backup!" She shouts before exiting. Yandel looks at his pockets.

"Only three Pokeballs left." He grabs one and throws it at the Muk. It deflects the ball. "Tch. Figures."

"CRIUUUUUU!!" The Muk uses Screech. Yandel covers his ears from the pain. It jumps and hangs on towards the pipe. It uses Shadow Sludge at him.

"Fuck!" He backsteps the attack, but slips. He quickly hangs on the pipe. Below are the Grimers waiting for him to fall. Muk slowly approaches Yandel. "Shit! Hurry up!" His hair spikes up. "Right on time!" He shoots the area underneath Muk to weaken the structure. Due to the weight, the pipe breaks and they both fall. Thankfully, Yandel lands safely on the web created by Bolton, while Muk falls to the water. It tries swimming out. "Thunderbolt that bitch!" Bolton jumps out and uses the move. Due to the water, it amplified the electricity. Dealing massive damage to the Muk and Grimers. They all become unconscious. He throws a Pokeball and captures the Muk

Bounty successful!

"Oboo?" The rest of the Grimers that weren't in the water, have life back in their eyes and are confused as to where they are. Yandel jumps down.

"Hey, buddy. Get me the ball, will you?" Bolton uses a String Shot and Yandel pulls the ball out of the water. Jenny comes with reinforcements.

"Are you okay? Where's the Muk?"

"Caught it already." He says. Usually he'd be celebrating, but not this time.

"Really!? All by yourself?" He doesn't respond.

"I can't believe it. They are back again." He mumbles while clutching the ball hard. "I'm going back. Don't worry about the rest. It seemed like they were being controlled. Which brings up some questions that need answering." He runs towards the exit.

"Hey wa-! Dammit." She looks at her team escorting the Grimers out, which they happily comply with. "Shadow Pokemon...I need some answers too."