
Chapter 812 Yi Dao Liu Juhe·Death·Lion Song Ge!

Xiao Zhi's Scizor shows extraordinary swordsman strength. Although its strength is not as strong as Xiao Zhi's strongest Trump Card, it is also an absolute second-tier member, which is the so-called Trump Card substitute!

Seeing that it seemed like it still had more to say, Xiao Zhi didn't take it back in a hurry, just let it fight again!

Aaron finally recovered from Scizor's terrifying sword light and saw that Xiao Zhi did not replace Pokémon this time. As an Elite, his momentum increased crazily. The next one must defeat this Scizor!

So, he decided to send out his Trump Card, "Come on, Drapion!"

Xiao Zhi's eyes lit up. Sure enough, it was Drapion. Its Attribute was poison and evil, but its pre-evolution form, Skorupi, had a Bug Type Attribute!

From an attribute point of view, Aaron and Drapion are at a disadvantage, because poison attacks have no effect on Scizor "Nine Zero Zero", but its whole body is covered with hard armor and its physique is very strong. The hooks on its arms can tear a car into pieces. The destructive power of iron, this powerful body should be able to resist Scizor!

"Drapion, use Fire Fang!"

Aaron was the first to attack, using fire skills to restrain Scizor, which really impressed Xiao Zhi!

Drapion's face showed a ferocious look, and the scorching fire energy gathered into fangs, roaring and biting towards Scizor!

This momentum is truly terrifying, and Scizor would have been seriously injured if it had been hit!

But just like Aaron thought just now, Scizor's speed is very terrifying, especially Xiao Zhi's Scizor, whose movement mode is based on ninja!

Drapion came to attack, but Scizor in front of him had disappeared!

Aaron's eyes were dazzled. Even though he was standing in the Trainer's seat and could see the entire battle field from a distance, he couldn't understand Scizor's movements for a while!

"Shunpo, Lopunny's movements were trained by Scizor!" Xiao Zhi murmured with a smile, very satisfied with Scizor's performance!

There are two instructors under Xiao Zhi, both of whom came back from studying abroad! Primeape, who is proficient in fighting skills, and Scizor, who is proficient in Ninja tactics, especially swordsmanship!

The two of them, plus Slowking who is in charge of the overall situation, and Venusaur who is responsible for coordination, form Xiao Zhi's current rear area, providing all-round support for his journey!

In addition, Xiao Zhi is getting more and more help now, from the original Professor Oak Laboratory to the Cinnabar Twin Islands, and then with the support of Millennium Gastly and the female ghost Xiaoyou, Xiao Zhi has more spiritual skills. resources of the world!

"However, Scizor's action should be called another way of saying it, it should be called the instant body technique!" Xiao Zhi is still joking and joking leisurely now!

"Now, Drapion, use Aerial Ace!" The move failed. Aaron did not pause. After discovering Scizor, he immediately issued further attack orders!

This Drapion can also use the Aerial Ace skill of the Flying series, which is really interesting, and it can be regarded as repaying Xiao Zhi's revenge just now!

Drapion turned around and attacked again, but this time the attack was more powerful, and the Aerial Ace skill was a sure hit [it couldn't be easily avoided with the instantaneous technique just now!

However, Xiao Zhi still looked relaxed and let Scizor do what it wanted. It had not had a good fight for a long time!

But Scizor's pincers shined brightly again, and when Cut swung out again, the terrifying blade light once again collided with Drapion's assassinating pincer tail!

Scizor has developed his own fighting style, and can deal with almost any situation with one move of Cut! What Xiao Zhi has to do is to use his own abilities and provide the most powerful support from the position of Trainer!

And now is the time to kill!

After the collision, both sides retreated violently, Scizor spread his wings to stabilize his body, and Xiao Zhi's order was given at this moment, Cannon Cannon!"

Steel type's Flash Cannon is here!

Aaron reacted quickly and immediately issued an order to counterattack, "Cross Poison!"

This move is Drapion's signature skill. Under Aaron's training, this move is very powerful. Although this move has no effect on Scizor, it can block Flash Cannon!

Another collision, evenly matched, Scizor returned to Xiao Zhi's side, turned slightly and nodded to him, seemingly very happy!

"Drapion, use Pin Missile!" Bug Type's continuous attack skills are also Aaron's specialty. A large number of Pin Missiles continuously come towards Scizor. The overwhelming momentum is really amazing!

But Xiao Zhi and Scizor didn't move at all, their momentum almost merged together!

The light from one of Scizor's pliers became more and more dazzling, but Xiao Zhi sang, "One knife to stay together, die, and sing the lion's song!"

The Pin Missile in the sky was ignored in front of Scizor, and its figure disappeared in an instant. Aaron only saw a flash of sword light in Aaron's eyes, and Drapion's momentum had stopped abruptly!

"Drapion loses the ability to fight, Scizor wins!"

Scizor fell in front of Aaron, stood up with his sword, and his momentum gradually subsided, which really moved Aaron! Xiao Zhi's Bug Type Pokémon opened a new door for Aaron. He knew that if he could learn Xiao Zhi's power, he would challenge Cynthia in the future. The battle will be more confident!

Perhaps this is the reason why Cynthia asked Aaron to fight Xiao Zhi at this time!

Now, Aaron only has the last two Pokémon left, and you can guess which ones they are!

"Come on, queen bee!"

Sure enough, Aaron's fifth Pokémon is the queen, and now Trainer still calls it "Vespiquen", which are very appropriate names...

This Pokémon can only evolve from the female Combee, and is the true queen of bees. Just for it, Xiao Zhi changed his queen!

"The decision is yours, Gardevoir!"

The super queen Gardevoir appears. She is the strongest goddess who is loved by Xiao Zhi. His 5.5 strongest Contest Trump Card has become even stronger after returning to the Professor Oak Laboratory. He also challenged the super elite Lucian's Gallade. Recently, it has improved Extreme Speed!

Just like Miss Melissa, Xiao Zhi's Super Queen is gradually integrating Contest battles into her own fighting style!

"Wow, Gardevoir is here!" Dawn's eyes suddenly lit up. She had long wanted to see Gardevoir battle. As a coordinator, Xiao Zhi's Gardevoir was so dazzling!

That's her goal!

Just by standing there, Gardevoir's proud queen's aura was revealed, overwhelming the queen bee's aura!

This battle hasn't even started yet, Aaron and the Queen Bee have already lost half of it!