
Chapter 813 Battle Of Butterflies! Xiao Zhi Defeated The Insect Elite!

Xiao Zhi actually exchanged Gardevoir to fight against Sinnoh Bug Type Elite, and what he faced was Aaron's Queen Bee!

"It's amazing!" Sensing the momentum of Xiao Zhi and Gardevoir, Aaron also raised his fighting spirit to the limit. Even if he was at a disadvantage, he would fight to the end, "Queen Bee, use Power Gem!"

He took the lead in launching an attack to prevent his momentum from being weakened by Xiao Zhi. The queen bee's eyes shone with scarlet light, and the dazzling light like gems hit Gardevoir, but it failed again!

Gardevoir's Teleport has been trained instinctively. It is absolutely impossible to hit it with such simple attacks and tactics. Just in the process of trying to attack but failing to hit it again and again, it is enough to continuously reduce Rival's momentum!

Now, it has a more fierce fighting method!

Gardevoir appeared not far behind the queen bee, took out a Shadow Ball and threw it at the queen bee. This is a skill that she has always liked since she was a child!

Aaron reacted quickly and quickly issued the order. The queen suddenly turned around and used the Slash skill Shadow Ball Slash, but saw that the Shadow Ball did not explode. Instead, it turned into a black screen and completely enveloped the queen!

Dawn exclaimed. Previously at the Wallace Cup, her Piplup pecked May Ice Pokémon's Shadow Ball like this.

As Xiao Zhi becomes more and more proficient in understanding and using the Ghost system, the skills of the Ghost system such as Shadow Ball become even more varied!


Taking this opportunity, the super queen Gardevoir Confusion broke out and flew through the black curtain to knock the queen out! As a result, the black curtain was also torn apart. Gardevoir chased the queen with a Teleport, and the queen's momentum exploded with just a Shadow Ball. Hit the queen bee on the head!

"The queen bee loses the ability to fight, Gardevoir wins!" Xiaogang announced Gardevoir's victory immediately. The little girl who liked to sit on Xiao Zhi's shoulders is now even more terrifying!

Aaron took back the queen, leaving only the last Pokémon left!

And this battle is the destined battle of butterflies!

"It's up to you, Butterfree!"

"Please, Beautifly!"

This was the first Pokémon that the two of them had conquered, and both of them had left their side before returning.

Xiao Zhi's Xiao Zi is even more special. It is the child of the predecessor Butterfree and Flash Butterfree. After they reunited, they voluntarily followed Xiao Zhi. Under his training, it has already surpassed its father!

"What a beautiful Butterfree!" Aaron's eyes suddenly lit up, "Xiao Zhi, you are really amazing!"

"They are all my pride!" Xiao Zhi responded with a smile, about to start the final battle, "Dawn, take a good look!"

"Quiver Dance!"

As if entering a Contest battle, Xiao Zhi did not launch an attack, but instead let the little Butterfree dance a mysterious and beautiful dance!

The purple Butterfree itself is much more beautiful than the ordinary Butterfree. At this moment, it dances the butterfly dance, and the scales and powder floating in the wind are even more charming, which is really fascinating!

Not only is it beautiful, this move will also increase Butterfree's special attack, special defense and speed!

"As expected of the master of Contest, Beautifly, uses Silver Wind!" This is the first time Aaron and Beautifly have cooperated since they reunited, but they have a tacit understanding of normal cooperation as if their souls have joined together!

When Beautifly left Aaron, it was still Wurmple, and he was just a new Macy player who had failed many times.

Now that Beautifly has returned in this form, Aaron has also become a Bug Type Elite, and he can bring out the strength gained from Beautifly's hardships!

This Silver Wind is much more powerful than May's Beautifly, and its control is also very skillful. Naturally, Xiao Zhi will not neglect it, "Psybeam!"

Flash Butterfree Xiao Zi has extraordinary Psychic talent. Although Xiao Zhi doesn't have many Psychic Pokémon, there are actually quite a few that are good at Psychic skills!

Psybeam resisted the Silver Wind and splashed out the scale powder, making Butterfree even more beautiful!

"Poison Powder end!"

At this moment, the sky was filled with scale powder, but Xiao Zhi once again asked Butterfree to use Poison Powder, shrouding Beautifly!

As a Bug Type Elite, Aaron is naturally proficient in powder-type special moves. Aaron quickly responded, "Beautifly, use Hurricane!"

The storm finally blew away the Poison Powder, but once again brought an opportunity to Xiao Zhi, "Psybeam!"

Another Psybeam, just now it was to resist Silver Wind, this time it was to attack. Aaron, who had seen this move before, quickly changed his move, from Hurricane to Air Cutter, blocking the fantasy light again!

But everyone can see that Xiao Zhi has taken control of this battle, and Aaron can only passively defend!

Butterfree's level is not lower than that of Beautifly!

Xiao Zhi's control of the battle situation was so perfect. Every attack caught people off guard. If it weren't for the Elite Four, he would have been overwhelmed by him and lost their ability to fight!

In order to get out of trouble and turn defeat into victory, Aaron must find an opportunity to use his ultimate move, "Beautifly, use Bug Buzz!"

It's Bug Buzz again, which is naturally Bug Elite's specialty. Butterfree was also shaken away by the sound!

Xiao Zhi and Aaron knew each other tacitly, and simultaneously issued the final killing order, Sunshine Flame!

Two beautiful little butterflies began to absorb Lucas from the sun at the same time. The light on the butterfly wings became stronger and stronger, and the momentum continued to increase!

"Now, the sun is shining!"

The two people's courage finally collided head-on again, and the sunlight and flames from both sides blasted together. In an instant, a small sun seemed to appear in the center of the entire venue, dazzling and dazzling!

The two little butterflies retreated violently and landed in front of their respective Trainers.

Butterfree was flying around Xiao Zhi, but the hunting 140 swallowtail butterfly had already landed in front of Aaron. In the series of collisions just now, it had accumulated a lot of damage!

"Beautifly lost the ability to fight, Butterfree won, so Xiao Zhi won this battle!" Xiaogang announced Xiao Zhi's victory, and the glass wall in front of him suddenly collapsed, and the last blazing sun became the last of the glass wall. A straw!

"Great, Xiao Zhi defeated the Bug Type Elite Four!" Dawn was really proud of Xiao Zhi. She went on the journey with him. She witnessed with her own eyes that Xiao Zhi was heading towards one obstacle after another that was just out of reach for her. challenge!

It also witnessed that Xiao Zhi's strength continued to improve step by step and he continued to prove himself!

But in fact, Xiao Zhi is still going through many tests that she doesn't know about!

After the battle, Xiao Zhi shook hands with Aaron. Seeing Xiao Zhi's confident smile, Aaron couldn't help but admired, "Xiao Zhi, you are not far from the championship now!"

Xiao Zhi shook his head, "Like Cynthia, I don't specialize in one Attribute, and I'm still far from being the champion! Aaron, do your best for the battle with Cynthia!"

"Yes, my battle with you has given me a lot of new experiences. After further special training, I will challenge Miss Cynthia!" Bugsy is very motivated and can't wait for the Pokémon to recover and further invest in training!

"We'll see!"