
Chapter 811 Three To Zero! Nito-Ryu Rashomon!

"Brick Break!"

Of course, Xiao Zhi launched a Fighting-type attack. Heracross's huge insect horns shone with a frightening light and struck hard at Aaron's Heracross!

Feeling Xiao Zhi's amazing momentum, Aaron was extremely excited and without any hesitation, he immediately issued the order, "Use Mega Horn!"

Aaron's Heracross is smaller in size, but in fact it is still taller than the Normal individual. After all, it is an Elite Four Pokémon!

It had already made defense preparations, and its strongest weapon, the insect horns, also shone brightly, blocking Xiao Zhi Heracross's Brick Break!

"Close Combat!"*2

The courage of Xiao Zhi and Aaron collided fiercely at this moment, causing the two Pokémon to use the same Close Combat skill!

But when it comes to the use of Fighting skills, Aaron can't keep up with Xiao Zhi no matter how much he tries!

In fact, although Heracross has Bug Type Attribute, there are not many Bug Type skills that it can comprehend and learn, or even very few!

So when fighting with Heracross, Xiao Zhi has a huge advantage!

Aaron's Heracross couldn't even catch the punch from Xiao Zhi's Heracross. At the beginning of Close Combat, it was punched back violently and was instantly at a disadvantage!

Xiao Zhi's attack came at this moment, Heracross flapped its wings and chased after him, "Aerial Ace!"

Flying-type skills have an outstanding effect on Heracross, and are also its biggest weakness. This skill is sure to hit, and it will immediately knock Aaron's Heracross out of combat!

"Xiao Zhi is really strong!" Aaron realized that he had lost the Heracross competition from the beginning!

Therefore, he took back the Poké Ball and planned to change the plan, "Come on, Mekayanma!"

The power of Heracross is difficult to resist unless he sends out his Trump Card Drapion, but obviously this is unwise, so using speed to fight power is the right battle group!

"Come back, Heracross!" Xiao Zhi took back Heracross as usual and prepared to replace it with other Pokémon.

He doesn't have a Mekayanma, but he does have a dragonfly-like Pokémon!

"It's up to you, Flygon!"

Flygon has been exchanged a lot recently, and Dawn likes it very much. This time I exchanged it again because it also looks like a Bug Type, even though there is no Bug Type Attribute!

"Meka Yangma, here comes Bug Buzz!"

After sending out Meka Yangma, Aaron's Contest Condition is different and obviously more convenient. This Bug Buzz skill is not simple. It uses the unique vibration of the Bug Type to emit sound waves to attack!

Sound skills are difficult to defend against, but Xiao Zhi has a more terrifying sound skill, which Flygon just learned in the battle in Reverse World!

"Explosion! Sound! Wave!"

The deafening explosion immediately covered the Bug Buzz. Dawn and Xiaogang quickly covered their ears, only to see that the glass wall in front of them was already full of cracks from the beginning of the battle.

Aaron and Meka Yangma retreated violently. Such a terrifying sound was really lethal! Even if the explosion sound was fleeting, Aaron could not recover for a short time!

And Xiao Zhi's attacks are always merciless!

"Tear it apart, Dragon Claw!" Flygon's Flying speed was very terrifying, and he arrived in front of Mekayangma in an instant, and slammed it to the ground with its shining green claws!

The Ability of Meikayangma should be acceleration, which will continue to increase the speed as the battle continues until it reaches the limit, but Xiao Zhi's attack solved the battle in an instant!

"It's amazing, it's 2-0 so quickly!" Dawn finally came to her senses, her ears still buzzing. But the battle in front of her made her even more excited. The ones she was fighting against Xiao Zhi at the moment were the Elite Four!

"Come back, Mekayangma!" Aaron knew that Mekayangma was suppressed this time and had no chance to use its acceleration ability!

But Xiao Zhi's strength indeed gave him a more complete experience!

I heard that Xiao Zhi likes to play one-on-one battles, and many strategic arrangements are useless to him. But he still followed his own tactics and sent out the third Pokémon!

The Zerg warrior covered in red armor, Scizor!

"It just so happens that I have this one too!" Xiao Zhi threw Scizor's Poké Ball without thinking too much!

When it comes to similar battles, Xiao Zhi is confident that his Scizor will never lose. It is the instructor of all his Pokémon who are practicing sword skills!

But in fact, what Scizor learned at the beginning was Pokémon's ninjutsu tactics. His movements are unpredictable and he is good at defeating the enemy with one move!...***...

Recently, it is following Xiao Zhi's instructions, teaching Weavile a complete set of ninjutsu tactics, and breeding it into Xiao Zhi's strongest assassin!

"Xiao Zhi, every Bug Type Pokémon of yours is an eye-opener for me!" Aaron started to doubt his life. Although Xiao Zhi's Bug Type Pokémon was only the second one he saw, the Scizor in front of him was even more impressive than the Heracross just now. He was amazed!

As the Elite Four of Bug Type, he also has the ability to understand the thoughts of Bug Type Pokémon and communicate with them. But the moment he saw Scizor, a fierce aura rushed towards him!

Xiao Zhi knows how he trains Pokémon!

"It's too early to be surprised!" Xiao Zhi smiled slightly, but his momentum suddenly increased. Scizor's big pliers pressed down slightly, and the sharp light was condensed but not emitted!

Feeling Xiao Zhi's momentum, Aaron couldn't help but launched the first attack, "Scizor, use X-Scissor!"

After all, it is a Bug Type Elite, so Aaron's attacks are naturally based on Bug Type. This X-Scissor is very powerful, and it is even more powerful when used by Scizor [This is indeed a skill that matches the power of Elite!

But for Xiao Zhi and Scizor, I will kill them with one knife!

Just waiting for Aaron's Scizor to come closer, Xiao Zhi's Scizor finally made a move!

It was also a cross slash struck with a pair of giant pincers. The light of the sword flashed in front of Aaron, blocking all his vision. At this moment, in front of him, only the cross sword in front of Scizor was left. mango!

As an Elite Four, he was trembling under the sword light!

His Scizor had no ability to fight back in front of the cross sword light. It couldn't even be knocked away. It just stood there upright!

This is a Pokémon battle, Scizor just lost its ability to fight!

When the knife fell, it was as if the air was cut, and the whole place fell into silence!

Only Xiao Zhi smiled calmly, watching as the light on Scizor's pair of giant pincers gradually faded away, and he stood up straight with his knife!
