
Chapter 604 Conquer! Plan Alola Exeggutor!

Under the leadership of the Rocket trio, Xiao Zhi and his team quickly found the Exeggcute.

As Miss Nana has learned, this Exeggcute does seem to be very belligerent.

At this moment, it is challenging a Weedle. The little bug is not Rival at all. It is obviously the most restrained Bug Type Pokémon against Exeggcute, but it was beaten by the combos of Leech Seed and Bullet Seed and was unable to fight back!

However, the scary thing about Pokémon like Weedle is not just one, but defeating one may attract a bunch of Beedrill!

Before the Rocket trio encountered this Exeggcute, they were Beat Up by Beedrill.

No, the moment Weedle lost his ability to fight, dense red eyes appeared on the treetops!

Dozens of Beedrills suddenly sprang out from the treetops, and the sharp Twineedle stabbed towards Exeggcute!

However, even in the face of such a predicament, this Exeggcute still did not panic at all. It suddenly glowed with blue Lucas, which made Xiao Zhi's eyes light up!

This is clearly the Psychic skill Extrasensory, and this move is controlled so subtly by it that it freezes all 14 Beedrills in place, and then they all fly away!

But it knew that it was not a good place to stay for a long time, so it quickly turned around and left!

And Xiao Zhi and Caizhong were standing in front of its path! Seeing Beedrill chasing after it, Xiao Zhi's eyes flashed with blue light, and he repeled them all.

Exeggcute is a very interesting Pokémon. It looks like six light pink eggs gathered in a pile, one of which has an exposed yolk.

But in fact, it has more to do with plant seeds.

According to Professor Oak's research, it is believed that these six eggs have telepathy that only they themselves can understand, allowing them to always stay in groups of six!

Of course, Xiao Zhi has seen a lot of Exeggcutes during his travels. The most thrilling one is the Exeggcute that his predecessor once met a magician!

Because the magician's performance was so bad, this Exeggcute actually hypnotized his predecessor and asked him to help the magician subdue a large group of Exeggutors. After that, Exeggcute evolved into Exeggutor and caused a big incident in the local area!

It was also during that incident that Charmander, who was still Charmander at the time, evolved into Charmeleon and became disobedient to his predecessor's orders.

But this time when he saw the Exeggcute in front of him with such a strong will to fight, Xiao Zhi suddenly had an idea and came up with a good idea!

It would be a pity for Exeggcute with such good qualifications and potential to evolve into the ordinary Exeggutor here. It is better to let it evolve into Alola Exeggutor with the dragon attribute, so that its potential can be maximized!

According to Professor Samson's research, although they are all Regional Variant differences, they are still different!

For example, Pokémon such as Alola's ice Vulpix and ice Sandshrew have already appeared as Regional Variants in their first evolutionary form.

Their form is already determined from the moment the Pokémon egg is born. Alola's Vulpix cannot evolve into Kanto's fire-type Vulpix. They also need different Ice Stones to assist in their evolution.

But Exeggcute and Pikachu are different. There is no difference between Exeggcute and Pikachu in Alola Region and Kanto and other regions. Only in Alola Region through the evolution of Leaf Stone and Thunder Stone, there will be differences in form!

However, although the Exeggutor in the Alola Region has the Dragon Type, his personality is not very compatible with Xiao Zhi!

But Xiao Zhi can completely conquer a more suitable Exeggcute in Sinnoh, send it to Professor Samson together with the Leaf Stone produced by the system, ask him to help evolve the Exeggcute into Alola Exeggutor, and then send it back to himself!

In this way, Xiao Zhi got a Dragon Type Alola Exeggutor that fits him well!

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi could still hold back, "Miss Caizhong, leave this Exeggcute to me!"

Without any explanation, he stepped forward and took out the Poké Ball and pointed it at Exeggcute, "Exeggcute, conquering battle!"

Perhaps it was the Psychic shown by Xiao Zhi just now that completely shocked it, and the Exeggcute jumped out to challenge!

"It's up to you, Turtwig!" Of course Xiao Zhi sent Turtwig, who was specially trained, to complete this conquering battle.

Turtwig was burning with fighting spirit and stood firm. Exeggcute took the lead in launching an attack, and a series of seeds roared towards Turtwig.

It is indeed a Pokémon related to seeds, and this Bullet Seed is really useful!

But on Xiao Zhi's side, Turtwig's Bullet Seed has also gone through a lot of practice. It doesn't even need Xiao Zhi's command. It opens its mouth and a bunch of seeds are released. Not only does it defeat most of Exeggcute's seeds, but many of them hit Exeggcute!

Turtwig has also endured a lot of seeds, but this is nothing to it!

"Energy Ball!"

Xiao Zhi started to attack. He was becoming more and more satisfied with Turtwig's combat performance. It had begun to have the awareness of a fort and could not move without moving!

The Energy Ball was condensed as quickly as possible and thrown directly towards Exeggcute's head. Even if this huge cannonball was not very effective, it still had to do a lot of damage!

However, in the smoke came the Growl of the eggs, and Turtwig suddenly lit up with a green light, and he fell into the smoke!

Then the smoke cleared, and Exeggcute reappeared in front of Xiao Zhi almost intact, with six eggs jumping one after another, as if they were taunting Xiao Zhi!

The Mega Drain skill absorbs Turtwig's energy and restores its own physical strength and injuries!

But it's also a grass-type skill, how much damage can it do?

It's a pity that Turtwig's skill structure now includes almost all grass-type skills except Dark Type's Bite!

Perhaps Exeggcute also thought of this. After jumping a few times, he started to use other Attribute skills. The six eggs suddenly stood still in sync, and all glowed with blue light!

He saw a magical force forcefully pulling Turtwig into the air, which was the Extrasensory skill he had just seen.

Exeggcute also 447 has a Psychic Type!

"Razor Leaf!"

Can't wait for Exeggcute to pull Turtwig higher and higher, this invisible force is causing harm to Turtwig!

To deal with Psychic skills, Xiao Zhi now only has experience!

After receiving the order, Turtwig opened his eyes suddenly, threw the Extrasensory on his head as hard as he could, and several flying knives hit Exeggcute from the air.

The momentum was astonishing. Exeggcute quickly let go of Turtwig and jumped to avoid the attack! He saw the leaf's flying knife falling to the ground and piercing deeply into the soil!

"Energy Ball!"

This moment was a good opportunity for Xiao Zhi to launch an attack, and another Energy Ball hit Exeggcute's head!

"Now!" Xiao Zhi threw the Poké Ball fiercely. After the red light flashed twice, he successfully subdued the Exeggcute.

The level of this Exeggcute is already quite high. He plans to train it for a period of time while it is still some distance away from Eterna City. When it reaches Eterna City, he will transport it to the Alola Region and ask Professor Samson to help it evolve into an Alola Exeggutor!

"We've conquered it!" Caizhong looked at Xiao Zhi's Poké Ball with envy, but since Xiao Zhi had already conquered it, she gave up.

Xiao Zhi smiled and said, "I will take it to challenge the Eterna Gym. Don't be surprised when the time comes!"